Sentences with phrase «school and classroom»

Every year my colleagues and I collectively spend thousands of hours in schools and classrooms across the country helping teachers and leaders improve the quality of instruction.
Recent research traces the effects of fiscal policies at the federal, state, and district levels for their implications on resources at school and classroom levels.
It's a story that lends itself well to both historical fiction and fantasy, making many of these novels useful picks for school and classroom libraries.
The implementation of this five - step methodology provides a systematic way of exploring the impact of changed school and classroom practices on improved student outcomes.
But there has been a great deal of research concerning both school and classroom conditions that are helpful for students from economically disadvantaged families and those with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Schools and classrooms across the country are becoming more culturally diverse.
She enjoys bringing yoga into schools and classrooms and seeing the impact it can have on kids and teachers.
Several applications have been introduced to make schools and classrooms smarter and more efficient.
Below is a listing of resources to help you work toward creating schools and classrooms where children feel they belong and will achieve.
Design, strengthen, and participate in positive learning environments (i.e., school and classroom culture) that support individual and collaborative learning.
One is the risk that ill - conceived policies will encourage districts to move teachers from schools and classrooms where they are effective to situations when they are less effective.
But those who hold the official power within schools and classrooms have to set the tone and lead by example.
The department of education sought teachers with a variety of experience using technology in the classroom, resulting in a wide variation in school and classroom settings.
Students have unique expertise regarding schools and can provide important information about school and classroom practices and policies.
The problem in many schools and classrooms is that cooperation is undervalued.
The organizations are focused on supporting schools with 21st century school and classroom design, customized project based learning curriculum, deep learning strategies, and educational technology, to name a few.
The alternative is a relentless dedication to identifying and promoting more effective school and classroom practices on the understanding that these that lead to improved outcomes.
Study participants said teacher leaders also actively seek opportunities to act as change agents, both in their own schools and classrooms and on a larger scale.
At the same time, the district is investing in professional development to retain effective school and classroom leaders and paying for assessments so existing teachers can be licensed in needed subject areas.
The notion of educating boys and girls separately, however, received a boost in 2006 with the publication of new federal regulations clarifying the legal status of single - sex schools and classrooms.
Diversity: We support creating diverse, inclusive schools and classrooms whenever possible.
Four different 28 - hour trainings introduce effective practices to help educators create schools and classrooms with students who are socially skilled and motivated to learn.
To foster Student / Adult Partnerships in school and classroom activities, participants were taught about collaborative inquiry.
In order to avoid natural consequences, which can be very undesirable, teachers need to establish consequences for problem behaviors and infractions of school and classroom rules.
In my work, I am blessed to be in and out of Catholic schools and classrooms all across this country where teachers and students are engaged in the work of teaching and learning.
We are discovering that we are not wired to sit for long periods of time learning in sedentary positions, as many traditional schools and classrooms require.
In learning about their own school, the students wondered about other schools and classrooms around the world.
In general, better student outcomes are achieved through more effective, evidence - based school and classroom practices.
When one examines the critical aspects of successful schools and classrooms for students in poverty, three areas emerge: empathy, expectations, and engagement.
Both online traffic school and classroom formats are certified by the state.
Parents and teachers, who deal with the on - the - ground realities of schools and classrooms day in and day out, have a particularly valuable vantage point on educational improvements.
Over the past decade, we have visited and observed numerous school and classroom Web sites, and have talked to countless students and teachers who have conducted online projects.
The average school and classroom designs haven't changed in decades, but some architects maintain that a few renovations could make classrooms more student - centered and lead improvements in test scores.
A new report into the role of research in teaching and teacher education has set out a vision to develop research - rich schools and classrooms.
If gum chewing is forbidden, make that clear to your students at the beginning of the year when you are discussing other school and classroom rules.
High - performance professional learning communities can transform schools and classrooms to bolster student achievement.
Policies that seek to shift the «best» teachers to schools and classrooms serving low - achieving children represent a frontal assault on middle - class and affluent families.
To accomplish this goal, we investigated school and classroom practices in effective (unexpectedly high achieving) schools and compared them to what was happening in moderately effective and less effective schools.
Set aside a full hour to observe and rate a classroom using the following school and classroom names, and make sure to save your report.
But the city does have bright spots — individual schools and classrooms where teachers are approaching math in a new way.
Meanwhile, in these same schools and classrooms, you will also find students who can read, write and calculate, sometimes very well.
Ensure that staff receives professional development on creating a culturally responsive school and classroom.
Returning to regular school and classroom routines can contribute to this.
Is it possible to reduce suspensions without causing more school and classroom disruption?
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