Sentences with phrase «scarcity where»

It creates scarcity where there is natural abundance.
They are an attempt by the home broadband monopolies to create very extreme levels of artificial scarcity where none exists, and to amplify and multiply many times over what already constitutes extreme price gouging.
You know we've moved from an era of energy scarcity where we were more concerned about sourcing our supply from countries around the world, some of which we knew were going to be unstable from time to time.

Not exact matches

The report doesn't predict when or where the water scarcity will become an issue.
The scarcity of capital in Pakistan, where lending rates and documentation requirements constrain car ownership, comes across as a key reason behind the distorted incentives underlying Uber's poor service quality.
And so, as we recover from Tuesday's budget and recoil at the spectacle that is the Cadman affair, let us all pause and mark this moment for it may be the last of an era, one we may come to know as the «pre-PBO» era, an era where, in the context of contrived «budgetary scarcity,» -LSB-...]
Do you live in a small town or city where there is scarcity of usable water?
It is the opposite of a scarcity mentality, where you have the belief that you always have to fight for your part in a limited world.
Further, because of the scarcity of regular clergymen the custom of hiring lay readers became common, and in some places these congregationally appointed officers were the backbone of the church.16 Hence it is not surprising that from an early date the greatest coolness toward and open opposition to completion of the Anglican Church in the colonies with an Episcopate came precisely from those areas where that Church was ostensibly established.
I grew up in a place, where the season completely dictated what we ate, which at times led to scarcity and deprivation, but made the periods of abundance that much sweeter.
Even in your case of allowing a «Garden of Eden» scenario where scarcity doesn't exist, the political and moral failings of Marxism would pervade the social and political organization of society to rend it apart.
You see, this government knows what's coming down the road is a situation where there is so much scarcity (caused by the looting of trillions of public money & illegal wars ordered by the bankers) so it wanted to have in place some «tougher» crowd / internet control measures for when we're all marching & protesting against these criminals.
In Utica, a former industrial hub in upstate New York where the near collapse of manufacturing has made for a scarcity of jobs and a rarity of good news, the announcement in August 2015 that an Austrian chip maker had decided to put down roots in a fabrication plant built by the state was cause for jubilation.
The cleric made the call on Wednesday in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, while addressing the Church of Nigeria's Standing Committee, where he also lamented the unending fuel scarcity in the country.
Carlock said that desalination is typically a last resort even in areas such as California and the Midwest where water scarcity is more common.
Measuring the proportion of massive stars is extremely difficult — primarily because of their scarcity — and there are only a handful of places in the local Universe where this can be done.
My interest grew to the point where I became frustrated at the lack of interest paid to the game by the sports science community in Australia and consequently the scarcity of opportunities.
«I don't believe that we've reached the level of scarcity in our food supply, at least in Western societies, where people would be willing to incorporate insects at any level in their diet,» White says.
As water scarcity and quality issues grow in California and around the world, a new book co-edited by UC Riverside water economist Ariel Dinar and water experts in Spain and Argentina examines the experience of 15 countries where conservation has been achieved through water - pricing incentive systems.
There is a need to improve the understanding of water impacts and dependencies at local levels, where the impacts of water scarcity or water abundance are directly felt.
From that perspective, it becomes clear that humans are prone to obesity because our bodies evolved in an environment of scarcity, where consuming as much high - energy food as possible was a useful survival strategy.
China's wetlands have shrunk nearly 9 percent since 2003, forestry officials said on Monday, aggravating water scarcity in a country where food production, energy output and industrial activity are already under pressure from water shortages.
Writing in the journal, Conservation Biology, scientists recommend the adoption of measures to mitigate against a range of effects including; food scarcity (where fisheries compete for the same resources), being caught in fishing nets, oil pollution and climate change.
«Our work highlights opportunities for addressing water scarcity in China by adjusting where water intensive crops are grown and how they are traded» said Mauzerall.
BEIJING (Reuters)- China's wetlands have shrunk nearly 9 percent since 2003, forestry officials said on Monday, aggravating water scarcity in a country where food production, energy output and industrial activity are already under pressure from water shortages.
