Sentences with phrase «science observations»

"Science observations" refers to the act of carefully watching or studying the natural world in order to gain knowledge and understand how things work. Full definition
The spacecraft will be out of contact during the dive and for about a day afterward while it makes science observations from close to the planet.
Thanks to all of this, today there is more talk about how one goes from basic science observations to potential therapies.
NGSS Shifts and «Look - Fors» for Science Observations for the Non-Science Administrator — Kim Feltre
78 world - leading experts in their area of astronomical research scientifically evaluated the 1,381 proposals received for Cycle 2 Early Science observations with the radio telescope, which represent a demand of more than 7.000 hours of observation.
Made possible by a grant of $ 138 million from the W. M. Keck Foundation, the Keck I telescope began science observations in 1993, observations with Keck II began in 1996.
Hence, when Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) became available for Early Science observations last year, TW Hya beckoned.
With this information in hand, the Cassini team will now move forward with its preferred plan of science observations.
ALMA started science observations for general astronomers around the world in 2011, but in parallel, science verification activities for advanced observation methods have been carried out.
Dante Lauretta of the University of Arizona, Tucson, is the principal investigator, and the University of Arizona also leads the science team and the mission's science observation planning and data processing.
«These scientists combined citizen science observations with data from radar, satellites and weather predictions to understand the cues birds use in their migrations across continents,» said Liz Blood, program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology, which funded the research through NSF's MacroSystems Biology Program.
IRIS is expected to start science observations upon completion of its 60 - day commissioning phase.
A side benefit of it is that information about when two orbiters will be near each other — though safely apart — could be used for planning coordinated science observations.
But it is undeniable that transmitting targeted messages would require much less time on Arecibo than a broadband, wide - field search for talkative aliens, meaning it could more easily coexist with ongoing NSF and NASA peer - reviewed science observations.
The further cuts to NSF - mandated science observations that would likely be required to fulfill a Breakthrough Listen partnership could consequently provide the NSF with a convenient excuse to justify divestment.
Hubble now enters a phase of full science observations ranging from studying the population of Kuiper Belt objects at the fringe of our solar system to surveying the birth of planets around other stars.
«Imke took time away from her own science observations to get us images of this system, all on a couple hours» notice.»
Commencing about six months after launch it offered routine science observations.
The satellite will also host NASA - funded secondary sensors for Earth and space science observations.
The instrument has successfully completed its initial phases of commissioning and is ready for shared - risk science observations with the GBT.
The Early Science observations by ALMA are planned to start around the end of September 2011, and will last about nine months.
The Ministries of Ghana and South Africa announce the combination of «first light» science observations which confirm the successful conversion of the Ghana communications antenna from a redundant telecoms instrument into a functioning Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio telescope.
The combination «first light» science observations included Methanol Maser detections, VLBI fringe testing and Pulsar observations.
Asmar, S. W., Armstrong, J. W., Iess, L. & Tortora, P. Spacecraft Doppler tracking: noise budget and accuracy achievable in precision radio science observations.
Choreographing sequences of commands to control spacecraft and instrument operations is key to successfully executing science observations.
The European Space Agency (ESA) may have lost its Schiaparelli Mars lander during its descent on the Red Planet, but its mothership, the Trace Gas Orbiter, is still orbiting Mars and will begin conducting science observations soon.
While the observatory stopped making science observations in April 2013, after running out of liquid coolant, as expected, scientists continue to analyze its data.
Telemetry received during the plunge indicates that, as expected, Cassini entered Saturn's atmosphere with its thrusters firing to maintain stability, as it sent back a unique final set of science observations.
Although only half of its final total of 66 antennas are currently in place at the high altitude Chajnantor plateau (see announcement), ALMA is already operating and making science observations with a partial array (see Press Release about ALMA Early Science and first ALMA observations results).
ALMA is getting ready to make Early Science observations.
So that's pretty much what we're focused on now, is to get those science observations at the right time and at the perfect lighting conditions.
Things escalate dollar-wise if it will also make science observations and if it comes factory - loaded with new technologies to perform a larger to - do list of tasks.
The programme makes use of telescope time that can not be used for science observations.
From there, Dawn just continued spiraling in closer and closer until we were in the orbit we wanted to be in to begin our science observations
«This is really just a start,» said Dickerson - Lange, a doctoral student in Lundquist's lab who is coordinating the citizen - science observations.
Thijs de Graauw, who has been the ALMA Director since 2008, brought the observatory through many milestones in his five - year term, including the start of its science observations, in 2011.
From 2013, the ACA is used in science observations.
Astrochemistry & Molecular Spectroscopy: During its years of science observations, the 140 - foot telescope detected nearly one half of all known molecules that naturally radiate at centimeter wavelengths.
The science observations for these proposals will be completed within the first five months of Webb's science observations.
Distributions of the characteristics of the planetary candidates are separated into five class - sizes; 68 c... ▽ More On 1 February 2011 the Kepler Mission released data for 156,453 stars observed from the beginning of the science observations on 2 May through 16 September 2009.
Abstract: On 1 February 2011 the Kepler Mission released data for 156,453 stars observed from the beginning of the science observations on 2 May through 16 September 2009.
The AGW mission is driven by political ambitions and agenda, you can add this to hundreds of other actual contradictions and science observations the agenda continues.
The report uses three decades of citizen - science observations to understand how climate change is affecting bird populations.
Audubon scientists have used hundreds of thousands of citizen - science observations and sophisticated climate models to predict how birds in the U.S. and Canada will react to climate change.
Not to diminish the work of those advocating truth in science observations and exposing any kind of industry distortion / misinformation about cigarette smoking, but the elemental goal in attempts to create any sort of parallel here is that it must be established that skeptic climate scientists knowingly lie about the issue as a direct result of being paid to do so.
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