Sentences with phrase «science agenda»

In «Put Science Back in Congress» [Science Agenda], the editors advocate for a nonbinding science advisory board to educate Congress on scientific issues.
Your criticism of televised ads for prescription drugs in «This Drug Ad Is Not Right for You» [Science Agenda] is right on.
Christian is co-founder and was a board member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE), a pan-European initiative of outstanding scientists and scholars who aim to influence science policy and contribute to the development of the European science agenda for the upcoming decades.
See Science Agenda: Fear and Its Consequences
Maurice Strong became Chairman of Ontario Hydro, a state monopoly of energy production, in 1992: the same year he introduced the political and science agenda of the IPCC at Rio 92.
He is responsible for IBM's science agenda in physical, mathematical and life sciences, as well as cognitive and blockchain research.
A bill making its way through the House Science, Space and Technology Committee would set the country's science agenda by favoring certain disciplines
As the Editors of Scientific American write in this month's Science Agenda column, the CIA's actions were wrong, and public health initiatives are feeling the negative effects.
Perhaps if the fundiot nutters would stop trying to force their anti science agenda into our schools you might have a point.
The proposal dovetailed nicely with Wales» greater science agenda to establish itself as world class in a few key areas.
«Who is actually shaping the global science agenda?
We'll be delighted to share the university's most prominent research news, finding a proper expert to comment on the world science agenda or to clear out a complicated science issue, connecting you to a right person or providing any other information you might need
The Innovation and Science Agenda aims to encourage more startup to take bigger risks for growth and expansion.
Part of the reason for astrovirology's absence from space science agendas, Stedman says, is that virologists have not been reaching out to astrobiologists and pushing the case for virion hunting.
In the recently - released National Innovation and Science Agenda Report the Federal Government has outlined key measures to support the delivery and participation of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects in primary and secondary schools, these include:
«The Pause» has a very limited purpose in a serious discussion about climate science agenda setting and fraud.
«Further research on the feasibility of pathways that limit warming to below 1.5 °C is therefore a central element of a post-Paris science agenda
Thank you for advocating for a carbon tax in «The Price of Pollution» [Science Agenda].
See Science Agenda: A Political Wish List for Washington
In «Don't Blind NASA to Earth's Climate» [Science Agenda], the editors refer to NASA as having «spotted a dangerous, growing hole» in the ozone layer in the 1980s.
In the race to the South Pole, explorer Robert F. Scott refused to sacrifice his ambitious science agenda
Yet without proper guidance from doctors and genetic counselors, the Editors of Scientific American warn in this month's Science Agenda column, this knowledge may lead parents to take drastic measures — such as ending the pregnancy — based on misguided readings.
The legislative changes regarding VCs in Australia will be buttressed by the government's $ 1.1 billion (AUD) National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA).
Like other countries that see knowledge - growth as a pillar of their economies, Wales has created a science agenda that aims not only to expand academic science, but to translate science and technology into applications that lead to economic growth.
Climate Science • The new Republican House majority provides an opportunity to shape the science agenda for bipartisan efforts to reduce the nation's energy usage and to take steps towards a clean energy — based economy.
Wales» science agenda is not only driven by its existing strengths in the life sciences, but also by a vision of where it wants to go.
See: Science Agenda: The Other Oil Problem
See Science Agenda: Keep the Internet Fair
Science Agenda: Keep the Internet fair (p 12) The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) December 2010 ruling prohibiting unreasonable filtering of the Internet could be viewed as supporting the principles of net neutrality.
(This month's Science Agenda, about medical testing in chimps, notes other similarities that have been documented in chimps and humans.)
See: Science Agenda: Read My E-mail?
See: Science Agenda: Fresh Fruit, Hold the Insulin
See: Science Agenda: A To - Do List for Washington
See Science Agenda: Coming Clean about Nuclear Power
See: Science Agenda: Protect Women's Health
Although Congress stepped in to protect those research centers, the Smithsonian has appointed a commission to review its science agenda.
See: Science Agenda: Do Not Reanimate
CONSERVATION AND CLONING • Although we may soon have the biotechnology tools necessary to revive long - extinct species, such as woolly mammoths, we should focus more on efforts to save the 20,000 species now in grave danger of extinction, the Editors state in this month's Science Agenda.
EXECUTION AND ETHICS In describing the use of an experimental cocktail to execute Dennis McGuire in January as having gone «badly» in «The Myth of the Compassionate Execution» [Science Agenda], the editors say, based on observations by the priest who gave McGuire his last rites, that «McGuire struggled and gasped for air for 11 minutes, his strained breaths fading into small puffs» before he died 26 minutes after the injection.
Kothari of the Union of Concerned Scientists called it «alarming» that the Trump administration's science agenda «is being run by the chairman of the Science Committee, given that he has continued to not care about how science informs policymaking.»
I think I can push the science agenda forward.
In «Data Glitches Are Hazardous to Your Health» [Science Agenda], the editors decry that no centralized body is keeping track of errors in electronic medical records.
Another option, discussed by the editors in this month's Science Agenda, is to follow the model suggested by the positive results of a study involving several Philadelphia hospitals: extensive follow - up visits with patients once they are discharged.
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