Sentences with phrase «science and innovation»

«There has been a lot of comment [from the new government] about the future, and the role of science and innovation in that future,» he says.
That means being one of the best places in the world for science and innovation.
He will still carry out a review of science and innovation policies across government for the chancellor and other ministers, due in the summer of 2007.
After all, they both have the same vision of striving for improved healthcare outcomes through science and innovation.
The free exchange of scientific ideas and information is crucial to advancing science and innovation, and conferences are a standard mechanism for the transfer of information among scientists and engineers.
One method, he notes involves focusing on larger packaged goods companies to provide added culinary, food science and innovation - related activities.
Comprehensive actions should be taken to strengthen the role of women in science and innovation.
In 2004, the British government published a 10 - year plan for science and innovation that calls to boost science spending to 2.5 percent of GDP by 2014.
His current interests are on the future of higher education, networks of knowledge in international development, and the politics of science and innovation policy.
Through science and innovation, we are committed to delivering the world's safest, most effective omega oils.
«Tell us about the Kinder Morgan pipeline,» the American scientist asked Trudeau as they concluded a panel discussion on science and innovation in front of students at the University of Ottawa.
«BelGioioso Club Store package with Bemis SmartTack ™ EZ Peel ® Reseal ™ technology is a real breakthrough in terms of packaging science and innovation,» said Jane Skelton, head of Print and Packaging, Sainsbury, U.K., speaking as a representative of the 2015 DuPont Awards judging panel.
Lord Sainsbury was appointed science and innovation minister in July 1998.
The Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge is looking for passionate young people to help solve the world's biggest challenges using science and innovation.
The tiny, oil - rich West African nation of Equatorial Guinea will host a new center set to collect information about science and innovation across the African continent.
It is our common interest to strengthen the European science and innovation endeavour by supporting individual scientists and innovators, science institutions and policies across the whole of Europe.
I'm also writing a piece on the beginning of the beginnings of a new international public - private push on energy science and innovation through the «Mission Innovation» and Breakthrough Energy Coalition initiatives announced in Paris today.]
«Helping Africa to Self - Sufficiency: how to build math, science and innovation across the continent,» Michigan State University
Our Government will continue making targeted investments in science and innovation chains from laboratory to market in order to position Canada as a leader in the knowledge economy.
The initiative was introduced by then - Chancellor George Osborne in 2014 with the aim of ploughing investment into transport links, science and innovation within a cluster of cities in the North.
One can argue that some deficit financing of science and innovation makes sense given the long - term returns these can produce, especially while the cost of borrowing is low; one can also argue that some of those who talk tough on deficits only get fiscal religion when the other guy's in charge.
Swansea University recently expanded and in 2015 opened its Bay Campus, a # 450 million (US$ 580.6 million) science and innovation space situated on a 65 - acre beachfront site not far from the Singleton Park Campus.
«We aim to make the strength of German science and innovation more visible internationally, thereby enhancing collaboration in important research fields and future technologies,» says Marijke Wahlers, head of international affairs at the German Rectors» Conference, one of the organisations involved in setting up the Tokyo house.
However, these days, much of the cutting - edge science and innovation takes place at start - up and mid-size MD&D companies.
«The Australian government has made a long - term commitment to building a world - class science and innovation system through our 10 - year A$ 8.3 billion (US$ 6.3 billion) Backing Australia's Ability and Backing Australia's Future packages,» says Julie Bishop, Minister for Education, Science and Training.
What's in store for astronomy, and projects in other fields, is likely to be contained in the Government's science and innovation statement which is due early next month.
In the recent Budget the picture was repeated — funding for medical research increased by about 8 per cent while the support for science and innovation went up by only 2 per cent.
Mr Mitchell Leow, Head of Corporate Affairs at APB Singapore, said: «This research is a testament to how science and innovation enables companies to find novel ways to be more sustainable in their operations.»
Smits says his services are regularly brought in to help develop other EU policies — for instance related to the environment, energy, or transport — with science and innovation in mind.
The lessons, which will cover the scientific method and basic concepts in science, are the brainchild of Adam Afriyie, the Member of Parliament who represents the Conservative party on science and innovation issues.
Barbacid says the ministry's legal position and its response to his statements are «an abuse of power and a totalitarian attitude on the part of [Spanish science and innovation] Minister [Cristina] Garmendia.»
A new law in Montenegro aimed at strengthening science and innovation for development has sparked a war of words between the country's two science academies, including a call for the country's science minister to be replaced.
In parallel it may be prudent to create a European Innovation Council (EIC) to professionally support the development of results of science and innovations into applications and products.
Its director - to - be, Mark Walport, was most recently the chief government science adviser, and will oversee # 6.8 billion a year in science and innovation spending.
No one should own your genes: Patents on human genes stifle science and innovation, my editorial in the Baltimore Sun, November 2010.
Advanced infrastructures specialized on growth, nano - lithography, nano - characterization, theory and simulation and fine - analysis with Synchrotron, FEL and Neutron radiation sources are integrated in a multi-site combination to develop frontier research on methods for reproducible nanoscience research and to enable European and international researchers from diverse disciplines to carry out advanced proposals impacting science and innovation.
If that is a characteristic of graphene or a consequence of the current conditions in which the hype has been developed, such as faster ways of communication (social media for example) or different incentives for science and innovation well, this is part of what I am trying to find out.
By preserving the strengths of our research base, and building capability for the future, we have a real opportunity to ensure we are truly leading the world in this new era of global science and innovation.
The European Gender Summits are based on the vision of genSET under the overarching theme of «Quality Research and innovation through Quality» and bring together eminent speakers from research, policy, industry and initiatives from across the world in dialogue to better understand gender's role in science and innovation excellence, the latest programmes and initiatives and to form policy for the Future of Gender and Innovation in Europe.
Library media in early childhood or preschool offers students an important start to implementing computer science and innovation, and it will follow our students to graduation.
Art, science and innovation underpin Centre Pompidou's exploration of digital technology and design; Ross Lovegrove's fluid processes feature this summer.
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