Sentences with phrase «scary number»

That's a pretty scary number, especially given the known health risks associated with smoking.
But that's a really scary number that will take an enormously long period to achieve.
That potentially scary number above is what you'll leave your surviving family if you don't get term life insurance to cover them.
«We don't have the final numbers yet,» Hertz said, but what he is hearing informally suggests that «they are not scary numbers
The Daily Telegraph yesterday published a set of Big Scary Numbers around ambitious action on climate change, leading to lower economic growth, lower wage growth and the winding down of the coal industry.
The thing to remember when you read big scary numbers on climate blogs is — the scientist's responsibility is to try to find all the relevant information and bring it all into the discussion (and figure out what's missing and needs more work).
Scary number connotations aside (seriously, Google «the number 23»... or just rent the Jim Carrey movie), D23 is an enormously important event in the movie news calendar.
McKibben's July 2012 Roling Stone article «Global Warming's Terrifying New Math» tosses out scary numbers such as «Saudi authorities reported that it had rained in Mecca despite a temperature of 109 degrees, the hottest downpour in the planet's history.»
CO2 closer to RCP6.0 than the IPCC's obviously extreme RCP8.5, we don't get scary numbers and we have good certainty about the projections of human influence on the climate.
These scary numbers could crowd out investment in the private sector and result in global investors demanding much higher interest rates on Treasuries.
I might be off by 5 or 10 percentage points, but it's definitely a big, scary number.
He admits it's a scary number to look at initially, so if you're just starting out, set this aside and come back to it later.
WELLER: Well, let «s look at that scary numbers a little bit more, in particularly health care numbers.
That's a big and scary number, no question.
I'm not even going to mention the large percentage of American Catholics who violate this edict by using contraception on a regular basis... or the hypocrisy of Catholic hierarchy who went to great lengths to cover - up some very un-Godly behavior by a scary number of its priests
I doubt we'll ever see a secular (intelligent) electorate in my lifetime, though — these are some scary numbers:
That's a scary number.
Even early in the year, during tight wins over teams like UTSA and Cal, the defense was giving up a scary number of big plays.
Deutsche Bank and the MIT folks hope that seeing these huge numbers scroll by on a giant billboard will make people more aware of what we're doing to the planet, just as billboards with the U.S. national debt try to raise awareness about another scary number.
«These are scary numbers,» says Gary Kendrick, a co-investigator on the project from University of Western Australia at Crawley, Australia.
The scary number is not a forecast.
Most kids are exposed to a scary number of chemicals on a daily basis, and even babies are born with chemicals in their umbilical blood.
Even at six foot six inches that was a scary number to accept.
Still a scary number.
I'll be 22 in 6 months and while 21 still sounds pretty young 22 is a scary number!
Zachary Quinto is the young brainiac who gets handed a flash - drive with the scary numbers on it, and whose calculations of what the firm has gotten itself into lead to a late - night emergency meeting of the board, and a last - ditch sell - off.
However, what will really frighten you silly is an altogether hairier, scarier number - 47,000.
Those are scary numbers, but I'm not scared of them.
Fortunately, the evidence doesn't agree with the scary numbers.
These are some scary numbers: 15 % of Canadians do not purchase Travel Medical Insurance while travelling to the South and only 39 % get it when going to States!
The Canadian Federation of Students published a report in April titled The Political Economy of Student Debt in Canada, and they quote some scary numbers:
Let's start with some scary numbers: Your income will be taxed at more than one of 28 possible tax rates.
If this is a scary number, not to worry, the bank also considers other factors when reviewing an application for approval.
There are a scary number of contenders here.
A scary number I'm sure but nowhere near those catastrophic 3 to 6 meters I can read about here.
Only massive amounts of positive feedback, as assumed by the IPCC, can turn this 0.6 °C into a scary number.
The carbon footprint of the holidays adds up fast — presents, food, travel — to make one scary number.
That's a scary number.
Despite all of these scary numbers, roughly 7 out of 10 businesses don't carry EPLI insurance.
These are some scary numbers: 15 % of Canadians do not purchase Travel Medical Insurance while travelling to the South and only 39 % get it when going to States!
In tough job markets, it's much more competitive than even those scary numbers.
Also, a scary number I noticed on Zillow the other day was that home prices will rise a projected 22 % on Maui next year.I bit concerning to see that kind of spike.
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