Sentences with phrase «scientific estimates»

According to previous scientific estimates, these learning gains would translate to more than a 13 percent gain in lifetime earnings, or more than $ 150,000.
Caps will error because (1) they won't cover some major emitters for decades, (2) they won't cover land - use changes, (3) the best scientific estimate of climate sensitivity is uncertain by hundreds of billions of tonnes, (4) the earth's CO2 uptake by 2 ° target date is highly uncertain.
The exact speed with which these are going to contribute to sea level rise is highly uncertain, the synthesis report says, but the best scientific estimate — based on observed correlation between global average temperatures and sea level rise over the past 120 years — shows that by 2100 we will experience sea level rise of one meter or more.
One scientific estimate calculated that if fusion replaces aging coal - fired plants in the 2030s, and the number of fusion plants double every five to 10 years, 90 — 140 gigatons of CO2 - equivalent carbon emissions would be eliminated by the end of the century.
The history of scientific estimates for the age of the earth would indicate that a better method will be determined and a new answer computed.
xii - xiv), which results in giving a relatively low place to abnormal phenomena, and exalting moral and intellectual endowments, and, above all, agape, love or charity, to the highest places, is a genuinely scientific estimate of the situation as it was from the beginning.
The study, published online March 31 in Journal of Archaeological Science, produces scientific estimates of the age of horse bones found from archaeological sites belonging to a culture known as the Deer Stone - Khirigsuur Complex.
Citing international scientific estimates, the task force says the region can expect a further 2 - to 5 - inch rise in average sea level by as early as 2020.
Assume that the exact scientific estimate of the consequences of the programs are as follows:
Is this low number indicative of a serious problem for the great white shark species?Science Daily reports, «The study, published in the journal Biology Letters, is the first rigorous scientific estimate of white shark numbers in the northeast Pacific Ocean.
Most scientific estimates show that to keep those goals within reach, the global emissions trajectory needs to not only reach net - zero by the second half of this century, but continue downward into net - negative emissions.
The fundamental question at the Paris summit, according to Kolbert, «is who should be allowed to emit the tons [of carbon]» that scientific estimates suggest can still be released this century without pushing average warming above two degrees.
Official scientific estimates of climate sensitivity have remained constant for 20 years, but so have the uncertainties in sensitivity, which are large.
One notable scientific estimate — Berger and Loutre, 2002, in Science — puts the next glaciation 50,000 years in the future.
But the Bible makes up an answer, whereas the scientific estimate is based on evidence.
I refer to relativity physics and quantum theory, and to the revolutionary changes that have come into our scientific estimate of human thinking, and even into areas of experimentation, revising one's understanding of scientific method.
With 350,000 known species, and scientific estimates that millions more have yet to be identified, the beetle's abundance is as indisputable as is its variety.
Tad's paper straddles the line between a sharpened engineering estimate and a scientific estimate.
But they came up with just 131 individuals out of 321 photographs, which led them to a scientific estimate of a total of 219 individuals, and that is a lot less than they thought they'd find.
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