Sentences with phrase «scary costumes make»

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This IS in fact a wearable costume, which makes it a little scarier.
The result is a pan full of pumpkin - y, spicy, moist, delicious bars that will make you want to tie your hair up in a high bun, put on your best flannel, throw on your Ugg's, and go do any (or all) of the following activities: watch football, drink lattes, pick apples, see a scary movie, shop for a Halloween costume.
There are tons of practical and very innovative ideas, basic pumpkin carving to making scary window silhouettes, lamp shades, and simple but scary costumes without having to lose an arm and a leg buying all the supplies.
This Halloween, make sure that the only scary thing you have to face are frightful costumes and the idea of spending hours in a dentists» office.
As a nod to our almost - Halloween posting date this month, the Career Collective (a community of blogging career coaches, resume writers and other career experts) is writing about how to avoid «scary» career mistakes and how to make sure your career «costume» fits you.
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