Sentences with phrase «science of the matter»

Despite this recognition that the philosophical presentation of Evolution has often been anti-Christian, as we know, Fr Holloway does not dispute the fact of it: «In the matter of Evolution the factual proof came tumbling in from every science of matter as the years passed.»
Not in matter, nor in the sciences of matter, but in the depths of the spirit of a man will we find the kingdom of a man's own self; a kingdom, but a vassalage too, because the soul is the throne prepared for the Word of God from the conception of a man.
Is it possible to make a new synthesis in which the place of theology as queen of all the sciences, including the sciences of matter, is revindicated?
And, as often before, it did not let the science of the matter interrupt the message.
For some, it is the science of the matter and nothing else need be taken into account.
As the science of matter, alchemy, throughout history carried a wide range of applications including metallurgy, distillation, chemical medicine and transmutation.
Instead, I'll just mention a few general thoughts: First, the way in which Mr. Lomborg understands and treats the science of the matter is, in my view, flawed in important ways.
The broader integrative argument is structured to address the gap between «is» and «ought» that many philosophers frequently bring up when considering the science of the matter, in a way that is informed by both the science and basic logic.
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