Sentences with phrase «school size»

Most of the recent literature on the achievement effects of school size has examined school and district performance.
Because our of small school size, only a limited number of openings are available for a grade in any given year.
Our first campaigns focused on keeping budget cuts as far away from students and classrooms as possible and pushing back on school closure plans focused only on school size and without any community engagement.
The results are comparable to those reported above, indicating that the estimated effects of charter high schools are not due to differences in school size.
Many studies also did not control for school size, socioeconomic factors, and other variables, so results could be attributed to reasons other than grade configurations.
Class and school size matters in education, as it is important that your child not fall through the cracks and just be a number.
Structure matters - including school size - to student well - being.
Four peas makes lunch bags, toddler sized and school sized backpacks, and messenger bags for older kids, too.
The effect of primary school size on academic achievement.
Researchers have searched extensively for the ideal school size.
Our small school size enables us to change routes daily, if necessary, to accommodate the needs of our students and their families resulting in consistency and stability for all students.
However, areas of energy waste are often the same regardless of school size or level.
Students also form family - like groups with each other and have more leadership opportunities because of small school sizes.
Schools were matched on school size and type of food service and randomly assigned to intervention or control.
For many of the students drawn to the technical and medical charters, school size matters.
Additionally, data about school characteristics is presented, including school size and school type.
«The California research, however, had the virtue of demonstrating that this disadvantage was exaggerated as school size increased.»
Unexpectedly, we do not find a clear or strong relationship between school size and WSI values.
Cahill asked Parthenon to find out the exact role played by school size in student outcomes.
• Differences in average school size across states can have an impact on the number of overall personnel that panels might identify.
There is wide distribution across school size and students» socioeconomic status, though half of the teachers participating in the survey report teaching in a small city or suburb.
Average school size at full enrollment is 442 students.
[7] As the late sociologist James S. Coleman pointed out, [8] large school size often leads to student alienation from the school and strong affiliation with what he called «the adolescent society.»
North Carolina's indicators for school size keep its grade in this category down.
After controlling for student background, the only objective factor found to be positively correlated with student performance was smaller classes, not school size or teacher qualifications, nor any other variable that the researchers could identify.
More recently, the Rural School and Community Trust, a national nonprofit organization, asked Bickel and Howley to study School Size, Poverty, and Student Achievement in Montana, Ohio, Georgia, and Texas.
* «A» is the state of PA's smallest school size rating.
Mandate a maximum school size, not to exceed 300 or so students, to make schools more personal.
Data on school size also hurt Nevada's standing.
That study, «School Inflation: Did the 20th - Century Growth in School Size Improve Education,» found that smaller schools had a significant positive effect on students» wages as adults.
Time - proven Spanish and French immersion methods, combined with sister school partnerships, foreign exchanges, and an emphasis on world cultures have helped the award - winning school achieve the highest test scores for an elementary school its size in Oklahoma — four years in a row.
Among the changes you suggest is «reduce school size
First, experts are concerned about how school size affects students» perception of their education as well as their academic performance.
«Because our staff have come out of state schools in Victoria and NSW, and have some experience in the private sector, as well in different school sizes and handling different programs, we bring a wealth of experience to the table, compared to school's who choose to assign a single role within a school.»
• Reformers aim to curtail school boards in order to make administration more efficient (or less dysfunctional in the case of some boards), but, as with school size, reformers created school boards 100 or so years ago for precisely the same reasons.
See: David H. Monk, «Secondary school size and curriculum comprehensiveness,» Economics of Education Review 6 (2)(1987): 137 - 150.
During their first conversation, Jacqueline and Ref were amazed to discover that their visions were identical in a number of ways including class size, overall school size, calendar, schedule, school culture, college and community partnerships, parent engagement, curriculum, and much more.
Note: School size sample mean = 749, SD = 543.
Abstract: This article expresses concerns in Southern Australia about the increase in school sizes since 2010.
SSC's research on defining the exact parameters of school size provides future research with methodological basis.
Findings in the existing literature of effects of school size show small schools advantage on curricular diversity, academic achievement, daily attendance rates, teacher and student morale, student and parent participation, etc..
The commitment by dioceses to take in schools, particularly smaller primaries, can influence the balance of school sizes within the trust.
Provide some insights for charters into the just - released ratings considering school size and demographic makeup; and
From the teachers» perspectives, the relationships with students have improved because the small school size allows teachers to build one - on - one relationships with students.

Phrases with «school size»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z