Sentences with phrase «scary things because»

First - time mammograms are scary things because you don't know what to expect.
You can tell «Traffik» is a serious movie about scary things because it's spelled with a «k.» «Traffic,» who cares?
When anyone loses too much weight it can be a scary thing because it means there is something wrong with your body.
«That's a scary thing because, seriously, there is no exploration going on today,» Per Wullf, CEO of the offshore drilling company Seadrill Ltd., said by telephone.
Opening your insurance renewal packet can be a scary thing because even if you haven't made a claim, your rates could still increase.

Not exact matches

Confident people are more successful because they seize opportunities and do things insecure people think of as scary.
If you have one of these, congratulations on being willing to save tax now (that will have to be paid later), but it's time to start running for the hills because these things are scary and full of problems.
But because she had put off decision making about her relationship for 10 years, it was the scariest, most dreadful thing in the world.
Confident people are more successful because they seize opportunities and do things insecure people think of as scary (think public speaking).
But she acknowledges that people get concerned easily because, «Wireless power is this mystical, scary thing that we're unfamiliar with.»
«During such scary periods, you should never forget two things: First, widespread fear is your friend as an investor, because it serves up bargain purchases.
'' [During scary periods such as major market panics] you should never forget two things: First, widespread fear is your friend as an investor, because it serves up bargain purchases.
Just because there are scary things, it doesn't mean you need to invite them.
As a matter of fact, Where the Wild Things Are fails because it's not scary enough for your kids.
Marketing fear isn't a good plan for tinies, in my humble opinion, I like to guard their gates because I tend to think that if I set scary or evil or even just stupid things before their eyes and ears, then I can't be surprised with the scary or evil or stupid things take up residence in their hearts and minds.
I don't do bad things not because some scary demon is gonna torture me for all eternity but because it's the right thing to do.
Characters in zombie films are willing to do terrible things to each other because of the fear of zombies and the urge for self preservation, while, in the real world, things like the use of torture (or «advanced interrogation»), preemptive war and drone strikes were being debated as options to fight a threat even scarier than zombies: terrorism.
You should be saying «The scary thing is that you sound like someone much older than your actual age» because I am definitely not old enough to vote yet.
I don't like Halloween mainly because I am not a fan of scary things (horror movies, zombies, vampires, haunted hay rides etc) but I do LOVE the candy that goes with Halloween celebrations so I am in full support of this holiday.
Anyway this «kid» will get off your lawn and turn off my «evil rock and roll (or hip hop or whatever the next scary thing is to old people)» now... but don't think for a second just because you are older than me you more about the world.
«The thing that they were able to do was get some pressure on Armanti coming off the edge, and that was a little scary at times,» Satterfield says, «because he was taking some hits.
«But it's pretty easy to find out that in no way should they be stored for long periods of time because any trace of pathogens that are in there could grow into much scarier things
like some scary cartoon bullies, and when my mother tried to feed me things that would curl my stomach because «They worked for me!»
It took me another two hours to fall back asleep, mostly because I'm a poor sleeper, but also because one of the things I wasn't prepared for when my baby slept through the night was believing that he was just sleeping (and not something way scarier).
Because it's one thing to give stickers every time a child brushes his or her teeth; there's nothing painful or scary about it.
HOPE LIEN: She did actually and even though that was a little bit scary to think about for me I was also really excited and I thought that it was really amazing and such a giving thing she will also give you that because I can't imagine how hard something like that would be to nurse a baby that you know that you're not going to keep.
While I believe giving birth should be a natural experience (because of the number of unnecessary inductions for convenience, Pitocin augmentation that led to early epidural that ended with a C - S for failure to progress) I would have to say that the thought of an unassisted birth at home is the scariest thing I have heard lately.
When you put a baby in their crib already asleep and they have a partial or full arousal in the middle of the night it can be scary for them, because last thing they knew they were in your arms, not in their crib.
This is a story that I take to heart because growing up I was taught that birth was a scary thing that was meant to be endured with drugs and a doctor taking control of the situation.
«I wanted to reach out to you because things had gotten to such a crazy and scary level,» Coughlan said.
Scary thing is, because of the collectcive idocy of the electorate, this right wing nut, Paladino, may just get elected.....
Because of my experience changing fields, I feel equipped to do all of these things, and although it was scary and difficult at times, I believe the experience will make me a better scientist in the long run.
It's a little bit, you know, people tend to identify it with genetically modified food, and again there's no genetic modification that goes on in this process; or they identify it with things that are scary because they don't understand.
And, most of all, Im so grateful, because, the truth is, it was a really scary thing.
The subtitle for my book is, Join The Movement To Solve Chronic Disease and Fall Back in Love With Medicine, because the other massive issue that we're facing... Chronic disease is a huge issue, but I don't know if you know this, but physician suicide is a massive thing in America, so much so that a million patients... If you multiply the numbers of doctors that commit suicide each year by their patient base, it's over a million people, and that's really scary, and there's a lot of suicide.
The cleanse was like most things that result in anxiety because you spend too much time thinking about it — not nearly as scary as it seems.
The scary thing is that I'm starting to join in — because I just can't look at overalls without thinking of the ones I wore all.the.time when I was little.
As a 23 - year - old it makes me think about how i can try to focus on when I am doing things because they're safe vs. what I really want... it is scary sometimes to take a leap!
Often, we pass things up because they seem scary — or a night in on the sofa sounds more tempting!
Always trust your intuition because a sign of a scary or alarming situation is when things are going so fast.
I don't get scared with FNAF honestly, it's more like a challanging game than a scary experience in my opinion, because all things in the game I wasn't afraid of, I mean animals doing jumpscares, yeah Foxy can get you unprepared, but besides that one is a predictable jumpscare.
He's the best thing to watch in the film because he's scary, but also because he offers something different.
He can't make Maze scary, can't do the gore — and he wastes a few really good gore possibilities because the whole thing has awful CG in awful day for night digital shooting.
I feel like change is always scary, but that's only because transition for anyone is new and you wonder how things are going to go.»
This made things a bit scary and intimidating at first because the exhaust was under the water and I could hear it plugging.
Because there's a really big chance that you don't or won't agree with me... and that's a scary thing to face.
That's partly because people devalue things they don't pay for, partly because they'll download free books in genres they don't usually read, and also because a lot of people simply hate self - publishing (change is scary).
Unfortunately I'm afraid we all here these scary things and tend to overlook the good because going with a big publisher can also be a very, very good and positive thing, too.
The really scary thing is that I've pitched to companies that pay their employees darn good money and balk at what I charge because they know they can go to Craigslist and get someone to write their content or ad copy for five bucks.
It's both an exciting and a scary time to be an author, because things are changing so much.
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