Sentences with phrase «school athletes really»

Many high school athletes really only learn sport - specific skills during practice.

Not exact matches

Since the autonomy structure is not really autonomy — just more streamlined collusion — and still does not permit schools to give athletes monetary benefits, it will have no effect on the lawsuits.
Southern schools have started recruiting southern Negro athletes in earnest, and what was really just a trickle this high school graduation time will be a flood next year.
«I've been an athlete since grade school, I'm in great shape, and I eat really well.
My hubby was a high school athlete, but was never into exercise and healthy eating as an adult until a stent at age 40 made it really important (to say the least).
Ben: Yeah, so check out that program «cause it works really well and you know, the main thing is the biggest 2 mistakes that I see people make who come to me and they're skinny and they wan na put on size and I've worked with high school athletes, I've worked with 40 - 50 year olds they've think they're too skinny.
I'm really competitive — I'm an athlete and played volleyball all through high school — so working out is fun for me.
Kevin Beasley: I was an athlete until my final year of high school, but I never really thought deeply then about how sports operate in society.
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