Sentences with phrase «school funding equity»

First, other studies of school funding equity have suggested that funding discrepancies are greatest in the largest and most urban school districts.
Our previous study of charter school funding equity at the state level was criticized for not exempting expenditures on such items as transportation and central administration that are mandatory for TPS but discretionary for public charter schools.
The Education Trust ranked Illinois worst in the nation for school funding equity in 2015.
She says her group has been working with Nixon on school funding equity issues since the early 2000's.
She said her group has been working with Nixon on school funding equity issues since the early 2000s.
I received word of his passing just after a group of civil rights and education leaders had gathered at IDRA to launch a new phase of work to increase school funding equity in
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has slashed school aid by $ 1.2 billion while refusing to comply with a court - mandated formula for school funding equity.
Pension spending in Illinois affects school funding equity so significantly in part due to the fact that there are two pension systems operating in the state: one for Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and another for the remaining districts.
Rep. Scott Hilton and 150 Charter School Advocates to Rally in Support of Charter School Funding Equity Legislation
Just as importantly, eight decades of court rulings — driven by the courtroom work of civil rights activists and school funding equity advocates — also provides reformers with the legal arguments necessary to challenge tenure laws and other policies that impede the constitutional obligation of states to provide children with high - quality education.
Earlier this year, the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Foundation published a list of principles for school finance which includes the fundamental point that the basis of the equity argument for increased education funding should be challenged, because educational equity is not the same as school funding equity.
The Equity and Excellence Commission, which is charged with determining how the federal government can increase educational opportunity by improving school funding equity, will hold an open meeting in Washington, D.C., on September 23 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The 2012 Charter School Funding Equity Rally is a feature of this year's Advocacy Week, a special event running from the beginning to the end of the 19th Annual California Charter Schools Conference.
But together, we've laid the groundwork to advance charter school funding equity and mill sharing to combat these disparities, so that every public school student in Colorado will finally get their fair share of resources in the classroom.
«That's why I've decided to join the Independent Democratic Conference, where I can best affect progressive change on issues like affordable housing, higher education, school funding equity, homelessness reforms, economic development, infrastructure upgrades, affordable healthcare, senior citizen protections and so much more,» Peralta said in the statement.
That's why I've decided to join the Independent Democratic Conference, where I can best affect progressive change on issues like affordable housing, higher education, school funding equity, homelessness reforms, economic development, infrastructure upgrades, affordable healthcare, senior citizen protections and so much more.
The compromise in SB1947 incorporates the evidence - based model and aligns with the school funding equity principles held by Advance Illinois and its partners.
School funding equity, student testing, early childhood education and a new method for electing state education leaders are just a few of the items on lawmakers» lengthy to - do list.
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