Sentences with phrase «scientific coordinator»

A scientific coordinator is someone who helps to organize and oversee scientific projects or research studies. They are responsible for coordinating the different aspects of the work, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and effectively. They may assist with planning and managing the project timeline, coordinating with team members and stakeholders, and facilitating communication and collaboration within the scientific team. Their role is to ensure that the scientific work is conducted efficiently and in line with established protocols and standards. Full definition
But his international experience is now being put to good use as scientific coordinator of an international postgraduate programme in chemistry at Ruhr - Universität Bochum.
- The RD - Connect coordination office announced yesterday that Dr Ivo Gut from the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG - CRG) in Barcelona will serve as RD - Connect's new scientific coordinator.
As New Lab Complex Scientific Coordinator & Mouse Management Liaison, Colleen Silan is managing many aspects of the project.
He is co-founder and former coordinator of the German muscular dystrophy network (MD - NET), and former scientific coordinator of EuroBioBank, a European network of biobanks for rare disorders.
The key speakers included Raffaele Del Cima, Poject Director SEED, Dr Daniela Giardina, SEED Scientific Coordinator, Dr Shaheena Tariq, Chairperson of Metrology department at the Comsats University, Raina Saeed Khan, the environmental writer and columnist and Munir Ahmed, climate change advocacy expert.
Dr. Sarah D'haen, Scientific Coordinator Sub-Saharan Africa Focuses on Climate Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation by providing science - based support to national adaptation planning (NAP) processes in francophone Least Developed Countries.
Amir Delju, Senior Scientific Coordinator Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch (CLPA) Climate and Water Department (CLW) [email protected]
She has been acting as the scientific coordinator of the first NanoBioTec — Congress and Exhibition, held last year in Münster, and she is also advising the coordination of this year's follow - up NanoBioTec II.
«It will provide a complementary picture of the universe, related to mass,» says Michele Punturo of Italy's National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Perugia, ET's scientific coordinator.
«It is one of the oldest active time series stations for this kind of data worldwide,» explains the scientific coordinator Prof. Dr. Hermann Bange from GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.
Angela Caltagirone, scientific coordinator of the project, calls the dispute a «sterile political quarrel».
The scientific coordinator is Juan Esplugues, senior professor of pharmacology at the University of Valencia.
Gianluca Valensise, a geologist at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), is the scientific coordinator of Progetto Abruzzo, which involved opening a research center in the «red zone» of L'Aquila — the devastated area of the city's historical center that is largely uninhabited and restricted to traffic.
The Scientific Coordinator is Professor Julia Newton Bishop working with Dr Juliette Randerson Moor.
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