Sentences with phrase «school opportunities»

Fuel Up to Play 60 Funds give schools the opportunity to apply for up to $ 4000 per year to help kick - start healthy changes in the school environment.
Light catering equipment offers schools the opportunity to buy new appliances when they want to extend their menus, without heavy investment.
We provide the online survey tool and the analysis service for a fee in order to allow schools another opportunity for value added program results.
I am not going to prevent any parent who currently has their child in public school the opportunity to have their child remain in public school until the terminal grade.
Traditional school districts are required to give charter schools an opportunity to use, buy or lease a facility that a school district no longer needs.
This offers students and teachers not only from the school, but also other local schools the opportunity to develop new skills.
We also offer test preparation, tutoring, advanced courses, college credit courses, and summer school opportunities.
This allows parents with small children who wish to volunteer at school the opportunity to do so without having to find childcare.
There are lots of after school opportunities for artistic teens.
Among the types of alternative school opportunities outside the system are the elite and costly private schools, the schools with a religious orientation, and the recently revived home schools.
In the future, we will take this a step further by building a program that offers under privileged schools the opportunity to get on the water for natural observation experiences.
Content marketing offers driving schools the opportunity to craft highly personalized content that directly answers the questions their audience is facing.
Whether it is evidenced by polling data or waiting lists, it is clear that there is a desire and a demand for expanded charter school opportunities.
More time gives schools opportunities to work with community partners, providing another source of trusted adult mentors for students.
The common core state standards offer schools an opportunity to advance equity and excellence.
Its leader has some advice for those looking to improve their after - school opportunities for at - risk youth.
Where suitable local school opportunities are available, scholarship funds will be used to enhance local educational opportunities through distance learning courses, summer programs, and other services.
Additional priorities include supporting additional school - based mental health programming and summer school opportunities.
As San Bernardino City moves to take Linked Learning «wall - to - wall» throughout all nine of its high schools by 2017, it is also beginning to build a strong foundation in K - 8 to better prepare young people for these emerging new high school opportunities.
In that role, I often discussed graduate school opportunities with students and I was very surprised that many of them did...
Schools taking part in Walk In Her Shoes will be entered into a prize draw — giving primary schools the chance to win an assembly led by Jacqueline Wilson, and secondary schools the opportunity for a visit from Dr Helen Pankhurst.
Guilford County Schools Opportunity Culture Advanced Teaching and Paraprofessional Positions
Nick Perchard, Head of Community at the Premier League, said: «We are offering primary schools the opportunity to apply for free kit and equipment.
Charter advocates who emphasize greater choice for students hope that eventually people will see a charter school as just one of a wide array of diverse public school opportunities available to students.
Edgecombe County Public Schools Opportunity Culture Advanced Teaching and Paraprofessional Positions
This approach has led Connecticut to, «[b] eyond a reasonable doubt» as Judge Moukawsher writes, «default on its constitutional duty to provide adequate public school opportunities because it has no rational, substantial and verifiable plan to distribute money for education aid.»
Laptops gave students at Skowhegan Area Middle School an opportunity to scan local history photos onto a community Web site.
Proponents of this provision argue that it allows schools an opportunity to demonstrate a more holistic view of student growth through non-traditional indicators associated with achievement like attendance or school climate.
This spring we worked with ECONorthwest to produce the report Treasure in the Valley: Demographic Chances and New School Opportunities in Ada and Canyon Counties to map new school opportunities in the Greater Boise area.
A solution focused approach to achieving Good at Ofsted, the Securing Good programme gives participating schools the opportunity to work with a dedicated Consultant Head on identified development areas.
There are numerous devices that can achieve this goal (tax credits and education savings accounts, for instance), and some offer greater flexibility than others, but through the policy lens, they all accomplish the same thing: giving families and children who would not normally have the chance to choose private school the opportunity to do so.
versus if you buy a house in the nice area that already has great schools the opportunity for hitting the lotto (which should not be the goal) simply does not exist so you are limiting yourself....
By not collaborating, they face the very real possibility that courts and state legislatures will continue to disregard their voices in attempting to improve schooling opportunities.
The event gives London schools the opportunity to sell their produce, preserves, and other school garden goodies.
Positive messages about popular policies — fair income tax, cutting Trident, school opportunity whatever a child's background, green energy to save the planet — matter most.
The HHMI - NIH Research Scholars Program, also known as the Cloister Program, gave outstanding students at U.S. medical schools the opportunity to receive research training at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.
For the third year running, Discovery Education is offering UK partner schools the opportunity to be part of the Summer Institute, and this year 8 teachers will be selected to make the trip to Chicago.
Our vision for this project was to give secondary pupils of the Kings Monkton School the opportunity to be part of a professionally run musical show.
The Kindergarten, which will have capacity for 40 children, will open in January 2016 giving the Endowed Schools the opportunity to educate pupils from three years all the way through to sixth form.
And yet he has said that he supports a moratorium — a repeal, if you will — on the approval and expansion of public charter schools, a sector that affords families zoned for long - struggling traditional schools the opportunity to have access to high - quality public education.
We also offer Cambridge schools the opportunity to enlist the help of an educational consultant to advise on specific areas for school improvement, including:
This programme aims to empower young people to drive their ambitions and fulfil their potential regardless of their socio - economic background and will give 260 pupils from Teach First schools the opportunity to challenge themselves by taking part in Prudential's RideLondon cycling event in July.
We then integrated these three factors into one «School Opportunity Index» that provides our best insight thus far on exactly where we should be targeting the development of new high - quality schools.
The 2017 - 18 academic year provided 5th grade students at Soundview School an opportunity to set the bar high during our first PYP Exhibition.
Quality afterschool, expanded learning and out of school opportunities help to improve learning and provide engaging experiences after school has ended.

Phrases with «school opportunities»

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