Sentences with phrase «scheduled during school time»

If scheduled during school time, every effort must be made to avoid excessive loss of school time.

Not exact matches

The traditional school schedule was so rushed that students had no time to meet with teachers, to have breaks during the school day, or even sometimes to eat lunch.
Set a consistent schedule during the day If you have been letting your children wake up late, or eat meals at various times, this can throw their bodies off when it is time to start school.
Talking back and other behavior issues are more common during times of transition, such as a new baby in the house, change in a parent's work schedule or something going on in school.
Parents may have a hard time maintaining the typical school year schedule on family vacation or during summer break.
If your schedule will require you to miss two feedings during the day, for instance, switch to the bottle one feeding at a time, starting two weeks before you plan to go back to work or school.
For example, if your schedule will require you to regularly miss two feedings during the day, switch to the bottle one feeding at a time, starting around two weeks before you plan to go back to work or school.
Scheduling trainings based on the availability of the staff (brief trainings first thing in the morning and providing substitute staff during the school day so personnel can allocate time for training).
When you are enrolled in a School Food Institute course, you will have access to Chef Ann Cooper's office hours during the scheduled times.
«All this does is eliminate the scheduled recess time,» said Irwin, who expects to field some complaints during the school board meeting Monday.
The school day is structured with both time for free play, during which children can choose which centers to play in, as well as structured scheduled devoted to each subject.
I was scheduled to run The Oregon Marathon 2 weeks into the summer term and so I was still fitting in short speed workouts during week 1 of school and a few workouts during week 2 as well.With only 7 weeks of training after 2 months off from running due to a glass - puncture in my foot, I still managed to run a 3:01 best time at that marathon on July 16th and secured a second Boston Qualifying time.
The project was carried out during term - time, with minimum disruption to the academic timetable enabled by scheduling delivery and work times around school hours.
School administrators can fix some of these noises by designing better classrooms, installing carpet or sound dampening materials in classrooms, better scheduling of passing times, and requesting that grounds maintenance happen during lunch or weekends.
Imagine, for example, a frequent challenge during the holidays: Between time away from school and visiting relatives, a child's schedule is likely to be disrupted, and he may act out in response.
If your school has a public folder or your students have access to a class folder, model in the classroom how to hand in their work using this method before your scheduled time and / or create a screencast that shows them how they can view it during the scheduled time.
I observe the time conflicts that arise during the first week of school, and make tweaks to the master schedule after that week.
For example, Scott Frauenheim shared how Distinctive Schools created an unprecedented chunk of time for peer - to - peer learning during the school day by working with a scheduling expert to update where time gets allocated each day.
Ongoing applied professional growth requires a change in the school schedule that allows time during the regular school day for teachers to learn, plan, mentor, and share with other teachers so they can constantly improve the quality of their instruction.
The state has given schools until August 2006 to place timing devices on vending machines to limit sales of snacks during certain hours; local school boards will have the authority to schedule access.
The collaborative sessions among teachers occur during the school year, using release time and scheduled PD days.
Parents of female basketball players at Franklin High School have sued, claiming that because it does not schedule as many girls» games during «prime time» slots as it does boys» games, the school district is in violation of Title IX, which forbids discrimination based on sex in programs receiving federal School have sued, claiming that because it does not schedule as many girls» games during «prime time» slots as it does boys» games, the school district is in violation of Title IX, which forbids discrimination based on sex in programs receiving federal school district is in violation of Title IX, which forbids discrimination based on sex in programs receiving federal funds.
If you find yourself running out of time during the regular school hours, ask the teacher you are observing if he or she would like to schedule an online meeting.
I'd do something I didn't think I had time to do — something I thought I couldn't possibly squeeze into my schedule — and consider it «restoration» (something I learned at The Mountain School, a semester program I participated in during high scSchool, a semester program I participated in during high schoolschool.)
Challenge: Teachers have to keep track of the multiple processes that have to happen on the first days and weeks of school, and make sure they attend the multiple meetings scheduled during this time.
During the school day, students make deposits with their class, one classroom at a time, as scheduled by the administration.
