Sentences with phrase «science positions»

A new policy report out yesterday gives voice to these concerns and calls for a new government science position to focus on boosting the country's fortunes with research.
These include nest box monitors and other citizen science positions.
If you're targeting an industry science position, I recommend an approach that's a little bit different.
Sample 2 Seeking a computer science position with emphasis on hardware and software.
Yes, CVs are used in industry, for many kinds of jobs, and always for science positions.
Even if these most visible science positions are swamped, perhaps there is a great demand elsewhere.
As stable academic science positions stagnate, a growing proportion of scientists seek employment outside academia.
Given the significant underrepresentation of women in postgraduate science positions, how can gender barriers be removed?
Economics and the lack of good science positions may lead many to choose career paths outside of research.
Forced to cut 15 % of the tenured science positions — which translates into 70 people — the administration eliminated about 12 posts by offering early retirement to older faculty members and will cut the rest over time by not filling junior positions.»
# 86 warm Northern re-greetings Pat, Being of Scottish ancestry, I rather go down fighting the good fight, than sit down and watch the show go bad, complacency rules the world, even people in key science positions follow the business as usual flow, but it does not mean we all have to agree to do nothing.
On the one hand, Chris Mooney is probably right in noting a libertarian ethos behind the anti-climate science position.
President Trump has kept many critical science positions vacant since he took office in January.
A sample of a well - structured resume for Middle School Science position is given below for your reference:
To see what skills you can place in your resume, when applying for an animal science position, have a look at the following statements:
I really enjoyed speaking with you about the Political Science position.
It was a pleasure meeting with you about the Family and Consumer Science position.
As of December 31, 2017, President Trump had filled fewer government science positions than any other recent President, at the same point in time.
Wrongfully terminated from a science position because he announced he believed in a wizard behind the curtain?!
They also hope the U-turn might mean a rethink of a February realignment of priorities by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) that called for eliminating 350 jobs, including 110 climate science positions.
It's become kind of a politicized position as opposed to a science position.
However postdocs, staff scientists and technicians in primarily bench - science positions are not.
At the same time, we are in the midst of a «teaching crisis» that has a critical effect on how prepared our students are to be successful in the sciences and how prepared our teachers are to get them there: Half of all teachers leave the profession within the first five years, and this rate is highest for math and science positions and in high poverty schools [iii].
Again, special education, math and science positions have been the most difficult to fill.
Or worse, only one person applies for the science position.
As of December 31, 2017, President Trump had filled fewer government science positions than any other recent President, at the same point in time.
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