Sentences with phrase «scary picture»

There are plenty of ways to paint scary pictures of what could happen if you don't have life insurance to protect your family.
It is the tendency to a psychological or emotional denial in those of us who intellectually acknowledge the reality of this very scary picture.
This doesn't just apply to sending scary pictures of celebrities.
In a 2014 study, Freed also confronted parents with scary pictures and a tragic story.
But as far as dating profiles go pitiful profiles and some frankly scary pictures.
Those five ill - fated friends are readily recognizable archetypes from scary pictures both ironic and sincere.
nfs then comes by and provides an excellent if somewhat scary picture of what's actually behind the curtains of Rob's inherited online Gronkulators.
We see scary pictures of dry riverbeds (the result of global warming), along with plenty of pretty solutions like wind turbines and solar panels.
The 2008 candidates for U.S. president - Republican or Democrat - seem hardly to acknowledge any of the interconnected, scary picture Brown paints.
I think those are some of the most scariest pictures I have ever seen.
Now to some of you that conjures up scary pictures.
Ironically, this time it was Gove himself who was using Albania as a scary picture.
A new study paints a scary picture of how raindrops can help spread bacteria.
I know it is a scary picture.
This scary picture, a remake of a 2003 Korean horror film by British brothers Charles and Thomas Guard, is three movies in one: a psychological thriller, a murder mystery and a zombie flick.
A big quiz in slideshow and printable format, scary pictures to inspire art and creative writing activities, colouring sheets, masks to colour and cut out, mental maths with a scary twist and a word search.
It's a scary picture, isn't it?
However, this scary picture raises an obvious question.
We will not use any scary pictures to get our point across, we believe the facts are scary enough.
Getting our priorities right — which means understanding that the problems with the scariest pictures aren't necessarily the ones we should focus on.
HOWEVER, when you dive deeper into extreme weather metrics through the lens of government data and peer - reviewed science, as opposed to scary pictures and videos spewed out by the climate - obsessed fake news media, there really isn't any data that supports the EW catastrophe meme.
Sometimes the agent just paints a scary picture without any supporting numbers, suggesting that the base whole life policy has a guaranteed maximum cost but the riders don't.
The reality is that renters insurance statistics paint a scary picture for renters who don't have insurance coverage.
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