Sentences with phrase «school deregulation»

A 2004 study funded by the Law Foundation of Ontario and the Law Society of Upper Canada looked at the fallout from law school deregulation.
The Christie administration on Wednesday provided an overview of its promised charter school deregulation plan, which, among other changes, would create a pilot program for a special teaching certificate valid only at charter schools.
At the Itasca Seminar, Nathan would emphasize the need for greater school deregulation in exchange for «results.»
1990 was also when Wisconsin's Republican governor Tommy Thompson signed the nation's first private school voucher program, and when John Chubb and Terry Moe published Politics, Markets, and America's Schools, an influential Brookings Institution book that called for school deregulation, market competition, and parental choice.
AMY GOODMAN: The DeVoses have bankrolled their school deregulation and privatization efforts through a dark money group called American Federation for Children, a major contributor to the right - wing corporate education movement.

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They were eager to get their sons and daughters into schools and colleges and thereby into the jobs being created by «privatization,» «deregulation» and «liberalization.»
«The education policies of the previous Coalition Government, continued by this one, premised on extensive and excessive autonomy for schools and the obsessive pursuit of deregulation, have rapidly increased covert selection, often targeted at pupils from materially deprived backgrounds.
Since 2010, the excessive freedoms and flexibilities they have given to schools, and their obsessive focus on deregulation, has left the Government powerless to control spending at school level.
«Parents simply do not accept that more deregulation is the right way to run schools.
«We have already warned the Coalition Government that the last thing schools need are more freedoms and deregulation to create the conditions for even more excessive payments and rewards to be made.»
Its policy goals include cuts to income tax rates, a repeal of the estate tax, limited government and a Balanced Budget Amendment, entitlement reform, free trade, tort reform, school choice and deregulation.
The Washington - based research organization, which supports deregulation and market - driven school improvement efforts, gives the United States as a whole a D - plus in its report, «The Quest for Better Teachers: Grading the States.»
Broader deregulation efforts to form charter schools and create accountability systems have been slowed by such barriers as state lawmakers» reliance on mandates, equity questions, and the lack of credible...
The questions to focus on are when, how, and why deregulation and monopoly - busting improve the quality and cost effectiveness of goods and services — and whether they can do the same for K - 12 schooling.
Frederick M. Hess seems obsessed with the need to establish a «deregulation» route to identify and prepare school leaders («Lifting the Barrier,» Forum, Fall 2003).
However, school management positions are even more ripe for deregulation than is classroom teaching.
Meanwhile, state leaders gambled that radical deregulation and competition from privately - managed charter schools would force low - performing, resource - starved neighborhood schools to either put up or shut down.
Whereas, Amateurism deregulation could persuade student - athletes to leave high school sports programs in favor of teams providing compensation, resulting in the deterioration and possible abandonment of high school sports programs;
The more deregulations in special education, the fewer services there will be for children in public schools.
Critics contended the secretary of education's support for school choice and student loan deregulation puts her at odds with the school's beloved namesake: educator and civil rights leader Mary McLeod Bethune.
Findings that administrators» discipline decisions reflect community norms are particularly relevant as the new federal administration promises to promote the privatization, deregulation, and localization of schools.
These schools exist in part because to actually address through fairer taxation and wealth redistribution the largely socio - economic factors underlying educational inequality would be to admit that the neoliberal agenda of the last four decades, eg the tax cuts, the deregulation, has not in fact worked for the Many and wealth and social mobility have gone backwards.
A brief history of the Division of Non-Public Education, the Pearsall Plan, and the deregulation of North Carolina's private schools
Deregulation allows a lot of wiggle room for a charter school.
Third, we must adopt policies that enable deregulation and innovation in the schools and move away from the top down, compliance and input driven system to one that is output and performance based.
There is a case for what might be called deregulation of Australian schools, particularly to permit better ways of staffing and organising educational work, as the charter idea suggests.
The truth is, the deregulation that the high - scoring charter schools love so much, also produces dismal charter failures, taxpayer fleecing and fraud.
The major principles undergirding charter schooling — choice, deregulation, and so - called accountability — had already attracted significant attention long before 1988, and proposals to break up the «monopoly» of school districts had been building for more than a decade.
Our organization, the Texas Institute for Education Reform, and its coalition partners were also involved with support of a package of bills advancing competition, choice, consequences for failing schools, and deregulation.
Finally, Study Three is a clinical study investigating how gender dysphoria, social stressors (particularly those experienced in school), and lack of social support contribute to poorer health in transgender populations through inflammation and immune deregulation pathways.
The Business Partnership published its own report in 1984 calling for «profound structural change» in schooling, with recommendations for increased choice, deregulation, statewide testing, and accountability.
Some privatizers have deluded themselves into thinking that this freedom will create better schools, but the Great Recession should have taught them by now that deregulation * does not work.
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Betsy DeVos, deregulation of school mandates, Economist Milton Friedman, licensing professionals, Office of Civil Rights, Overhauling the U.S. Dept. of Education, special education, Texans for Special Education Reform, Texas, United States Department of Education, USDOE
Allowing for greater deregulation with more flexibility and freedom at the school level without oversight for student outcomes will lead to no better and probably worse outcomes for students.
Lack of oversight, and the «everybody come» atmosphere created by the almost total deregulation of the charter application process has inevitably allowed some bad actors entering the market to treat charter schools as tax - funded ATMs.
More generally, at the heart of school choice, whether in the form of vouchers or charter schools, is a «belief in the power of deregulation» (Ravitch, 2010a, p. 127).
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-- were more law school graduates servicing targeted clients prior to the deregulation of tuition than are currently doing so?
An effect, then, of tuition deregulation and climbing law school tuition fees is to create an increasingly narrow social category of student who can afford the professional gamble of a law degree.
Since the deregulation of tuition in 1997, tuition fees at Ontario law schools have increased exponentially.
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