Sentences with phrase «scientific challenge of climate change»

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The statement and the radio appearance are part of a series of outreach efforts AAAS has made to encourage the new administration to leverage scientific evidence and fact - finding in forging policy prescriptions to address challenges from climate change to infrastructure improvements that it confronts.
Also at the conference Tuesday, a major alliance of science, research and United Nations bodies launched a 10 - year initiative — Future Earth Research for Global Sustainability — to commence next year to coordinate scientific research into the major social and environmental challenges from climate change as they emerge over coming years.
Nevertheless, as recognized by Working Group 1 of the IPCC, scientific challenges remain to our abilities to observe, interpret, and project climate changes.
The inquiry aims to find out whether the oil company was aware of the dangers of human - made climate change but chose to keep quiet and to promote denial groups challenging the scientific consensus that greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet.
The 45th president of the United States will confront a broad range of global challenges, from addressing climate change and securing our energy future to sustaining investments in scientific research efforts in numerous areas, including medicine.
Basic research lays the groundwork for future scientific and technological development and it often addresses society's largest challenges such as mitigating climate change, curbing antibiotic resistance or preventing terrorism, said Maria Zuber, chair of the National Science Board and the E. A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics and vice president for research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, during a monthly colloquium lecture on Wednesday at AAAS headquarters.
The letter ends with a promise of collaboration, saying, «We in the scientific community are prepared to work with you on the scientific issues important to your deliberations as you seek to address the challenges of our changing climate
This curve is derived from cost and supply estimates from the latest UN IPCC climate change report and from analyses of the scientific literature on GGR (using midpoint estimates where cost / supply ranges were presented) performed by the Virgin Earth Challenge (VEC) team:
This module will ensure accurate, consistent, comparable, regional scale, long ‐ term measurements of ocean parameters, which are key to addressing urgent societal and scientific challenges such as climate change, ocean ecosystem disturbance, and marine hazards.
The Institute will spur significant advances in software infrastructure, education, standards, and best - practices that are needed to enable the molecular science community to open new windows on the next generation of scientific Grand Challenges, ranging from the simulation of intrinsically disordered proteins associated with a range of diseases to the design of new catalysts vital to the global chemical industry and climate change.
On the one hand, climate change is perhaps the single largest environmental of our time, and in fact of the grandest scientific challenges of the modern era.
Solving the challenge of climate change requires ambition, dedication, and leadership from governments, the private sector, and civil society, in addition to the scientific community.
However, in (a) blueprints smacks more of engineering solutions than scientific ones making me very uncomfortable with that choice and (b) since the challenge of global warming and climate change is the equivalent of fighting many battles in a virtual war with very unpredictable outcomes, chaos is the more likely outcome.
Here is a request (or you could call it a challenge) to Andy: Andy, can you and the Times please list, comprehensively, and provide links to, all of the official statements of all the main scientific organizations regarding climate change?
The challenge I took on was to convey the gist of my «brutal logic of climate change» post in a reasonably short amount of time, using as little scientific jargon as possible.
KERRY: Unfortunately, as the scientific understanding of climate change has advanced, our nation hasn't risen to the challenge.
Prominent scientists operating outside the scientific consensus on climate change urged Congress on Wednesday to fund «red teams» to investigate «natural» causes of global warming and challenge the findings of the United Nations» climate science panel.
In selecting his team to carry us forward into a future in which the weather and climate patterns of the past can no longer be assumed to be valid indicators of future climate conditions affecting the economy and society, we hope the next President will swiftly and skillfully select a set of strong «climate leaders» with honesty, integrity, and dedication to bringing the best scientific and technological intelligence we can muster to bear on the host of climate change challenges we face.
It's understandable how, if a person had never once consulted a scientific paper or sat down for a serious, ideology - free conversation about climate change with one of the overwhelming majority of scientists who agree that man - made climate change is a real, observable phenomenon, he could be confused into thinking that the greatest challenge of our time is comparable to the medieval superstitious that arose in the absence of scientific understanding.
«We must hope that the world crossing this milestone will bring about awareness of the scientific reality of climate change and how human society should deal with the challenge
It has not challenged the tone or the content of the UK's Chief Scientific Advisers» comments on climate change, nor the Royal Society's presidents, even where they have been entirely unscientific.
While those who stand in denial of climate change have failed in the last 15 years to produce a single, peer - reviewed scientific journal article that challenges the theory and evidence of human - induced climate change, mainstream media was, until very recently, covering the story (in more than half the cases, according to the academic researchers Boykoff and Boykoff) by quoting one scientist talking about the risks and one purported expert saying that climate change was not happening — or might actually be a good thing.
So, since it is so important for the diversity of scientific thought (as well as the cold hard scrutiny of all ostensibly scientific thought — but despite the clamor for diversity and challenge, this leading site, for laying out the myriad errors of climate change skepticism arguments, is nevertheless, among many other similar ones, decried, denigrated, and dismissed as unworthy and worse)-- what, exactly, is the «contrarian» position?
We fear that the scientific progress and momentum in tackling our biggest challenges, including staving off the worst impacts of climate change, will be severely hindered under this next U.S. administration.
Then comes another big lie - «those who stand in denial of climate change have failed in the last 15 years to produce a single, peer - reviewed scientific journal article that challenges the theory ``.
«The science is NOT settled at all,» he said in testimony in West Virginia earlier this year challenging the teaching of man - made climate change as scientific fact.
Treating climate change as an absolute, unassailable fact, instead of what it is — an unproven, controversial scientific theory — a group of state attorneys general have announced that they will be targeting any companies that challenge the catastrophic climate change religion.
