Sentences with phrase «science of astronomy»

This fool... wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy; but sacred Scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth.»
This view of the universe was successfully challenged and overthrown in the sixteenth century by two Christian scholars, who may be rightly regarded as laying the foundations of the modern science of astronomy.
Does it matter if the importunities of civilisation destroy the venerable science of astronomy?
After all, the science of chemistry did evolve out of alchemy, i.e. the attempt to turn simple metals into gold; and the science of astronomy developed out of astrology, i.e. the attempt to read human destiny from the movement of the stars.
The science of astronomy is witnessing a resurgence in India, with the Indian Government pushing for participation in several international projects, said Shrinivas Kulkarni, professor of astronomy...
Visit the Kielder observatory to look deep into our solar system and learn what the science of astronomy can teach us about our place in the universe.
It's almost as though The Astronomical Journal were to devote an issue to discussing the values that astrology could impart to the science of astronomy.
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