«Issues such as climate change, increasing global population, scarcity of agricultural land and rapidly changing consumer preferences, particularly in developing countries where there is increasing demand for high quality animal protein,» Associate Professor Wilkinson says.
By helping you see the obvious flaw in the mindlessness of «scarcity» thinking, meditation will redirect your focus to where it matters most, swinging your life right back into balance, allowing you to feel whole again.
Rather than be in scarcity mode where you have to entice the opposite sex to give you what you want, why not be clear on what you want from the start?
Even if you prefer a more creative experience you can tailor the difficulty to that end, or ramp up the scarcity for a true survival experience, where battling the elements almost feels more like a real - time strategy.
Starring Tom Hardy as the title character alongside OFCS nominee Charlize Theron, Mad Max: Fury Road is about a post-apocalyptic world where water scarcity has led to intense conflicts.
While bathroom stalls are provided in numerous locations, the absence of autosave or the scarcity or oversight of a bathroom can make for a frustrating experience where you'll find yourself respawning and having to gather all your most recent quests or unlocks all over again.
Water scarcity: Asia is the contient most at risk because it is where all humanity resides.
«We put a huge amount of stock in a process where the things that drive quality in the traditional educational model come from scarcity and very positive student selection.»
In a world where scarcity is artificial — thanks to the ability to 3 - D print food, clothing, and shelter — the hyper - rich zottas are only getting richer, and there's no advancement in the workforce.
In particular, Kathryn Rusch has a brilliant article where she uses a scarcity vs. abundance analogy to describe the publishing industry: most every writer, publisher, agent, editor, reviewer was raised in a scarcity model, where book shelf space was limited, publishing contracts few, and rarity was equated with quality.
Not unlike musicians who now make more of their money from performances and merchandise than from music sales, in a digital comics economy that effectively eliminates scarcity and where the market seems to favor lower or discounted prices, comics creators may increasingly need to rely on ancillary products for income.
The reason for this, especially in a digital setting where scarcity doesn't apply, is to build buzz and make your fans feel special.
But they may miss one selling point in their business: finding new readers in new markets through new stores where Amazon and other major retailers are not the most dominant ones and where English language content is still a scarcity.
One is the scarcity of desirable land near where people want to live.
Commodities, while certainly in great demand most of the time due to increasing scarcity among many basic materials, tend to fluctuate greatly in value based on where the overall economic business cycle is at.
With scarcity, there is also a dynamic pricing opportunity as well, where an item can have a low starting price and limited quantity with price increases as it gets close to selling out.
Even if you prefer a more creative experience you can tailor the difficulty to that end, or ramp up the scarcity for a true survival experience, where battling the elements almost feels more like a real - time strategy.
Thanks to the scarcity of ammo, the meaningless effect of ranged weapons feel especially deflating, but it is by no means a universal occurrence — the Waywatcher's bow, for example, has thrice the ammunition of a pistol and can systematically one shot people regardless of where they're hit.
I love what Nintendo is doing as far as making games for their games consoles to play games on, but they seem almost determined to shit where they eat with their implementation of artificial scarcity and draconian media policies.
As Andy heads abroad for a conference on «planetary emergencies», I'll be bringing you occasional updates from the consumptive heart of the nation's desert West, Las Vegas, where clean energy prophets and political luminaries are gathered to discuss how the imperatives of climate change, fossil fuel scarcity and national security ought to reshape our energy future.
Africa has faced drought, famine and disease since before Biblical times, and armed conflict is far more likely where a lack of electricity perpetuates poverty, scarcity and dashed hopes.
Even being overweight or physically inactive in regions where we typically understand life to be characterised by scarcity of food, and hard physical labour are each bigger problems than climate change.
Ditto, those same interests are served by institutions that manufacture scarcity, where there is proven abundance, albeit an abundance that the vapid individuals who profit from scarcity see no way to profit from, other than by denying access to it.
Increased frequency of droughts, heat waves, and water scarcity are all predicted for the region, where low - lying areas — including 43 port cities — could also face coastal flooding with a global temperature rise of as little as 1 degree.
Growing world food insecurity is ushering in a new geopolitics of food scarcity, one where competition for land and water is crossing national boundaries.
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