Sentences with phrase «scavenger cells»

The phrase "scavenger cells" refers to special cells in the body that help clean up and get rid of harmful substances or damaged cells. They act like the body's own janitors, removing waste and keeping things clean to help maintain good health. Full definition
«First, the effect of cortisone is mediated by macrophages which usually serve as scavenger cells in an immune response.
The Nabel team found that it latches onto neutrophils, which trigger inflammation, an early general assault in which scavenger cells clear the body of foreign bodies.
Nerve cells, for example, form long extensions that are attracted to signals from other cells in order to produce the network that forms the nervous system; similarly, scavenger cells recognise the scent of harmful germs in order that they can pursue and destroy them.
Overeager T - cells apparently stimulate scavenger cells to produce large amounts of nitric oxide (NO).
On top of the T cell abnormalities, chronic GVHD involves antibody - producing B cells and scavenger cells called macrophages.
Examining post-mortem tissue from the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease, Stanford University School of Medicine investigators identified what appear to be iron - containing microglia — specialized scavenger cells that sometimes become inflammatory — in a particular part of the hippocampus, a key brain structure whose integrity is critical to memory formation.
The key problem is that impaired scavenger cells fail to remove toxic byproducts from the eye, allowing them to build up and kill other cells.
In the new study, 12 patients will be treated with healthy scavenger cells, created in a laboratory from human embryonic stem cells.
Employees of corporations are like free - ranging scavenger cells.
The team, led by Cordula Hirsch, exposed both lung cells and macrophages (scavenger cells) to a number of flame retardants.
When the body wards off an infection, it is initially various types of scavenger cells, so - called phagocytes, which migrate successively out of the blood vessels and into the tissue, to the inflammation centre.
The researchers also discovered that the scavenger cells» production of NO required the messenger substance interferon gamma, which is produced by T - cells.
In a separate set of experiments, Frank showed that the PcrV antibodies prevented the bacterium from shooting its toxin into cells, including macrophages, the immune system's scavenger cells, which are particularly vulnerable to Pseudomonas.
These scavenger cells detect and process potential threats and present them to the T cells.
In post-mortem brain tissue from people not diagnosed with Alzheimer's, neither the iron deposits nor the scavenger cells engulfing them were present in that brain region.
The immune system is made up of a team of different types of cells that, while each having their own specific function, work together to protect the body from foreign invaders: B - cells produce antibodies; T - cells conduct surveillance for potentially dangerous molecules and kills dangerous cells such as disease - causing bacteria; and macrophages are the scavenger cells of your body acting like garbage trucks, cleaning up residue and removing potentially dangerous substances.
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