Release time among teacher leaders varies: teacher leaders may receive no release time, indicating that teacher leader responsibilities occur during the regular school schedule or on the teacher leader's own time; part - time release, in which a teacher leader's classroom may serve as an important aspect of his / her leadership role (such as by inviting other teachers in to observe a demonstration lesson); or full - time release, which allows a teacher leader to work with teachers as they engage in instruction in their own classrooms.
Committees must meet a minimum of six times during the school year between August and June, and participants must attend a minimum of six meetings, or 75 % of all scheduled meetings in a school year (there can be no mixing and matching of team meetings)
With the holiday season looming and a compressed schedule to contend with during the November - January time period, Timberlane Regional School District in Plaistow, N.H., knew it had picked a challenging time to try to boost student achievement.
For example, such meetings could be held at the end of the school year during scheduled work days, or during a dedicated in - service day so that there is adequate time to consider all perspectives.
These school schedules also do not match up with the established science that suggests that teenagers often stay up late due to hormonal changes — such as melatonin increases that occur in the brain during one's teenage years — and so while teenagers need nine hours of sleep per night, they typically get only around seven hours and have a harder time waking up.
The growing number of schools that now schedule time for teacher collaboration during the school day proves that where there is a will, there is a way!
Skeptics of longer school days point out that high - achieving nations such as Finland, Singapore, and China have chosen not to take this route, opting instead for maximizing learning and collaboration time during the traditional schedule.
Shortly after she became principal in 2013, Holman instituted additional learning time during the school day by scheduling classes in 85 - minute blocks, double the time allotted in other Tulsa schools.
Because it has a direct, positive impact on student achievement, principals should promote collaborative opportunities for teachers by building a master schedule that gives teachers time during the school day to meet together.
Scheduled time during the contract year (e.g., weekdays in which students were not in school, allowing teachers to participate in professional development activities) was the most prevalent type of support that public school teachers received for professional development, provided to 79 percent of teachers.
In the fall, we schedule several open house sessions during School Preview Time.
Collaboration time is key, so you need a school schedule that enables teachers to work together during the day.
TNReady testing was originally scheduled at two different times during a school year, but in response to feedback from teachers and administrators, it has been consolidated and shortened into a single state testing window between April 17 and May 5, which is one week shorter than scheduled last year.
Your child's school will determine students» testing schedules during this window to meet their needs and to maximize instructional time and regular school activities.
The state requires that each local school system design a program incorporating components established by the state, including: an orientation program for new teachers prior to the start of the school year, mentor support such as regularly scheduled meetings during non-instructional time, opportunities for new teachers to observe and co-teach with skilled teachers with follow - up discussion of the experiences, ongoing professional learning activities, and ongoing formative review of new teacher performance such as classroom observation.
To set a schoolwide tone, principals should schedule time during the week to allow teachers to collaborate on classroom management strategies with the school counselor, social worker, or psychologist.
For the first 16 weeks, there are weekly 4 - hour sessions at The Mind Lab by Unitec scheduled outside school hours, multiple times a week to provide flexibility — you can pick which session during the week suits you the most and it may be altered week by week (region specific).
A school district shall provide time for the in - service training programs during the regular school schedule in order to ensure that teaching staff members are prepared to teach the educational program on information literacy in each grade.
Many student loans, including federal student loans, let you defer payments while you're enrolled at least a half - time in an eligible program, as well as during a six - month grace period after you graduate, leave school or drop below a half - time schedule.
Many schools have provisions for online students to ask questions in real time during a scheduled class session.
Having a part - time job during the school year, while juggling demanding class schedules and fitting in time for studying, is a challenging task for students, and many opt to dedicate fully to their studies.
Even though I was working in a built - in desk in a hallway in an apartment and at times in my mom's house in a spare bedroom because I couldn't get all the way back to my apartment during the day with school schedules, we just kept it going.
Those were scheduled to be carried out during the next school holidays, but had not yet been done at the time of the claimant's injury.
The only difference between going to traffic school online and going to the classroom is that you don't have to rearrange your schedule to make time for something else during what might be your busy time of the day.
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