Sentences with phrase «schema domains»

Namely, in adolescents who scored high in theses schema domains, the level of depressive symptoms at T1 and T2 was higher when bullying victimization was high than when it was low.
Initial levels of stressors and depressive symptoms predicted an increase in negative inferential style and maladaptive schema domains over time.
The 18 schemas are grouped into 5 broad schema domains, on the basis of which core needs the schema is related to.
Therefore we can draw the conclusion that certain schema domains can be linked to behavioral problems already at preschool age.
We conducted a study to examine the relationship between parental bonding, schema domains / EMSs, and outcome in schema therapy of personality problems.
Results: Only six schema domains were (partly) confirmed by factor - analysis, namely Emotional deprivation, Failure, Dependence / Vulnerability to harm and illness, Enmeshment and Self - sacrifice.
Maternal protection was related to the schema domains of impaired autonomy and exaggerated standards (see Table).
Note that we used an empirically derived ordering of schema domains into 4 instead of the five domain structure proposed by Young (1990).
We expected that non-optimal parenting (low care, high protection) would influence EMSs / schema domains and that the EMSs / schema domains in turn would influence how the patients engaged in therapy - and thus, respond to it.

Not exact matches

My POV is that most trade book publishers won't benefit from adopting a domain - specific or custom XML schema (the classic «XML first» architecture) but at the same time no publisher should leave their IP stuck in whole - book asset files (whether ID files or printers PDFs or even EPUB files).
Instead, these novices may link to schema from other domains that do not appropriately inform the current task, resulting in misunderstood and misapplied learning.41
However, the authors also note that although these principles are desirable, «it is rare that any of these is fully realised; but the extent to which they are realised largely determines the ultimate usefulness and resilience of any given metadata schema in terms of its effective interoperability with other domains
Administers 200 + physical and virtual Windows Server 2012/2008 Domain Controllers for the entire company including monitoring, backup and restore, security patches, upgrades, schema updates, and rights delegations.
Client — Aetna (Hartford, CT) 6/2006 — 10/2006 Role — Lead BI and Reporting Designer (Funds Domain Business Reporting Team) • Led team involved in development of new ODS and STAR Schema Data marts for business reporting support • Worked with the ETL team in designing the data load methodologies and strategies, designing and developing reporting layers using Cognos and SAS.
The proportion of individuals showing reliable change was higher in the confidence domain: wherein 11/17 (65 %) of group participants reported reliable pre - to post-training increments in their confidence with Schema Therapy concepts and techniques.
· Most schemas within the impaired autonomy domain and the self - sacrifice schema seem to be related to high perceived maternal protection.
Sarason, Sarason and Gurung (2001) proposed three domains of personality factors in relation to social support: temperament (e.g. neuroticism), cognitive (e.g. locus of control, hardiness, self - effica - cy), and schema (e.g. support schema) factors.
Skill Class: Schema Therapy for Anxiety: A Domain Focused Approach by Alp Karaosmanoglu — READ MORE
Inferential style and schemas of the disconnection and rejection domain predicted prospective increases in depressive symptoms.
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