Sentences with phrase «science advocacy group»

President Barack Obama's directive today to his science adviser to «restore scientific integrity to government decision - making» is a culmination of a long campaign by science advocacy groups against the policies of the Bush Administration.
But the March for Science has changed — from a volunteer - led protest to a global network of science advocacy groups.
Academics can teach their students why basic science is important, and they can further advocate for science to the public in speeches, in writing, by voting or by supporting science advocacy groups, she said.
The coalition is a national science advocacy group that WSU joined last year.
Science advocacy groups say the restriction would curb all regulation to protect public health because health research routinely relies on confidential patient information.
Science advocacy groups have fought Smith tooth and nail, saying that his proposals would hinder NSF's ability to support multidisciplinary research and to respond quickly to unexpected opportunities across the entire scientific landscape.
For the ninth time since 2005, the science advocacy group sent out a survey to more than 63,000 federal scientists across 16 agencies to gather information about what's happening inside the federal government in relation to scientific integrity.
«Data from the census is the cornerstone of informed policymaking at all levels of government,» says Katie Gibbs, executive director of Evidence for Democracy, a science advocacy group based in Ottawa that has sponsored a write - in campaign.
Since then, I'm helping to start a science advocacy group on campus in hopes of improving public trust in scientists and opening conversations between academic researchers and the local community.
The measure also sparked debate within the scientific community, with some science advocacy groups — including AAAS, publisher of ScienceInsider — opposing the measure.
I recently became involved with the science advocacy group RISE Stronger.
The science advocacy group the Union of Concerned Scientist also annotated the letter to point out its errors.
As work begins on the first comprehensive evaluation of the state's teacher preparation system in more than a decade, a widely respected math and science advocacy group is calling for sweeping change in support of STEM instruction.
The alleged «witch hunt» put Cuccinelli in a category of his own, according to Aaron Huertas, a spokesperson for the Union of Concerned Scientists, a science advocacy group.
For starters, without the mandate to lower CO2 emissions, America's electrical power industry could continue to emit high levels of CO2, said Ken Kimmell, the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a science advocacy group.
Depending on what's measured, many different states can claim laurels, according to the report published Thursday by the science advocacy group Union of Concerned Scientists.
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