Sentences with phrase «schoolers experiment with»

For instance, let charter schools experiment with alternative approaches to personnel.
One of the teachers is hired to work at New York City school experimenting with a model that allows it to pay low - six - figure salaries, but the approach is inexplicably left unclarified.
Student scores on basic - skills tests have improved in 12 of 17 New Jersey schools experimenting with the «effective schools» program, according to a new state report.
In the Newsweek cover story about the problems boys were having, Ortiz read about a Colorado school experimenting with single - sex education.
Many teachers and schools experimenting with personalized learning also report early success with boosting student and parent engagement, improving student attendance, increasing teacher retention, and other measures of progress.
Tabor Academy in Massachusetts is an example of a school experimenting with rethinking how to operate to enhance deeper learning, the report points out.
Fiffty years of experince assisting humanity to screw up, and a high school experiment with fast breeding bugs, tells me otherwise.
Do you not remember the school experiment with a beaker of water and a single copper sulphate crystal showing fairly rapid liquid convection?
A Norwegian business school experimented with different headline structures, including referential headlines, rhetorical headlines, and declarative headlines.

Not exact matches

Before Dan Price caused a media firestorm by establishing a $ 70,000 minimum wage at his Seattle company, Gravity Payments... before Hollywood agents, reality - show producers, and book publishers began throwing elbows for a piece of the hip, 31 - year - old entrepreneur with the shoulder - length hair and Brad Pitt looks... before Rush Limbaugh called him a socialist and Harvard Business School professors asked to study his radical experiment in paying workers... an entry - level Gravity employee named Jason Haley got really pissed off at him.
While some schools are already beginning to experiment with Google Cardboard virtual reality in the classroom, Sweeney sees a much different future.
Amy Cuddy, a faculty member at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, has conducted an experiment with her graduate students demonstrating that holding an assertive body posture for as little as two minutes increases the amount of testosterone in the body, in men and women.
The release of the If iPad app comes at a time when schools are increasingly experimenting with giving tablets to students, a trend that could be a major opportunity for education technology startups.
In high school, he smoked pot, dropped LSD and experimented with how his brain would feel when deprived of sleep.
The experiment was designed to test whether donor premiums — in this case, a luggage tag branded with the school's logo — would influence giving patterns.
Money should be spent to experiment both with school vouchers and with other reforms.
As the conversation continued, the opinion was offered and gained general assent that about one third of the young men in the school were experimenting with homogenital sex or publicly identified themselves as gay.
Now the issue is more likely to be drinking, and the avant - garde in Holiness and Pentecostal schools are experimenting with restrained social drinking.
I would like to offer two reasons why the speech experiment failed to take root at Candler: 1) my inability to identify, claim and integrate my emerging performance perspective on preaching with the dominant image of communication in the theological school.
@Jeff I for one support all of the experiments with vouchers, charter schools, etc..
The school must not be undertaken, that is, as a brief experiment only; it must be a genuine part of a long - range parish program over several years, with the definite intention of continuing the school so that it will be accepted in time as a normal and expected part of the total life of the congregation.
We do these experiments every day of every year for their entire high school experience, with the children praying each day that the result will be different.
Now that school is out, I find myself just wanting to experiment with easy blender recipes and hang out by the pool.
I have been experimenting much more with vegetarian recipes because I have to send in vegetarian lunches to my daughter's new school.
We never ordered take out (I actually didn't even try Chinese food until high school — and it was at friend's house), we never went to ethnic restaurants, and we never experimented with different cuisines in the kitchen.
I love experimenting with combining new foods Kerri McGrail recently posted... WIAW: Vegan Fries, Smoothies Bowls & Dental School Life
So I left law school and I headed out west and reconnected with my passion for cooking that I had as a child and started working in the kitchen of a natural food store in San Diego and just started experimenting in the kitchen and just getting really creative.
And you made them so unbelievably simple < 3 I'm just starting to experiment more with rice flour so this is definitely going on my list of must makes and OMG I used to LOVE Magic School Bus granted, I watched it in Czech but I'm a fellow nerdy 90s kid all the same
Founder Alden Blease first experimented with functional foods as a high school athlete.
In a landmark experiment in 2006, Cohen and a colleague, Julio Garcia, tested a wise intervention designed to counteract this anxiety with a group of underachieving seventh - graders at a suburban middle school in New England.
I have a ton of bags that I need to use up but will experiment on alternatives for my son's lunches (as the school keeps losing the containers I send with him).
Roland Fryer, a celebrated young professor of economics at Harvard University, has spent the past decade testing out a variety of incentive schemes in experiments with public school students in Houston, New York, Chicago, and other American cities that have school systems with high poverty rates.
Interestingly, just days before the NFL's decision to suspend the use of impact sensors was announced, my local paper, The Boston Globe, came out with a powerful editorial in which it urged college, high school, and recreational leagues in contact and collision sports to consider mandating use of impact sensors, or, at the very least, experimenting with the technology, to alert the sideline personnel to hits that might cause concussion, and to track data on repetitive head impacts, which, a growing body of peer - reviewed evidence suggests, may result, over time, in just as much, if not more, damage to an athlete's brain, as a single concussive blow, and may even predispose an athlete to concussion.
In 2014, Ruth Feldman, a researcher in Israel and at the Yale School of Medicine, conducted an experiment with her colleagues.
On the fifth day of my gentle parenting experiment, I took my daughter to the local children's museum with her friends while her brother was at school.
Some children change during middle school, and it's possible that your child may have a friend who experiments with drugs, alcohol, or other dangerous behaviors.
Before joining the faculty this past year, McKenna taught at Pomona College in California, where he collaborated with neurologist Sarah Mosko of the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine for 15 years on a series of experiments looking into what happens physiologically when babies sleep with their mothers instead of alone.
The experiment took place in an inner city elementary school with 297 children in grades Kindergarten through 6.
Sometimes parents have been suspicious that their child may be experimenting with drugs before they're caught at school with them.
Although Zoe hasn't officially started school yet, we loosely began last fall and have been experimenting with various curriculums, trying to figure out what will work best for our family and the official «first day of kindergarten» later this year.
In Montgomery County, not all schools that have experimented with the weekend break have continued it.
We did visit a local school here and saw their «science fair» but it seemed to consist of rather basic projects with lots of printouts from the Internet and CD encyclopedias, with no research or experiments or anything other than a display that looked nice.
Slowly but surely, a few schools and a few teachers across the nation have started to experiment with getting rid of homework altogether.
At the end of her article, Janet says: «The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act authorizes pilot programs in individual schools and districts to experiment with universal free - meal approaches.»
So, think of your school drop off with your child as your own visual cliff experiment.
Beginning this school year, Central Junior High School is experimenting with a school breakfast prschool year, Central Junior High School is experimenting with a school breakfast prSchool is experimenting with a school breakfast prschool breakfast program.
And my 1 year old really still needs to be held all the time and he needs full on attention so I have experimented with having some high school students come in for 2 hours to be there.
Underwater Sound Experiment for Kids from Still Playing School — Little ones learn how sounds change underwater with this simple but engaging eExperiment for Kids from Still Playing School — Little ones learn how sounds change underwater with this simple but engaging experimentexperiment.
-LSB-...] Beautiful Butterflies - In honor of back to school, how about a fun science experiment with color.
Jessica Lee, a pediatric dentist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry, suggests experimenting with different types of toothbrushes — maybe little Anna would prefer an electronic toothbrush to a manual one, or vice versa.
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