Sentences with phrase «scary noises while»

Feel free to make funny or scary noises while you do this, but not to the point of causing them phycological issues!
The traditional approach, she says, is desensitization, which entails gradually introducing your dog to scary noises while offering him rewards.

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They are too small, often covered, or have some sort of gadget or contraption that makes noise, moves or does some other scary thing a cat would rather not experience while eliminating.
For example, if your puppy seems to be frightened while sitting on your lap in a schoolyard full of children, then sit further away from the action and offer your pup a delicious treat each time a scary noise or movement happens.
If you're going to be using a blow dryer, keep in mind that many puppies might find the noise scary — turn it on several feet away to allow your dog to get used to the noise, bring it slowly closer while feeding lots of treats, and keep it on a warm setting to keep your pup comfortable.
Your next step is to purchase a CD of scary noises, and play it softly while you ask your dog to do one of his tricks.
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