Sentences with phrase «science supports the claim»

Email us and tell us about it, but be sure to include any studies performed or science supporting your claims!
It's only valid if science supports the claim that CO2, because of human production, is causing warming or climate change.

Not exact matches

In fact, one study published in The BMJ reported that only 46 percent of Oz's claims were supported by science.
Here, Krim shares the professional benefits of prioritizing a peaceful night's rest and the science that supports his claims:
If you claim that gays choose to gay, then post the citations to peer - reviewed science that supports that contention.
You claimed science proves the Bible wrong as to Joshua's account of the moon and sun stopping which is false and can not be supported by science (including Newton's law which you interjected)
Although the paper employs some materials from contemporary economics, they are used to buttress its theological contentions in the way that creationists use bits of science to support their claim that the Bible is a scientific textbook.
When we see that the bible and science differ then we have to defer to science since it actually has evidence to support its claims.
You can't claim science supports some aspect of Christianity if the results of scientific expirementation can not be trusted.
Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved» Now religion is USING the discoveries of science to CLAIM IT IS EVIDENCE to support their unevidenced claims... talk about fraud and hypocrisy.
Now, because science discovered something, and the author wants to ride it's coattails and claim it supports her notion of a creator.
Science is only to be used to support religious claims... any science that would conflict with the religion is to be ignored...Science is only to be used to support religious claims... any science that would conflict with the religion is to be that would conflict with the religion is to be ignored... silly!
We are discussing the existence of God... you have claimed the support of nearly the entire spectrum of the sciences for your particular version of His nature.
Science has explored the creationism claims but it is hard to prove a negative there is no evidence to support it.
Scientism claims that the natural world is all there is, that supernatural explanations of the world are irrational, that everything can be reduced to physical causes, and that the only things we can know as true are those which Science reveals — supported by evidence, submitted to experimentation, and reviewed by peers.
I know there is absence of fossils that support my claims, that is why I have FAITH in science.
ohh i do and by the way theres proven science facts that support a lot of the bibles claims too.
After a century in which our science and politics have rejected any belief in the unique value of each person, surely such a sweeping claim demands substantial supporting argument.
Because the claims of Darwinism are presented to the public as «science,» most people are under the impression that they are supported by direct evidence such as experiments and fossil record studies.
There is absolutely no science to back this claim up, there is however a bunch of science that does support the fact that social conditioning is the single most contributing factor..
But Topher, keep in mind that if God can bend scientific laws as He chooses, there is no point in using ANY science, including science you claim supports the Bible.
It's ironic because you said that creationist have no evidence to support their claims but you mentioned organizations that find such evidence And again their point is that history and science will not contradict the Bible
I hope we will remember that, more often that not, what keeps a person from embracing the gospel is not that he hasn't seen enough evidence to support the existence of God in science or in logic, but that he hasn't seen enough evidence to support the existence of God among the people who claim to be following Him.
In the face of all the extreme weather we've been getting, and all the supporting science for man - caused climate change, she claims climate change is a hoax.
At the same time, a clear case can not be made in support of Habermas's claim that the sciences have so reduced the physical and social contingencies of modern life as to make religious worldviews largely irrelevant.
I incline to classify these examples as misleading attempts to find parallels between science and theology since, in both cases, God is predicated on other grounds and science is brought in to support this claim.
Because the theory of gravity is an claim supported by evidence, I doubt anyone here would feel you were attacking us personally for believing in the science.
Supported with strong science, functional claims, and low - dose on - the - go delivery formats, our unique ingredients help today's athletes boost performance, improve brain health, gain strength, increase power, improve performance, recover faster, and ensure a healthy inflammatory response to exercise.
Such thinking leads to or supports things like far - right Hindu nationalism, for example, or absurd claims that epistemic violence is the same or worse (as Spivak once famously claimed) than actual violence, or harmful rejections of science, or the very essentialism denied by its proponents.
Instead of science, we got politics, but we didn't know it until we literally followed the footnotes in some of the info they gave us and found the cited research did NOT support the claims they were making.»
The onus on articles, like the one above on birth trauma, is to highlight the science that supports a theory or method and to omit emotive opinions and pseudoscientific claims.
To those who already know that science does not support most of the claims of homebirth and natural childbirth advocates:
There is much more we can do through the Inwood NYC plan, such as promoting youth access to science and tech programming, encouraging healthy lifestyles, and supporting the arts in a neighborhood that claims Hamilton's Lin - Manuel Miranda as a native son.
The radio ads criticize Buerkle, claiming she supports a Republican bill to cut federal education spending by 40 percent, as well as reduce science and technology research spending by 40 percent.
«Available research does not support the claim that increasing science literacy will lead to appreciably greater support for science in general,» the report concludes.
However, the strong evidence that supports the climate science and human causation of climate change doesn't warrant equal weight with minority claims, often disputed by other research, that are not credible, they add.
While I know of no data to support this claim, I'm confident that the cost of hangovers to science is at least on a par with their cost to society as a whole.
For instance, drug companies have manipulated research in ways that have led to questionable science supporting questionable claims of a drug's efficacy.
«Disasters are a tempting image for advocacy, but the science is just not there to support strong claims,» says Roger Pielke Jr, a climate - policy researcher at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
«I think he claims far more for sequential lineups than can be supported by the science,» says Roy Malpass, who has written several papers criticizing Wells's conclusions.
Thatcher could support the reforms, Agar argues, because she «had lived the life of the working research scientist, as a final - year chemistry student in Dorothy Hodgkin's x-ray crystallography laboratory, as an investigator of glues for BX [plastics company] and as a food chemist for Lyons & Co.... [I] t was precisely because Thatcher knew what scientific research was like that made her impervious to claims that science was a special case, with special features and incapable of being understood by outsiders, and therefore that science policy should be left in the hands of scientists.
The Heartland Institute, a think tank that claims that science doesn't support regulating greenhouse gas emissions, published an article in April that claimed that poverty, not air pollution, is the key driver behind childhood asthma.
There is no basis in science to support the claim.
In addition, his arguments are often confusing: to support claims for the «oneness» of mankind, he provides a brief account of the linguist Noam Chomsky's theories of a «language acquisition device», although even if this could be demonstrated to exist, it is difficult to see why it would prove that «human thought and behaviour are entirely universal» and that the development of science in Europe was therefore «utterly accidental».
«Few, if any, of these claims are supported by science
A skeptic engages three types of creationists who claim science supports their beliefs, yet they contradict one another
The main claims of fact he makes in support of his contention that Global Warming science is an «idealogy, underpinned by false assumptions» are:
In fact, those who make the most outlandish claims of alarm are actually demonstrating skepticism of the very science they say supports them.
«We've known for many years that the tobacco industry supported phony science claiming that smoking does not cause cancer,» said Boxer, ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee.
On the other hand, these results support the scientific status of the social sciences against claims that they are completely subjective, by showing that, when they adopt a scientific approach to discovery, they differ from the natural sciences only by a matter of degree.
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