Sentences with phrase «schooling jackfish»

Our Team aims not only to give you the necessary technical skills you need to scuba dive but also to encourage an interest and appreciation of the diversity of marine life that can be found in Indonesian waters with large numbers of Hawksbill and Green Turtles, White Tip Reef Shark, Schooling Jackfish, Bumphead Parrotfish, Frog fishesSeahorse, Octopus and beautiful Nudibranches its hard not to fall in love with diving in the Gilis.
If you have the time then we would certainly recommend staying several days but if you just have a day to spare then you will love diving around the wreck that is home to sweetlips, turtles, bumphead parrot fish, huge potato cod, reef sharks and the amazing schooling jackfish.
Have you ever snorkeled over a shipwreck and seen schooling Jackfish with the sunlight bouncing off their silvery scales?

Not exact matches

We hooked ourselves to the rocks and admired several grey reef sharks, big school of jackfish, yellow fin barracudas, emperor fish and couple of black tip sharks.
We saw many schools of fish and also wobbegong shark, grey reef shark, schools of sweetlips fish, barracudas, tunas, big school of jackfish and a lot of glass fish.
We saw schools of fish: yellow fin barracudas, jackfish, sweat lips fish, black tip sharks, white tip sharks and grey reef sharks.
The rocks are submerged in 12 meters of water and attract large schools of jackfish (bigger varieties), trevally and giant barracudas.
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