Sentences with phrase «scheme funds respondent»

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The survey also found that one in five teachers did not know what the main priorities for their pupil premium funding was, with early intervention schemes cited as the most common priority for spending, identified by 28 per cent of respondents.
The funds in which the respondents invested turned out to be a Ponzi scheme and the respondents lost their investments.
The Australian Government funds many elements of the native title system, including the «respondent funding scheme», which can provide financial assistance to certain «non-claimant» parties to participate in native title proceedings.
Previous Native Title Reports have commented on the Commonwealth's respondent funding scheme, 81 noting its effect in hardening the positions of those who already have their interests protected in any event, 82 and its seeming encouragement of litigation over negotiation.83 During the consultations, an NTRB in Queensland expressed frustration at the inequality created when mining and other companies are financed directly by the Attorney - General, putting NTRBs (and therefore the traditional owners they represent), with limited funding as described above, at a disadvantage when appearing in arbitration hearings about the doing of future acts.
One part of the funding is the «respondent funding scheme» operated by the Attorney - General's Department.
The Australian National Audit Office found when it audited the respondent funding scheme in the 2006 ‑ 2007 year16 (under the old guidelines), there was a concerning lack of data about how the scheme is being administered and a resulting lack of analysis on its effectiveness and necessity.
4.2 That the Attorney - General (as part of the department's annual reporting) monitor, assess, and report on the respondent funding scheme to determine the extent to which it meets the objects of the Native Title Act and how (if at all) it furthers the intent of the law as set out in the preamble.
It is necessary to consider how the respondent funding scheme (outlined in Section 183 of the Native Title Act) has in fact impacted on proceedings.
In 2005, the Attorney - General announced that operation of the Section 183 respondent funding scheme would be changed to encourage agreement - making rather than litigation.
Subject to the Commission's recommendations for improving the transparency, accountability and operation of the respondent funding scheme generally, the Commission supports the enactment of Schedule 4 to the Bill.
That Schedule 4 to the Bill (proposed s 213A) be amended to incorporate the eligibility criteria under the relevant Guidelines for the scheme, particularly to clarify that a respondent is not eligible for funding:
The Commission considers that it is important to ensure that decisions made under this scheme are appropriate and that respondent parties funded under the scheme are not having a negative impact on the overall functioning of the native title scheme.
Sometimes, the parties» participation is funded by the Attorney - General under the respondent funding scheme.
Expenditure for the respondent funding scheme fell from $ 5.01 million in 2006 - 07 to $ 4.25 million in 2007 - 08.
Both NTRBs and some governments have indicated that one of the major benefits of the 2007 changes were those made to the respondent funding scheme: [67]
Currently, respondents may be funded by the Commonwealth under the «respondent funding scheme» to participate in native title proceedings.
The following summary of the Attorney - General's funding for respondents is drawn from information provided to the Senate Estimates Committee by the Attorney - General's Department (151) and from the Department's published Guidelines on the assistance schemes:
These amendments included giving stronger powers to the National Native Title Tribunal, as well as changes to the native title registration test, the respondent funding scheme and the way in which Native Title Representative Bodies and Prescribed Bodies Corporate function.
Under s 183 of the Native Title Act, respondents may be funded by the Commonwealth under the «respondent funding scheme» to participate in native title proceedings.
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