As a result of the significant scientific effort to date, aided by public concern, models simulating climate change have gained considerable skill... There will be many scientific and technical challenges along the way, but the hope is that simulations of the global environment will be able to maximise the number of people around the world who can adapt to, and be protected from the worst impacts of, global warming.
The DMOZ listing reads: «Offers critical scientific evidence, including a five - piece video, that challenges the premises of the Kyoto Protocol, and presents alternative causes of climate change
And so if climate change raises civilization challenging ethical questions which imply duties, responsibilities, and obligations what questions should the press ask opponents of climate change policies when they make economic and scientific arguments against climate change policies?
Nevertheless, as recognized by Working Group 1 of the IPCC, scientific challenges remain to our abilities to observe, interpret, and project climate changes.
This significant new study adds to a growing body of peer - reviewed literature and other scientific analyses challenging former Vice President Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
«In light of the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change and its worsening impacts, and the related issue of air pollution from burning fossil fuels, the United States and China recognize the urgent need for action to meet these twin challenges,» the countries said in the statement.
Using input from the scientific community, the report identifies priority areas that advance the dual role of atmospheric chemistry: first to advance fundamental understanding of the Earth system; and second to advance research needed to address the societal challenges of climate change, human health, and ecosystem health.
The most difficult challenge Americans face is accepting that we have been intentionally misled for so long by the United Nations, our own government, the established scientific community and the media on the matter of what causes climate change.
The National Research Council's 2009 report Restructuring Federal Climate Research to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change establishes six priorities for reorganizing the USGCRP around integrated scientific - societal issues and the strengthening of research on the human and societal dimensions of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and vulneraClimate Research to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change establishes six priorities for reorganizing the USGCRP around integrated scientific - societal issues and the strengthening of research on the human and societal dimensions of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and vulneraClimate Change establishes six priorities for reorganizing the USGCRP around integrated scientific - societal issues and the strengthening of research on the human and societal dimensions of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and vulnerabChange establishes six priorities for reorganizing the USGCRP around integrated scientific - societal issues and the strengthening of research on the human and societal dimensions of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and vulneraclimate change adaptation, mitigation, and vulnerabchange adaptation, mitigation, and vulnerability.
Nevertheless, as recognized by Working Group 1 of the IPCC, scientific challenges remain in our abilities to observe, interpret, and project climate changes.
I want to challenge the news media to reverse course and report on the objective science of climate change, stop ignoring legitimate voices in this scientific debate, and stop being used by the hysterical left,» said Inhofe.
Climate change and other issues, in fact, challenge the very notion of scientific consensus and what it means, but also demonstrate why we should listen to a robust consensus.
International Alliance of Research Universities, Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges & Decisions, Synthesis Report from International Scientific Congress (Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, 2009), pp. 18 — 19.
Given the enormity and harshness of impacts to hundreds of millions of people around the world from climate change coupled with the fact that United States has a special responsibility for the civilization challenging problem because of the comparatively large levels of the emissions coming from America, the failure of the US media to describe strength the scientific consensus on change is a grave and tragic error.
If I created a think tank whose only purpose is to challenge climate change theories not because I don't think climate change doesn't exist, but because I want to improve the scientific field, would my think tank be considered part of CCCM?
Singer, a leading scientific skeptic of anthropocentric global warming (AGW), is an atmospheric physicist, and founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), an organization that began challenging the published findings of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the 1990s.
CAS = Commission for Atmospheric Sciences CMDP = Climate Metrics and Diagnostic Panel CMIP = Coupled Model Intercomparison Project DAOS = Working Group on Data Assimilation and Observing Systems GASS = Global Atmospheric System Studies panel GEWEX = Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment GLASS = Global Land - Atmosphere System Studies panel GOV = Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) Ocean View JWGFVR = Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research MJO - TF = Madden - Julian Oscillation Task Force PDEF = Working Group on Predictability, Dynamics and Ensemble Forecasting PPP = Polar Prediction Project QPF = Quantitative precipitation forecast S2S = Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project SPARC = Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate TC = Tropical cyclone WCRP = World Climate Research Programme WCRP Grand Science ChallengesClimate Extremes • Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity • Melting Ice and Global Consequences • Regional Sea - Ice Change and Coastal Impacts • Water Availability WCRP JSC = Joint Scientific Committee WGCM = Working Group on Coupled Modelling WGSIP = Working Group on Subseasonal to Interdecadal Prediction WWRP = World Weather Research Programme YOPP = Year of Polar Prediction
In contrast, when the same magazine, in the same month, reported on Harvard scientist Willie Soon's paper in the journal Ecological Complexity, which challenged received wisdom that climate change is imperilling polar bears, the scientific argument was ignored in favour of speculation about Soon's alleged links to the oil industry, and that the research was part of an orchestrated campaign to undermine the environmental movement's use of the polar bear as an icon (New Scientist 1.7.2007).
Daubert challenges... will hopefully focus the courtroom debate on the actual scientific issues of climate change, as opposed to the smoke - and - mirrors evidence and conclusions that have so often prevailed in the public debate.
Millions of dollars spent on scientific research comes to the same conclusions our elders warned us of years ago — that «Combatting climate change is an urgent common challenge for the international community and requires immediate global action».
«We do not go for headlines, but we make scientific statements,» Stocker said at the briefing, before concluding: «Climate change challenges the two primary resources of humanity, land and water.
Much confusion and spin infects current public discussion of «peer reviewed» research: first we had Maurice Newman, the Chairman of the ABC, who suggested that «distinguished scientists» challenge the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change by «peer reviewed research», although he oddly failed to name such research.
What is striking though, is that amidst all the criticism nobody has challenged our core finding: blogs on which man - made climate change and its impacts are downplayed are far removed from the scientific literature, at least regarding the topic of shrinking Arctic sea ice and the resulting future threat to polar bears.
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