Sentences with phrase «scary feelings just»

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Thanks to the courage of other moms, I knew ahead of time that pregnancy after a miscarriage would be scary, that just because breastfeeding is «natural» doesn't mean it's easy, that my marriage and body and worldview would inevitably change, that «sometimes you feel two feelings at the same time, and that's okay.»
This is how scary I country has become... the fact that this pastor can feel so comfortable in his insane rantings is because the right wing and their attempt to social engineer now that they got some power thru their fear mongering and the tea party types is just putting us into a free fall to the dark ages of prejudice and social control we fought so many decades to evolve from...
It's scary how susceptible we are to believing that God can be summonsed by conjuring up a feeling using just the right music.
Some days its just little non scary things like athletes foot or another cold that just make my journey back to full health feel longer and other days they are very scary confusing symptoms that quickly send me deteriorating into a panic.
You get the feeling the weight being lifted off their shoulders have allowed them to just play more freely and they've improved as a result, a scary thought for the rest of the League.
If you're not a compulsive documenter like me, that might sound a little bit scary (personally, I just feel beaten at my own game by a noble foe).
If you have ever been in a vehicle accident, especially one where your kids were in the car, you understand just how scary that feeling really is.
Sunny Gault: Men that is scary because then I feel like there is a lot of pressure, I feel like that puts, am not talking just about circumcision but I feel that puts a lot of pressure on Moms in general to my gosh if I make any quote on quote mistake in life, it is going to totally... Angela Moore: The pressure that Sonny has talked about, I personally do not prescribe to that.
Then, when you add in scary TV shows and sleepovers, it can feel like you need a whole playbook just to help your child sleep.
I need to tuck it away and use it — when open adoption gets scary or uncomfortable — as a reminder to overly analytical me about the value in «just feeling
I HATE those creepy monitors that are black and white, it feels like a scary movie and I am just waiting for some scary lady to pop her head into the screen!
In those early baby stages when we first started attachment parenting, I realized just how much of my son's life was completely and totally out of his control, and how scary that must feel like.
It's just that most people yearn for that and that's why «dying alone (figuratively)» feels scary and sad.
And there's just so much going on at that age that makes it a tough, tough time — they don't really nap yet, their nighttime sleep is falling apart (thank you 4 - month sleep regression), you may be back at work or seriously wondering what made you decide not to go back to work and either way it screws with your head, you probably haven't lost the baby weight yet and don't feel sexy but then there's Scary Spice doing the cha - cha looking like a brick house, and your baby is probably not as fat as your doctor wants him or her to be, and it all just sucks.
We learned a ton of really useful, practical information that made labor and birth feel way less scary and much more approachable, and it was a dedicated few hours a week where instead of having to worry about work and everything else, we got to just focus on the fact that our baby was actually coming.
Your goal, as a parent, is to help a willful toddler understand that they should stop whatever important activity they are doing when they feel the urge to go and use the scary porcelain monster in the bathroom rather than conveniently just go in a diaper.
It feels scary, like skinny dipping, at first, but if you pump to stimulate production after each feeding, be sure to QUIT PUMPING and just rely on breastfeeding after your production seems to be up.
And yes, sometimes it can feel scary or uncomfortable, but these are pure, beautiful moments of growth when kids learn just how similar they are to others even if they look, speak, or respond to situations differently.
When I can't sleep at night, need to return a scary telephone call, or make a presentation, I duck into the bathroom, do this shiver for just a minute or two, and remind myself, «It's okay to feel scared.
Eating more can feel scary sometimes, as we often worry we will gain weight, or maybe we just don't feel hungry!
So today's look is a little bit inspired by a f r i e n dl y Halloween look — for everone who doesn't want to be anything just in bloddy and scary:D For that one's who love to feel like a princess...
Since moving to England I feel like I have to up my scary costume game, because they think Halloween costumes have to be scary or creepy and you can't just be anything you want.
I did a class once and it all just felt a little too scary for me (getting thrown around by big sweaty men... eek!)
«I'm wearing some at the moment — they are not nearly as scary with flat heels, but they look just as sexy — and I tone down the look with a loose sweater dress so the whole thing feels relaxed rather than high voltage.»
First dates can be just as scary We know that meeting someone for the first time might make you feel a bit nervous.
Wan's film wasn't just scary, it was terrifying, and his stylistic choices truly made the film feel like it was cut straight from the 1970's horror cinema scene.
Aside from the fact he is not that scary to look at and is quite disarming, he's just not interesting and too wooden to feel empathy for.
The results are mixed in this painfully - middling survival horror, mainly because it feels like every element of horror is just aping past glories like Silent Hill 2 or 3 without really understanding what made them scary.
I don't know about you but when I see the monsters in movies like these ones they just feel so much scarier.
It was scary to see the numbers up on the screen of just how many of our children have felt so sad that they have thought about and / or attempted suicide.
In addition to this we also work with firms of just one and two people where taking on a member of staff feels much scarier.
It's still absorbing, challenging and just a bit scary when you want to wring it out, but at the same time it's calmer, more controlled and you feel even more at the centre of things.
The brakes felt very spongy and the feeling is very scary when you stomp the brake pedal at high speeds because there is just no confidence.
I just published my book, and it was an incredible feeling to hold it in my hands and to see the listing on Amazon, but the most scary, amazing feeling was knowing that it was out there, in Arizona and Pennsylvania and Wyoming and that people I had never met, were seeing the story that had, until this point only been between my mind and a few family and students.
In general what makes golden retrievers the best pet is its overall personality, it is a dog that enjoys being around people and doing things that will make people happy and its face is so cute you just feel good having it around as it does not look as scary as some other pets.
I would like it to be exciting & scary just like when a hunter first encounters a monster they never hunted before & that the style of the movie stays with Japanese feel.
There's nothing all that scary about Weeping Doll; any sort of creepy imagery just tends to fall flat and the game's voice acting can, at times, make the game feel more comedy than horror.
Universal Studios and Konami felt the need to make your Halloween 2012 just a bit more scary by introducing the world of Silent Hill into the mix.
the interview was very informative and it makes good sense to approach selling art with a good business mind, I felt relief as I enjoy both the arts and commerce skills and see that selling is an art and an artist should not have trouble in designing a path that will work out sales special interest groups in other social networks this is just another journey a new color on the canvas I can do this thanks Cory your channel has been an inspiration I printed and sold 6 prints the first time I pitched I was selling prints of my work all with in a week end among friends I have now professionally digitized my work for reproduction online and want to offer a nice web gallery and this is where it's scary I'm an artist not enjoying computer mode I moved from an area with an art culture in Cincinnati to rural where artist is odd man in town so this is nice chatting with creative people thank you to Melissa for her uplifting input as well blessings to all
Like we're in the right ratio when you're swimming in the ocean and the wave comes and you just feel so vulnerable, and something about that is extremely scary, and correct.
There is rarely just one answer to a challenge, and each party may cling to their «truth» because the alternative feels so scary.
The best way to curb back to school anxiety is to talk to yours kids and make sure they know that just because they feel nervous about something doesn't make it bad or scary.
I need to tuck it away and use it — when open adoption gets scary or uncomfortable — as a reminder to overly analytical me about the value in «just feeling
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