Sentences with phrase «scientific dogma of»

Cloning a mammal defied the scientific dogma of its time.
He fails to whole heartedly embrace the rigid, scientific dogma of our day.

Not exact matches

Parts One to Three of Personal Knowledge expounds the dogmas and practices of this world of scientific faith.
In order to protect their dogma, they must deny both physical and verifiable scientific evidence of any new discoveries.
When particular elements in the traditional teaching about the nature of things have been challenged by demonstrable scientific findings, the whole structure of religious dogma has been called into question.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
As Montgomery puts it: «Science and theology form and test their respective theories in the same way; the scientific theorizer attempts objectively to formulate conceptual Gestalts (hypotheses, theories, laws) capable of rendering Nature intelligible, and the theologian endeavors to provide conceptual Gestalts (doctrines, dogmas) which will «fit the facts» and properly reflect the norms of Holy Scripture.»
«The theory of the static, timeless universe had been scientific dogma since Newton (who, by the way, praticed alchemy).»
The theory of the static, timeless universe had been scientific dogma since Newton (who, by the way, was a Christian).
The story of Phillip E. Johnson's «Evolution as Dogma» in our October 1990 issue continues to unfold as orthodox evolutionists are increasingly assaulted by unfriendly scientific evidence.
This conviction produced the Trinitarian dogmas of Christianity and is, or rather should be, the deepest motivation of the scientific quest.
Teaching Creationism as a scientific theory teaches people to reject the value of evidence and accept dogma and tradition.
atheists are given a very significant role in this dialectical process in the evolution towards Panthrotheism, the belief that God give to humanity the privilige or responsibilty of charting human history.since you are not indoctrinated to specific dogma and doctrines, your open mindedness enables you percieve a deeper understanding of reality, simple logic but more profound scientific knowlege will lead you to God.religious humanism through science is your guiding spirit.
Doc, I like your approach of contrasting dogma and the scientific method better than my approach of limiting the issue to the literal interpretation of texts.
E.g., in regards to scientific support for evolution and rejection of creationism and the young earth dogma, in 1986, 72 US Nobel Prize winners, 17 state academies of science and 7 other scientific societies, signed an amicus curiae brief asking the US Supreme Court in Edwards v. Aguillard to reject a Louisiana state law requiring the teaching of creationism, which the brief described as embodying religious dogma.
’28 Kuhn's portrayal of normal science as dominated by unchallenged dogmas, his failure to specify criteria for paradigm choice, and his talk of «conversion» and «persuasion» all seem to these critics to threaten the objectivity and rationality of the scientific enterprise.
In 1986, an amicus curiae brief, signed by 72 US Nobel Prize winners, 17 state academies of science and 7 other scientific societies, asked the US Supreme Court in Edwards v. Aguillard, to reject a Louisiana state law requiring the teaching of creationism (which the brief described as embodying religious dogma).
Facts like the snows that have covered Mount Kilimanjaro for thousands of years are melting Scientific proof may not be as «warm and fuzzy» feeling as political rhetoric is, but it's better to base our beliefs and actions on objective reality than on self - serving political dogma.
Cardinal Schönborn had criticized the broader thrust of «neo-Darwinian dogma», and in his first catechetical lecture has given examples of the misapplying of scientific ideas to make atheistic philosophical inferences.
Scientific thought without the AA dogma that drive so many of us «thinking people» away from AA.
«Our god is logos,» Freud proudly exclaims in The Future of an Illusion, candidly signifying the creedal character of the central dogma enshrined by the whole community of scientific rationalists.
They view religion as engendering an anti-scientific outlook, one where the whole enterprise of scientific enquiry is undermined by dogmatism, even if the particular dogmas are contradicted by scientific fact, such as creationism.
It is based upon the same science practices that have led to the gasoline engine, modern medicine, nuclear power, computers, etc. b. Although people believe in some aspects of scientific ideas that are conjectural, the extent that those will be fully accepted will be based upon testing and observations, not faith or dogma.
But it does lie within our capacity at least to challenge the dogmas of scientific materialism that rule out any point of contact between our myths of hope and the apparently unsympathetic world of nature that is often presented to us as the necessary consequent of a scientific approach to reality.
«The best scientific research is driven by curiosity, the courage to challenge existing dogmas, and a sense of excitement and fun,» explains Greenfield.
«A fundamental difference between religious and scientific thought is that the received beliefs in religion are ultimately based on revelations or pronouncements, usually by some long - dead prophet or priest... Dogma is interpreted by a caste of priests and is accepted by the multitude on faith or under duress.»
Decades of scientific dogma asserted that engrams exist only in vast webs of connections, not in a particular place but in distributed neural networks running widely through the brain.
