Sentences with phrase «school spending levels»

Last week, the California School Boards Association released a report on public school spending levels.
In an analysis of the effects of the 1990 Kentucky Education Reform Act recently published in the Kentucky Annual Economic Report, a professor of economics at the University of Kentucky asserts that the state's higher school spending levels have not led to significant gains on national tests or substantial improvements in the dropout rate.
The authors of these studies, who thoughtfully use sudden changes in school spending levels generated by school finance lawsuits to construct quasi-experimental comparisons, very well may be right.
Those who are critical of foundations today, Hess notes, raised nary a peep during the 1980s when the Ford Foundation was funding lawsuits challenging the adequacy of school spending levels, leading to billions of additional dollars from states.
Instead, the charter community would be better served by highlighting our state's shamefully low public school spending levels and calling for increased investment that will left all boats.
A UFT spokeswoman said the school spending levels were necessary to recruit and keep qualified staff in challenging jobs.
Beginning in the late 1960s, and accelerating unabated through to the present, plaintiffs have filed more than 125 court cases questioning the constitutionality of school district and school spending levels.
As set forth in detail in the book, Kentucky (the first of the «adequacy» rulings), New Jersey (with almost four decades of court involvement in school funding), and Wyoming (where the courts instructed the state to fund a «visionary and unsurpassed» education for its students) have each seen their school spending levels blossom under court order.
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