Sentences with phrase «school horror»

The phrase "school horror" refers to a type of scary or frightening situation that happens at a school. It can involve things like ghost stories, haunted schools, or creepy events that take place in educational settings. Full definition
I was reminded, yet again, that I prefer old school horror films.
No, he's not that diligent of a student; he's afraid he'll forget an assignment and end up with the worst of middle school horrors - homework detention.
I think a lot of people who were younger back then are older now, and they are passing that old school horror stuff along to their kids.
Well these «horror» films fail to capture the essence of old school horror.
Alexandra Shipp and Brianna Hildebrand are the Tragedy Girls (2017, R) in this high school horror film for the social media era.
I» m a loving and caring down to earth type guy.I love art, I enjoy drawing in pencil and ink.I love movies especially the old school horror movies like hellraiser and nightmare on elmstreet.
ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE is a well - conceived, entertaining high school horror film that kept me...
Alice, Sweet Alice is an underrated gem of old school horror cinema.
It looks like a very old school horror game, you know the ones that were actually scary
Kimberly Peirce's version of «Carrie» dubs itself as a «reimagining» of the high - school horror classic.
Old - school horror fans rejoiced and forgave director James Wan for Saw: His summer sensation proved that certain tricks and devices won't ever go out of style when deployed this stylishly.
It's a popular law school horror story told to law students before they begin their legal research and writing classes, and to new lawyers by older, more - experienced lawyers who either have a similar war story or «know someone» who it happened to:
«There is something calling them all here...» Screen Media Films has debuted a brand new full - length trailer for the horror film The Void, which is a gnarly throwback to old school horror from the 80s with nasty practical effects, and gross gore galore.
RE Zero is a great example of why old - school horror releases are beloved and special.
Developer Tango Gameworks cleverly introduces old - school horror design within the confines of a semi-open world that ultimately makes for a refreshing trip into a world of nightmares.
Old school horror suspense movie that kept you on the edge of your seat, the kind i really
And from Canada comes the high school horror farce «Todd and the Book of Pure Evil: The Complete First Season» (eOne), reviewed on Videodrone here.
Now it appears it is the turn of Brian De Palma's high - school horror CARRIE, with Screen Gems looking to acquire acclaimed director Kimberley Peirce to helm their newly announced remake.
This year's best picture Oscar, after all, went for the first time to a science - fiction film of sorts, Guillermo del Toro's adoring monster - movie homage The Shape of Water — beating, among others, Get Out, Jordan Peele's wickedly playful collision of old - school horror with brisk, bracing racial politics.
However, it's veteran actor McDowall who proves to be the one to watch as Peter Vincent (his character name derived from old school horror greats Peter Cushing and Vincent Price), trying his best to show bravery, with knees wobbling from out - and - out fear with every step closer to Jerry's presence.
The band (particularly Alia Shawkat, Anton Yelchin) and their questionable ally (Imogen Poots) do an excellent job of playing prey without devolving into old school horror histrionics.
It's clear right from the get - go that Joe Johnston is looking to emulate the feel of an old - school horror flick, and although the filmmaker does succeed to a certain extent (ie the movie boasts a decidedly atmospheric sense of style), The Wolfman suffers from an egregiously deliberate pace that slowly but surely renders its overtly positive attributes moot - with the pervasively stuffy vibe holding the viewer at arm's length for the majority of the running time.
Lucky McKee & Chris Sivertson) Color me surprised, by Lucky McKee, along with Chris Sivertson, has made a funny high school horror satire film - and I really like it!
A high school horror comedy about two budding serial killers desperate for social media attention is something I should be aged out of.
summary: NecroVisioN: Lost Company is the prequel to the old - school horror First - Person Shooter which covers the events that happened before the NecroVisioN story began.
Add to this the use of text boxes for most of the dialogue in - game and you get a truly old school horror feel that permeates the entire experience.
Wan has proven himself a skilled and versatile director of old - school horror cinema, which may have been one reason he was eager to change up genres and take on a Fast and Furious movie, to...
You periodically find notes & audio logs (ala every old - school horror game ever) that fill you in on the story and at the end of each zone, you're given a puzzle (so far, they've just been lame «Put these things in the right order» puzzles) which you gain bonus money if you manage to complete it with no help (if you get stuck, you can ask for hints which lowers the reward).
Not for every taste of course — no Almodovar film is — but a good, creepy elegant old - school horror movie worthy of its obvious influences: Georges Franju's «Eyes Without a Face,» James Whale's Frankenstein, Luis Buñuel, Alfred Hitchcock and Fritz Lang.
As an artist, photographer, baker and author, Christine has long been creative, and her enthusiasm for old - school horror classics has allowed her to outdo herself at her favourite time of year.
Ronnie Hobbs: I'm an old - school horror fan.
If you happen to be a fan of old school horror stories — things along the vein of Stephen King novels and Stranger Things — you owe it to yourself to check out Stories Untold.
High school horror film Gallows gets July 10 release date (Variety).
The high school horror - comedy with a decidedly feminist bite stars Megan Fox as the traffic - stopping title character and Amanda Seyfried as her BFF, Needy.
THE LAZARUS EFFECT Director: David Gelb Starring: Olivia Wilde, Mark Duplass, Evan Peters, Donald Glover, Sarah Bolger I was reminded, yet again, that I prefer old school horror films.
One of the most cruel and divisive endings to a film ever, and a preceding two hours of excellent old school horror.
Being a dog lover definitely helps this flick's story a lot more, but also does the love and knowledge for the old - school horror movies that Burton so obviously loves.
I'd love to hear your take / review on the 2003 Horror film «Wrong Turn», it is one of my favorite modern horror films, I think it's smart, fun and pays wonderful homage to old school horror.
I hope not because it brought a somewhat strong premise with hints of old school horror and mystery into it's own canvas, that was painted beautiful from start to finish.
and Goosebumps alongside more gory, gooey old - school horror, and then injecting it all with a sadistic, darkly comedic edge that constantly plays on your expectations and reminds you why you should never trust little kids with balloon - shaped heads.
Dark Shadows (Warner) is by definition a big screen remake / revival of the late 1960s gothic soap opera, an actual daytime serial that took a turn into a world of vampires, witches, werewolves, curses, and other romantic old - school horror movie staples.
Crimson Peak is old school horror.
There's a lot to like about Warm Bodies, even if you're into old school horror.
Wan has proven himself a skilled and versatile director of old - school horror cinema, which may have been one reason he was eager to change up genres and take on a Fast and Furious movie, to excellent effect.
Although there are some effective twists in the final half - hour to tie things together, it's more effective as a nostalgic tribute to old - school horror than as a consistently creepy or suspenseful project as a whole.
Nevertheless, the production design does nicely evoke old - school horror films and I quite enjoyed Hugo Weaving's performance as Abberline, the Scotland Yard policemen.
It's fair to say that whilst Capcom were struggling with the identity of Resident Evil and whilst Silent Hills was a «thing» for a short while, Tango Gameworks stood up to the plate to bring back and revitalise true old - school horror.
Now, that wouldn't normally be a problem; old - school horrors of a certain period lived off the pork.
It's a new - school take on old - school horror that does a lot of things well and isn't frustrating in the slightest.

Phrases with «school horror»

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