Sentences with phrase «scary sounds»

Make scary sound effects and use your imagination to make it fun!
Walk into any veterinarian office and you will smell all sorts of funny smells, see other animals and hear scary sounds.
Given the stress of being in unfamiliar territory, with strange and often scary sounds, smells, and handling, it's no surprise that cats in shelters are vulnerable.
Because it's very scary sounding the the older dog gets on the puppy.
All that means is a regular show with scary music and a few scary sound effects!
Despite how scary this sounds, most companion animals are unable to get into a large enough amount of plant material to cause systemic signs.
So if you're looking to overhaul your home to make it a little more natural, then have a look at the ingredients in what you're using now and if they contain slightly scary sounding ingredients then have a go at a DIY product (there are so many recipes online — try a site like Mind Body Green to get started) or try finding a more natural brand that avoids some of the chemicals we talked about above.
I didn't want to use food colouring as it is so scary sounding!
Simpson and his colleagues wanted to know if clownfish would still avoid scary sounds (and water full of predators) in water with a lower pH.
I'm not a fan of buying bbq sauce it always has such scary sounding ingredients.
Also I did not enjoy the weird, almost scary sounds in Touch and Contact.
Just when you're sated with this wild riff on pomp and circumstance, the warriors of Wakanda's mountain tribe, the Jabari, arrive thumping and vocalizing in their own scary sound and threatening tempo.
Just like with scratching post training, a loud scary sound or a quick squirt of water can be enough to let your cat know that the biting was not a good thing.
He is no longer allowed to go to doggie daycare because of neutered males showing aggression towards him (I have seen him «stand up for himself» and get in a couple of scuffles — no damage to either dog, just scary sounding.
Scary sounding technical terms, but don't fret, however.
While other developers just throw whatever scary sounds seem to kinda work at their monsters, id time and time again has crafted genuinely kinda terrifying grunts, screams, and howls for their demons.
Other ingredients are not as scary sounding but Wired does its best to make you run away.
Also, as for the argument that it turns to wood alcohol in the stomach, not only do I think we'd have a few big lawsuits by blinded people by now, the fact is many things we consume (the cyanide in apple seeds for example) are genuinely alarming until you realize your stomach is a bag of hydrochloric acid and obliterates most scary sounding stuff.
Despite how scary this sounds («I might be depriving my baby of oxygen without knowing it»), according to a recent research review, back sleeping is safe for the vast majority of pregnant women.
Vet Stress Walk into any veterinarian office and you will smell all sorts of funny smells, see other animals and hear scary sounds.
Now, as the food manufacturing industry is keeping up with consumer demand, scary sounding and artificial looking ingredients are increasingly fading from food packages.
Former Hammer, Junior Stanislas, who has just signed a new 3 year deal with Bournemouth is absent from their squad (with a scary sounding inguinal hernia injury) but new signing Marc Wilson, formerly of Stoke City, may make a first start.
In October, Edge Adventures is going all out for Halloween with spooky lights, scary sounds and creepy décor on the Haunted Treetop Trails.
How scary it sounds!
Scary sounds and convulsions are part of an exorcism.
Using the simple tactics of camera angles, scary sounds and darkened sets rather than an excess of complicated computer generated special effects, the movie manages to create a sense of suspense.
Each year hundreds of dogs are lost as they run away due to the scary sounds of explosives.
Whether these are spacious adoption «suites» or stacked, metal cages, being confined this way is tremendously stressful on displaced dogs, cooped up with strange and scary sounds, smells and sights.
And we're all familiar with some scary sounding chemicals, too, like chlorine - a green, poisonous gas.
An alarmingly high number of dogs are lost during fireworks displays because they're trying to get away from the scary sounds, which is why it's so important that your dog has identification on him or her at all times.
The campaign, zombie horde mode, interchangeable load outs and characters, action packed gameplay, and terrifying graphics and scary sounds, all blend together to create a video game master piece.
The problem with all of these scary sounding statements is that they are totally meaningless.
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