Sentences with phrase «schools focus so»

Peneston says there's a cost for demanding schools focus so much energy on having elementary school students do well on standardized math and language arts tests.

Not exact matches

With this new money, Regeneron and the Society hope to expand the reach of their competition so that it doesn't only focus on prestigious schools.
When young adults do ask parents for their two cents on saving, they often do so with a heavy dose of skepticism, says Lisa Szykman, associate professor at William & Mary School of Business, who has run focus - group research exploring young adults» personal finance behavior.
Right alongside my admiration for the public school students who have been so articulate and so focused in their advocacy, lies a deep anger and shame for some of the adult behavior on full display: adults creating and perpetuating fake news, doctoring video and pictures; adults pilfering from the holy ground that is the site of a mass killing; and adults attempting to steal the bright shine of these student advocates.
I focused all extra payments on the smaller of my two unsubsidized loans so the balance would fall during school.
He does so in front of school kids and that's a clue: Primary education is a provincial responsibility, but it was symbolic of where much federal attention is focused these days, on funding matters in, or of relevance to the provinces.
Getting kids into school isn't enough to solve illiteracy so Rotary focuses on improving education by training and mentoring teachers.
Hence a theological school does focus study on congregations, but is not defined by an interest in doing so.
I get all the hurt, for sure... I see the bigger problem here as the WAY old school church is still being done... The big church method that is so internal, and so focused on a pastor is not healthy.
We need to identify criteria by which to judge which groups belong within the circle of Christian congregations so that we can tell concretely just what it is that we recommend theological schools select to focus their studies.
The sexual behavior survey is a modular add - on to California's Healthy Kids suite of surveys; other modules focus on alcohol and drug use, school violence, gang involvement, and so on.
It's like a fire drill in my home every morning with my boys, so the focus is on school lunches and getting out the door.
Ramirez decided to step away from the high school game after last season to focus on club coaching, so Lopez is now Dublin's sole head coach.
That doesn't just penalize the player, it penalizes the whole team (and the athletic department and the school and the community), so it makes sense to deliver a punishment that focuses on the individual rather than a punishment that impacts the group.
The powerhouse Southeastern Conference, for example, might focus on the fact their member schools generate so much revenue through college sports.
This was in 1992, so my focus as a football - watching fan naturally went from linebackers, the position I had played in high school, up to the league's premier defensive ends.
I only played competitive matches when in secondary school, so not sure how much that accounts for:) I do remember that focus was the key — once I had that dialed in, I was capable of ignoring the opposite fans and their bad influence.
Unfortunately, she is typical of a breed of teenagers who have become so focused — by their parents, their schools, the culture, their peers and themselves on gaming the system, cheating when necessary and believing that money and material goods are the foundation of a life well - lived — that they have little opportunity to develop the kinds of ideas that used to be typical of teenagers.
More important than the labels of «play - based» or «academic - focused,» though, is what actually happens in the classroom and how teachers respond to emotional situations, so ask about specific scenarios when you're considering a school.
First, I could not solely focus my research on mathematics instruction; because the education I witnessed was so integrated and was indicative of best practices, I changed the study to be part of a growing body of knowledge on school restructuring and reform.
The boys are in school, so the daytime focus is on our daughter.
Every day I need to touch Women Online (as creative director), Boston Mamas (as founder / editor), Edit Your Life (as co-host), Brave New World Designs (as designer / co-owner) + Christine Koh LLC (as principal... this includes various freelance projects, including one major managing editor contract) so efficiency and focus really are key, given that I need to cycle through projects during the day and also given that Laurel and Violet are not in after school programs (Jon and I really 50/50 it in terms of covering the after school window... I am so grateful for this)!
So charter schools can teach differently, they can have completely different curriculum, they can focus on a completely different philosophy.
Parents are lobbying to get the start of the school day at Annandale High pushed back so that students get more sleep and can be more focused in class.
TOUGH: Well, I think part of it has to do with education policy, that we've been so focused on standardized tests as the measure of whether a school is doing well that we're not giving schools the time and the incentive to work on these other skills.
Kristi: I actually took a lot of heat a while back for not just defending milk but defending the dreaded flavored milk — or at least questioning why school food reformers were so focused on flavored milk versus versus many other, worse problems in the school lunch program.
I work 40 + hours a week so I don't have time once I get off, cook dinner, make sure school stuff is seen and complete, bath time, book time and cuddle to work out or do anything outside of focus my all on my child.
The main point of my 2011 post was to question why Jamie Oliver (whose «Food Revolution» show was then on television) was focusing so intensely on banning chocolate milk in American schools at a time when there were, in my opinion, far more pressing school food issues which would have benefitted from his celebrity and clout.