Even though Hayflick's discoveries went against accepted scientific dogma — «I was the first one to show that aging had its origins inside the cell,» he now says — they ultimately sparked an explosion in the study of aging.
Scientific dogma dictates that various three - letter combinations of our genetic sequence each «mean» exactly one thing — each codes for a particular amino acid, the building block of proteins.
The two studies published in Cell and headed by Salvador Aznar Benitah at IRB Barcelona reject the scientific dogma associating ageing with the loss of stem cell circadian rhythm.
I first heard of him when he was writing guest posts for the hugely popular copywriting blog, Like many of the other bloggers on this list, he takes a scientific view towards fitness and isn't married to any particular dogma.
Once I became familiar with the scientific literature from the last 100 years, I realized that some of our most beloved nutritional dogma is false.
We are committed to building an inclusive America grounded in an embrace of reason, ethics, scientific inquiry, and compassion - rather than religious dogma.
It's her passion, guidance, and on - going education that keeps dogma at the top of the game, using only humane training practices and the latest scientific knowledge.
Political parties, scientific societies, whole sectors of the publicly funded MSM, all have being corrupted and doing their utmost to destroy freedom of expression and opinion by censoring when it clashes with their leader's and the climate alarmist adherents dogma and catastrophe fixated beliefs.
To classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant is thus nothing short of scientific chicanery, for reasons that have nothing to do with science, but based purely on the pseudo-science so eagerly practised by academia across the world in order to keep their funding sources open to the governmental decrees, which are in turn based on totally false IPCC dogma (yes, dogma — not science).
A related aspect of the scientific method, which you have mentioned on another thread, is the need to admit and correct mistakes; this aspect was also squelched by the IPCC process in its all - out efforts to protect the mainstream belief or dogma.
Acknowledging that nerds — you know, the guys and gals who invented the microchip and the PC and the smartphone — actually do have a grasp of scientific fact, which leads them to take seriously the problem of historically unprecedented carbon dioxide emissions and the idiocy of rewriting school science textbooks to include dogma about creationism and intelligent design, is a disastrous dead end for conservatives.»
[86] In lieu of serious debate, it has allowed a socially constructed dogma of scientific consensus to stifle further discussion necessary to advance the science.
To watch Will and Krauthammer grasp for rationales to cast doubt on an established scientific field merely because its findings pose a challenge to their ideological priors is a depressing, and even harrowing, study in the poisonous effects of dogma upon a once - healthy brain.
Therefore, the signatories hereto repudiate the letter issued by the 375 activists as reflecting not scientific truth but quasi-religious dogma and totalitarian error; we urge the voters to disregard that regrettable and anti-scientific letter; and we invite every citizen to make up his or her own mind whom to elect to the nation's highest office without fear of the multifarious bugaboos conjured into terrifying but scientifically unjustifiable existence by the totalitarian activists who have for decades so disrespected, disgraced and disfigured climate science.
Thank you Wagathon, for reminding everyone on Climate Etc of a wise and foresighted conservative statesman, who rejected willful ignorance and ideology - first political dogma, and who possessed the courage to deal wisely with inconvenient scientific truths!
Anthropogenic global warming is a scientific hypothesis, not an article of religious or ideological dogma.
I recommend Professor H. G. Barnett's book «Innovation: the Basis of Cultural Change», where he deals the problems in innovating against a scientific dogma that is backed up by paying professional scientists to gain their vote, the prime example being eugenics in 1930s Germany.
Curry made waves in 2010 when a Scientific American article labeled her a «climate heretic» for «turning» on her colleagues by questioning the dogma of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
New York Magazine reviewed Fox's «All - Star» panel on the NCA report here and concluded with this «To watch Will and Krauthammer grasp for rationales to cast doubt on an established scientific field merely because its findings pose a challenge to their ideological priors is a depressing, and even harrowing, study in the poisonous effects of dogma upon a once - healthy brain.
My ponderings relate to how this dogma of CAGW will be exposed for what it is; scientific garbage.
Taken almost as a dogma, the AGW has been forcefully imposed by means of a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in the elementary school textbooks and is volleyed relentlessly upon us by the media and many scientific institutions (including some pseudo-scientific ones), while gullible or opportunistic politicians devise all possible means of inserting climate - motivated items into their power - seeking schemes....
When I read a paper I want to know for sure that it was accepted because of its scientific merit, not because its results adhered to dogma.
The «consensus» is a media invention, there is no scientific consensus on AGW Theory, and anyone who claims the sience is settled on AGW is in the relm of DOGMA not science.
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