Sentences with phrase «science research projects»

Helping manufacturers, government agencies, and other businesses with building science research projects.
A number of years ago, the Supreme Court ominously warned all former Supreme Court clerks that cooperating with an American social science research project would violate that lifelong confidentiality covenant.
Undergraduate students spend 10 - 12 weeks on site participating in an astronomy, engineering or computer science research project.
The ACU offers funds for joint international social - science research projects for British academic faculty and counterparts in other Commonwealth countries, including India.
Assist the Research Team of the Gili Shark & Marine Conservation Project, who work on a variety of marine citizen science research projects with the aim of improving shark populations and awareness in the Gili Islands and Indonesia.
Defending NSF and Scientific Peer Review In a rebuff to House Science, Space and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith's investigation of the way the National Science Foundation does business, Acting Director Cora Marrett refused to provide the Committee with reviewer comments on five social science research projects it is funding.
Deciding on your topic for your computer science research project is the first steps that you have to decide on when writing your research paper.
These tortoise templates would be ideal to use for writing a summary about the book, writing a poem, or completing a science research project about tortoises.
For 35 years, scholars from the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) at Wellesley College have helped drive positive social change through their social science research projects and training programs.
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