Sadly, chronic, diet - related health conditions are a pervasive problem at the school, so McCoy has focused her efforts on improving student health and wellness by improving the food they serve.
So instead of worrying about DeVos, we really should be focusing on: (1) Congressional Republicans, who've already shown great enthusiasm for weakening the nutrition standards for school meals and limiting their accessibility to low - income kids (see my Civil Eats piece, «3 Things You Need to Know About the House School Food Bill «-RRB-; (2) the as - yet - unscheduled confirmation hearing for Agriculture Secretary nominee Sonny Perdue, during which we're likely to get more information on how he views the NSLP; and (3) whoever eventually is appointed Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, the USDA official directly in charge of child nutrition proschool meals and limiting their accessibility to low - income kids (see my Civil Eats piece, «3 Things You Need to Know About the House School Food Bill «-RRB-; (2) the as - yet - unscheduled confirmation hearing for Agriculture Secretary nominee Sonny Perdue, during which we're likely to get more information on how he views the NSLP; and (3) whoever eventually is appointed Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, the USDA official directly in charge of child nutrition proSchool Food Bill «-RRB-; (2) the as - yet - unscheduled confirmation hearing for Agriculture Secretary nominee Sonny Perdue, during which we're likely to get more information on how he views the NSLP; and (3) whoever eventually is appointed Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, the USDA official directly in charge of child nutrition programs.
This whole debacle reminds me of when Chipotle changed their bags to state their philosophy of «Food With Integrity» and focused on the pig, and Chipotle's FB page was inundated by high school and college kids who plastered its walls with endless postings about their so - called ethical treatment of their factory farmed pigs.
For example, young children have a limited concept of time, so their worries tend to focus on their daily routine (Who will take me to school in the morning?
My son has lots of energy and a tough time staying focused, so after he's been sitting still at school all day, the last thing he wants to hear is that it's homework time.
For the last year or so, much of my writing on TLT (and in other outlets)- and my focus as an advocate - has been devoted to the long - running battle over school food nutritional standards.
The idea behind FOCUS is simple: large school districts procure so much food that they have considerable market power (second only to the U.S. military when it comes to food purchasing), which FOCUS helps them leverage to pressure manufacturers into producing better food.
There are three schools of marriage counseling therapy compatible with Attachment Parenting, so you'll want to make sure your counselor is accredited with one of these programs: Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Imago Relationship Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy.
That piqued my curiosity, so for those of you with children currently in public school in grades K - 12, I'd be so grateful if you'd share more details via this second survey, which focuses exclusively on your children's school food environment: the food offered in the cafeteria, classrooms and campus fundraisers.
Every child should be supervised during transport, either by school staff or a parent volunteer, so the driver can focus on driving.
Democratic schools like Longview School focus on teaching the whole child, so they not only learn rigorous academics, but also develop into more independent, responsible young adults.
So rather than getting into «Nanny State» debates about the proper role of government, my focus on this blog will always be purely pragmatic; if the school lunch program is here to stay, let's talk about how to make it better.
I so want to try Valor with another oil to help my daughter to stay calm and focus during school.
Her new HuffPo piece, «Revenge of the Lunch Lady,» focuses specifically on Rhonda McCoy, the Huntington school food director who'd been so negatively portrayed in Food Revolution's first season.
So we really need to focus in on serving our children healthy foods at school (in the cafeteria, school store, classroom and vending machines) and at home, if we want to ensure that our children live long, healthy lives.
Start by assuming that this person is someone who really does care about the kids and what they eat, who really does want to feed children in an atmosphere of nurturing and respect, but who has probably been beaten down by so many years of having to focus on the bottom line, and of hearing the criticisms of school food, that she may have almost lost the will to live, let alone to fix school food.
He should get between 8.5 and 9.5 hours a night so that he can focus during school.
Focus has worked so hard on making school meals healthier, and FoodCorps gets kids to eat those healthier meals.
As we continue to focus on the twin issues of childhood obesity and hunger, we will increase access to good, quality meals in school cafeterias so the nutritional needs of our youngsters are better met.
We need to bring common sense to Common Core because New York is wasting too much time and money stressing children out to prepare for these tests which are of questionable educational value instead of focusing on supporting teachers so they can do their job and teach children what's really important,» said Assemblyman Jim Tedisco, a former public school special education teacher and guidance counselor.
We also strongly support the Governor's proposals to educate the whole child, a key priority for the Regents, including to ensure New York's students have access to healthy meals at school so they can focus on learning in the classroom.
While Kaminsky has so far run on an anti-corruption platform that plays up his prosecutorial experience, McGrath's campaign has steered clear of any mention of corruption, instead focusing on school aid, taxes and the perennial Republican bogeyman, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
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