Sentences with phrase «science reporting»

Science reporting refers to the communication of scientific findings and discoveries to the general public through various media channels, such as news articles, documentaries, or podcasts. It involves simplifying complex scientific concepts and research results into understandable content for non-experts. Science reporters play a crucial role in making scientific information accessible, accurate, and engaging for the public. Full definition
Another concern is the sometimes misguided application of «balance» in science reporting.
I haven't had time to sift the panel's 2013 climate science report for a similar section to see if things have changed.
But she remains optimistic about the public appetite for good science reporting.
Solid research is the foundation of any project, whether that project is a student - written science report or a teacher - created Web Site.
We just got finished (although it's still going) with a discussion about science reporting in the recent thread.
It gives quick links to recent full text social science reports and government publications.
I and other science bloggers spend a lot of time and virtual ink doing damage control on bad science reporting in the media.
Despite its global perspective, the Good Practical Science report presents achievable goals to help schools on the journey to achieving world - class science education, even in the face of tight budgets.
The news this summer has featured several new climate change science reports, and drawn the link between current extreme events and global warming.
The judges praised the Gold Award winner as an excellent example of strong, local science reporting.
The only purpose this sort of science reporting serves is drama.
So this is precisely the kind of science reporting that I don't want.
We are filling a gap and correcting a great deal of bad science reporting.
There's a great deal about science reporting that leaves a lot of unanswered questions, and I think it invites more speculation, not less.
With the release of a major climate science report by the United Nations coming this week, the self - proclaimed climate «skeptics,» better referred to as the climate deniers or flat - earthers, are kicking it into high gear for their fossil fuel clients and right wing ringleaders.
Dr. Carl - Friedrich Schleußner, Head of Climate Science and Impacts Supports the science team in climate physics related questions as well as climate impacts; author of a series of peer - reviewed scientific studies as well as science reports such as the Turn Down the Heat reports for the World Bank.
As a result of our recent Global Science Report on global warming ruining our bananas, one of our fans directed our attention to an important effect of climate change that we somehow missed, back in 2008, when the alarmists at the BBC wrote that it was threatening haggis.
This is the major problem with the IPCC Science Report on climate, so it is not surprising to see it repeated in the Impact Report.
There exists incontrovertible data from studies of the Global Science Report launched by UNESCO Director - General, Dr. Irina Bokova that «records for the first time where and how existing ocean science capacities are empowering society and generating knowledge to conserve ocean resources.»
The journal Science reports feathers likely predated the split between meat - eating and plant - eating dinosaurs.
Ithaca, NY About Blog Independent Science Reporting for Agriculture, Food, and Health Frequency about 1 post per month.
There's a gold rush going on in the Peruvian state of Madre de Dios, resulting in deforestation, runoff, and, as Science reported last month, mercury pollution.
The conclusion used in the 2001 IPCC Science Report claimed the tree rings (the effect) showed no increase in temperature (the cause).
Fed report: Time to examine purposely cooling planet idea — A.P. Seth Borenstein writes «It's time to study and maybe even test the idea of cooling the Earth by injecting sulfur pollution high in the air to reflect the sun's heat, a first - of - its - kind federal science report said Tuesday.»
The 2015 UNESCO Science Report provides updated information on the participation of women in science.
McCullough, P. & MacKenty, J. Considerations for Using Spatial Scans with WFC3 Instrument Science Report WFC3 2012 - 08 (Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, 2012).
The Association of Psychological Science reports online dating is the second most common way for couples to meet — keeping the good old fashioned «friends and family introductions» at the No... site.
About Blog - Awe - inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects.
«It's time to study and maybe even test the idea of cooling Earth by injecting sulfur pollution high in the air to reflect the sun's heat, a first - of - its - kind federal science report said Tuesday.»
Co-plaintiff Jo Ann Emerson, a Republican representative from Missouri, charged, «The administration is rushing to release a junk science report in violation of current law to try to lend support to its flawed Kyoto Protocol negotiations.»
Smog, soot and other particles like the kind often seen hanging over Beijing add to global warming and may raise summer temperatures in the American heartland by three degrees in about 50 years, says a new federal science report released Thursday.
One had to defend the presentation style of Susan Solomon, the co-leader of the climate panel's science report team.
Or, Is It «Fleeing Journalists» From Objective Science Reporting
So the two Science report authors argue that a sudden shift in ocean salinity that corresponded with the slowdown of global warming could have triggered the movement of the heat to much deeper waters.
As Science reported at the time, Nolan found that Ata was very clearly human, but he was left questioning what exactly caused the specimen's odd skeletal structure.
Interactions between liquid, surface, and air are actually what makes a puddle, a puddle, Inside Science reports.
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