Sentences with phrase «scientific agenda»

The IPCC failures are no surprise and inevitable because of the political rather than scientific agenda exposed in the first 6000 emails.
While in Geneva, Dr. Modjarrad was charged with guiding Ebola vaccine policy by monitoring the science, building consensus among diverse stakeholders and outlining a broad scientific agenda to define critical clinical endpoints.
Accomplishing this to a meaningful extent will require an extraordinary commitment by the NIH leadership, and extraordinary vision and selflessness from established scientists who will need to set aside their own scientific agendas, and support proposals that are essential to the long - term well being of American scientists.
A Victorian amateur undertook a lifetime pursuit of slow, meticulous observation and thought about the natural world, producing a theory 150 years ago that still drives the contemporary scientific agenda
Ritchie's pieces have a scientific nature to them, but do not solely represent scientific agenda.
From its earliest days, the Ames Lab worked on materials synthesis, characterization, and design, but now pursues a broader scientific agenda that addresses many areas of national concern.
«We're just focusing on our scientific agenda and being very careful to produce the highest quality information possible.»
On the scientific agenda are identifying molecular markers for resistance, which would simplify testing; accelerating the development of alternative drugs; and studying the effectiveness of mass screening and treatment to eliminate malaria in the areas where resistance occurs.
Microbes are hot on the scientific agenda.
The new director was supposed to help bridge the gulf between the ERC's scientific council, which sets the scientific agenda, and the Executive Agency, which manages day - to - day operations.
A Scientific Council, made up of volunteers and chaired by Imperial College London biologist Fotis Kafatos, sets the ERC's scientific agenda.
The population summit was called to set the scientific agenda for next year's UN International Conference on Population and Development.
HFSP applications are also frequently rejected because the research topic doesn't fit with HFSP's scientific agenda — maybe it's too clinical, too agricultural, or too disease - or drug - related.
Policy has driven the scientific agenda.
led by our noses by Western (climate) scientists who have less of a scientific agenda and more of a political agenda.
I am pleased that the long established settled science relating to planetary atmospheres is now coming to the fore once more after about 20 years during which it was apparently suppressed by ideologues with a non - scientific agenda.
PAGES» Working Groups (WG) are temporary organizations that bring paleoscientists together from around the globe to target specific aspects of PAGES» scientific agenda.
Exercising some caution and reflection goes a long way to ensure that one's scientific agenda is not inadvertently shaped by false agendas.
«science is politics in climate change; climate science is politics» and we are being «led by our noses by Western (climate) scientists who have less of a scientific agenda and more of a political agenda».
With the IPCC they chose to prove their hypothesis because it was for a political rather than scientific agenda.
It underscores the political rather than the scientific agenda.
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