Sentences with phrase «scary ride»

While there's not really a lot to do here in terms of gameplay, it's an occasionally scary ride that fans of the genre would appreciate.
You may have noticed that parks and fairs display warning signs next to their bigger and scarier rides which advise pregnant women not to ride them.
I'm glad you are coming along for the somewhat scary ride!!
I convinced Sprog 1 to go on some less scary rides with me (though she moaned and bitched about how lame they were) to get my adrenaline racing.
It is a scary ride.
My time as a pastor of a local church came to an end because it is a scarier ride to strap yourself into than the traditional way of gathering around common belief.
As for Team Bartlett, it might have been a scarier ride than some anticipated but they moved on..
However, if roller coasters and scary rides aren't that appealing to you, don't forget that there are theme parks geared toward a younger audience that are still full of fun rather than full of fear.
Compared to some of the scarier rides (SAW — The Ride, Stealth and Swarm), it was just a really fun ride, with very little fear element.
As it is, though, once gamers acclimate their aiming and focus their efforts on the demon - hunting adventure found in the shadows of the debauchery, Shadows of the Damned is a sometimes - scary ride to Hades and back.
If this horror film is as intense as the trailer suggests, it could be a scary ride.
«There wasn't enough tread left to grip the road very well, and the recent pilings of snow and ice made for a scary ride home from Chicago as I tried to outrun an impending snow storm.»
Must have been a scary ride.
Although it was always a world - class speed demon, a C6 at its limits is one of the scariest rides that doesn't involve rodeo clowns.
Tires sheared off long before, so it was a clunky and scary ride to a place that a tow truck could find me.
Conventional portfolios almost always contain a healthy dollop of bonds, because investing can be a wild and scary ride, and bonds can cushion the bumps without significantly hurting your returns.
To me, the answer reminded me of what I say to myself when I go on a scary ride at Six Flags with my kids.
Brace Yourself: Not all the scariest rides are roller coasters, a fact that everyone who has been to the top of the Space Needle - like Stratosphere hotel in Vegas knows only too well.
Read more about my scariest experience here: The scariest ride of my life
This has been one scary ride on KS but it's happening!!
Sadly, now my scary rides make more sense.
It could make for a very bumpy and scary ride for your passengers...... your clients!
I couldn't, because I was minding fraidy - cat Sprog 2, whose idea of a scary ride is the the little rocket ships that go round and round very slowly, then occasionally up and down (a few millimetres) to break the monotony.
I am a devoted coward when it comes to scary rides, but I might venture in one of these, lured by the architecture!
Although... I think the scariest ride in Magic Kingdom is the Snow White ride (do they still have that)?
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