Sentences with phrase «school underachievement»

«A Transcontextual model for intervention with problems of school underachievement
This brief highlights four components of culturally and linguistically - responsive prereferral interventions: 1) preventing school underachievement and failure among culturally and linguistically diverse learners, 2) early intervention for struggling learners, 3) diagnostic and prescriptive teaching, and 4) availability of general education problem - solving support systems.
Increasing attention is being paid to the geography of school underachievement - such as in coastal areas and regional differences.

Not exact matches

«Schoolhouse Rock»: An Education Blog, September 2008 «A true solution to the problem of underachievement in inner - city public schools is going to require more nurturing families and safer neighborhoods as well as better teachers and more accountable schools
He starts with an explanation of what giftedness is — and is not, then moves on to discuss inclusion and other school issues affecting gifted children, perfectionism, and underachievement.
Extra education funding for servicemen's children; the report finds problems of underachievement related to constant changing of schools.
A CPD session on the causes of underachievement and how this can be supported as a teacher, department and whole school level.
Both America and Britain have outstanding universities — Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, Oxford — but behind those high - performing institutions (and there are some amazingly good schools for children five to 18) there is a long history of underachievement that has correlated with poverty.
Researchers are still somewhat baffled by gifted underachievement, which becomes more prevalent in the middle and high school years.
Constructing and implementing a data system is an essential function that moves a school toward addressing the underachievement of students living in poverty.
In Australia, as in many other countries, part of the policy response to underachievement has been to set higher standards and to hold students, teachers and schools accountable for achieving those standards.
Assistant Professor Natasha Kumar Warikoo underscores the wisdom of that recommendation in new research that questions assumptions often made about the link between rap / hip - hop - influenced youth culture and underachievement in inner - city schools.
The long tail of underachievement is also a long tail of disenchantment with school.
Associate Professor Natasha Kumar Warikoo underscores the wisdom of that recommendation in new research that questions assumptions often made about the link between rap / hip - hop - influenced youth culture and underachievement in inner - city schools.
Indeed, there is a very strong link between a very hygienic school and exceptional academic performance, just as there is between filthy schools and academic underachievement.
Having worked for an organisation that dealt with integration of non-nationals and disadvantaged [5] children in Dutch society and the educational system for primary school children specifically, there was heartbreaking evidence and examples that those who needed to assess the environmental conditions young children were catapulted into, could not — and will never — understand the extent of trauma these children and their parents had been exposed to; subsequently, unable to realistically assess the cause of underachievement and trauma, nor adequate measures could be taken to equip fugitives with sufficient resources to overcome this disadvantaged position.
Thus, my challenge to you is to find an underachieving gifted child (research shows about half of gifted learners experience underachievement - or the gap between potential and performance at some point in their school career) and give them a good year.
It uses an e-platform with customizable and adaptable lesson plans to address student underachievement and high repetition rates among public school students.
Firstly, a little history to set the scene; September 2012 saw the start of the conversion process for Battle Primary School, a Reading school with a long history of underachievSchool, a Reading school with a long history of underachievschool with a long history of underachievement.
Schools of character see dramatic transformations; pro-social behaviors such as cooperation, respect, and compassion replace negative behaviors such as violence, disrespect, apathy, and underachievement.
These schools demonstrate that it's possible not only to reverse historic trends of underachievement but also to sustain their gains.
Under the other Jindal proposal, parents of students attending failure mills throughout the state would be allowed to vote on whether it can become part of the Recovery School District after three years of persistent academic underachievement; the schools would essentially be converted into charters under state oversight.
A comprehensive resource whether you're just getting started, or moving further along your journey, is A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children by James T. Webb, Janet L. Gore, Edward R. Amend & Arlene R. DeVries This guide offers insights for both the beginner and «advanced» parent of the gifted child, including parenting, underachievement, sensitivities, twice exceptionalities, friendships, siblings, schools, identification, and much more!
The proposal mentioned historic underachievement in the area which the free school said it would address in partnership with the independent Woodbridge School also run by the Seckford Foundschool said it would address in partnership with the independent Woodbridge School also run by the Seckford FoundSchool also run by the Seckford Foundation.
St Anthony's School, a smaller - than - average primary in Gloucestershire, was found to be inadequate in three of five categories with inspectors raising concerns over weak teaching and pupil underachievement.
Prof Alison Wolf, from King's College London, highlighted the link between concentrations of underachievement in school and where traditional industrial jobs had disappeared.
National programmes that involve fathers in their children's education can help tackle boys» underachievement in schools, new research has found.
The last paragraph is key - «To date, the obsession with school structures has allowed the focus in education policy to move away from tackling failure and the long tail of underachievement, setting our schools system back immeasurably.
To date, the obsession with school structures has allowed the focus in education policy to move away from tackling failure and the long tail of underachievement, setting our schools system back immeasurably.
I would argue that it is those students who gifted programs should be targeting, in order to stop them falling into a cycle of frustration, underachievement, and possibly dropping out of school altogether.
Some of the most ambitious efforts to address the underachievement of African - American boys and young men have involved broad, systemic reforms — carefully conceived and clearly articulated transformations of entire school districts that are designed to run seamlessly from pre-kindergarten through high school.
When confronted with this data progressives also blame black male underachievement on disparate school discipline and / or on something they're fond of calling the «school - to - prison pipeline.»
The in - school performance pattern of the students in this study suggests that the reversal of underachievement may be lengthy and marked by uneven progress.
The study's findings indicate that academic underachievement can be reversed as a result of modifications on the part of both the student and the school.
Consultation is available for issues common to gifted persons, including perfectionism, asynchronous development, underachievement, acceleration, school selection, visual - spatial learners, and gifted / learning disabled or twice - exceptional learners.
By Dr. Aaron Thompson: Discussions about school reform and underachievement often portray diversity as an issue to overcome.
Low engagement might show up in measurable ways like low participation in school activities or underachievement (low grades among kids with high test scores).
This Tuesday Nicky Morgan outlined plans to tackle underachievement by creating a National Teaching Service to get «super teachers» into struggling coastal and rural schools.
With a national high school graduation rate of only 47 % coupled with staggering suspension rates and chronic underachievement, Principal Kafele contends that clearly, we as educators have failed to identify the true essence of the problem.
To address this, educators must explore factors contributing to underachievement; these factors can be categorized as sociopsychological, family - related, peer - related, and school - related.
To prevent or reverse underachievement, schools will need to provide supportive strategies, intrinsic strategies, and remedial strategies.
Their dogmatic belief that poverty is the root cause of educational underachievement is a cop - out in an age in which there are great examples of schools, traditional, charter and private, who are helping kids reach brighter futures.
The program, which has been launched in three urban school districts in California and New Jersey, simultaneously addresses two issues: the underachievement of African American students and the preparation of teachers who can work successfully with these students.
INEFFECTIVE School Library leaders do not consult professional ethical standards / norms, which can result in learner and / or practitioner professional underachievement.
Children, adolescents and college students often display academic, behavioral, and emotional behaviors that are frequently associated with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Aspergers Disorder, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, etc. as well as educational issues related to the Gifted and Talented population or those youth demonstrating anxiety or underachievement in the school setting.
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