Sentences with phrase «scary for»

That's too bad for your child, and scary for the rest of us.
«It can be very scary for district leadership to look at things differently.
«I'm not so sure our legislators are committed enough to keep schools open, and that's scary for me,» she said.
At a brainstorming meeting weeks later, we came upon the idea to have our middle school students advise Jefferson's medical students about how to make hospitals less scary for children, possibly incorporating a maker emphasis.
They'll bring a team of medical professionals to our school with specialized medical equipment, supplies, and two videos custom - produced for us — all designed to help our students empathize with pediatric patients and generate ideas for making the hospital experience less scary for kids.
Meltdowns are labor - intensive for the teachers, labor - intensive for the schools, scary for the kids, and expensive.
As a teacher whose entire course is on Google Classroom — from daily agendas to resources, links, and student comments — this was scary for me at first.
Jorge is providing encouragement and feedback as we develop our young entrepreneurs and their respective ventures, starting with students who worked on last year's collaborative project with JeffDESIGN to make children's hospitals less scary for kids.
Although «Visual Studio» sounds a little scary for someone not familiar with programming, no programming knowledge is required to use the storyboarding feature.
The next day, three teams of seventh - grade students traveled to Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia to present their ideas for making hospitals less scary for child patients.
Our seventh - grade students have the incredible opportunity to work with a team of medical professionals from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in response to the provocation, «How might we make the hospital experience less scary for kids?»
As well, battle scene between gigantic dragons (that look like close cousins of Godzilla) might be a little scary for very young viewers.
A basic haunted house story that's way too scary for tots, Monster House held me almost to the end, when its need to hit all the notes of a conventional action / suspense climax finally wore me down a little.
«I feel, whether you're famous or not, transitions are scary for anybody.
So there we have it: while not without some caveats, most of the critics are saying that It is worth your while and is deliciously scary for those of you who have the ability to watch horror movies with joy instead of the cringing terror that afflicts me.
Disney's return to traditional hand - drawn animation is a hugely enjoyable fairytale adventure with likeable characters, decent songs and some great gags, though some of the scenes may be too scary for very young children.
Warning: Some scenes might be too morbid or scary for very young kids, but I think older kids would probably like this movie.
He is willing to risk his life for others and no challenge is too scary for him, not even when an earthquake hits.
The movie is a little scary for young kids — there were a few squealing and covering their eyes, but overall it's a NICE scary (nothing like The Witches adaptation which had me crying for days after I saw it as a youngun).
It was scary for me to take it on, because I had never done anything like this before.
Although there's an undeniable «Scooby - Doo» - like quality to the film, it'll be interesting to see how directors Chris Butler and Sam Fell manage the creepiness factor after many complained that «Coraline» was too scary for younger kids.
Wish Upon is a horror movie scary for i...
Martin might justifiably be wary of that because capturing the performance in a limited period of time can be scary for any director, but we finally decided that if we didn't get it done in time, then we'd come back.
In brief: the movie deals with Perseus battling demonic creatures such as Margaret Thatcher, er sorry, that would have been too scary for the kids, I meant Medusa, oversized scorpion monsters, the Kraken, etc..
A fair warning that the darker tones and approach will be too scary for little kids.
I would consider this trailer too scary for a 13 year old.
But then again most horror trailers are too scary for a 13 year old.
Yet it seems too scary for young kids, too immature for teens, and even less likely to interest adults.
Parents should take caution as some of the darker moments, especially the climax, may be too scary for wee little moviegoers.
While the story builds sympathy for their fears, it never becomes too scary for even the youngest of audiences.
Zombies haven't been especially scary for a few years now — it's hard to be frightened of things you've seen eviscerated, burned and otherwise pulverized across countless comics, movies, TV shows...
Lighting and Cruz end up competing in what they think is a race but what turns out to be a demolition derby (pretty scary for G).
Extremely scary for a next gen game.
The movie is neither funny nor particularly scary for a supposed horror - comedy, and the characters are so awful right out of the gate that you don't care whether they survive or not.
The emotional beats are right on cue - although this can be called into question slightly in the closing minutes of the movie - and the action scenes are visceral, real and are actually incredibly scary for a PG - 13 movie.
Are they afraid it will be too scary for kids?
Sounds a touch scary for a Disney movie, but COCO is presented in such a way that makes this strange land an appealing and vivid experience, not a place to be feared.
Scary for many, too skinny for others, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan remains one of the symbols of this «neo-classicism gaming» which is reflected in a market more vibrant and faceted.
Maybe you've convinced Committing to a partner is scary for all kinds of reasons.
People will read your profile or Committing to a partner is scary for all kinds of reasons.
This is an attempt to explain why otherwise successful Committing to a partner is scary for all kinds of reasons.
Last updated on January 5, 2015 by scary for kids.
Have two calves, and it can be scary for a man to take the initiative, but they still best senior dating.
Online dating can be scary for many reasons, and, for this older demographic, Judi understands there are more obstacles than for other age groups.
Because at 26 i'm still not sure and that may be scary for some of you, but for some of you maybe it's a chance to teach.
Internet dating is not something scary for a long time already, not something extraordinary.
The reality is online dating can be very scary for a lot of people, and if you fall into this category, you're far from alone.
@Pearl «It may be scary for insecure wives or something like that.»
when it comes down to it... sex is pretty messy and scary for the woman imo.»
It may be scary for insecure wives or something like that.
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