Sentences with phrase «scientific ethics issues»

Keynote Presentation: (Dis) Honesty Presenter: Dan Ariely, Duke University, USA Research integrity: A Romanian story Presenter: Daniel Funeriu, Department of Education and Research, Romania The consideration of scientific ethics issues and exploration in practice: Scientists» code of research conduct associated with emerging technologies Presenter: Zhihong Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

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But rather than incentivize teaching innovation that would allow science educators to discuss religion and ethics --- for example, creationism in light of evolution and vice versa, or the scientific and ethical implications of stem cells and in vitro fertilization — many teachers are afraid to even mention these issues, despite their importance, for fear of losing their jobs.
As part of the collaboration, the two groups pledge to look for ways to participate in and contribute to each other programs and expand activities to promote policy issues related to scientific «ethics, education, the perception of science and evidence - based decision - making and investment in science,» Vernon said.
Professional Ethics Report (PER), which has been in publication since 1988, reports on news, events, programs, activities, and resources related to professional ethics issues, with a particular focus on those professions whose members are engaged in scientific research and its applications.
PER began with a mission to «publishing timely information on professional ethics issues and activities which affect a wide range of professions,» although with a primary focus on those whose members «are engaged in scientific research and its applications.»
Its tasks are to reflect different standpoints in the scientific and public discussion of life science issues, to develop ideas how to involve citizens, and to give policy advice on ethics questions surrounding new developments in the life sciences.
I believe it is imperative for all those working in research to be educated in research ethics and scientific integrity because this gives them the chance to grapple with these complex and often difficult issues before they arise in real life.
Another deserving effort in promoting scientific integrity in China is to foster a healthy research environment, which includes making explicit research ethics policies, issuing a practical code of conduct, establishing a credible and authoritative national organization to supervise local units, protecting whistle - blowers, building a rigorous and fair peer review system, revising the criteria for promotion and reward to emphasize research quality rather than quantity by a researcher, and achieving zero tolerance for unethical research behaviors.
Dear Don, your post was really informative and this is very interesting and most sensitive issue in the present world.climate ethics are most important for everyone.because these are an important role in climate changes.i agree with your argument, i think scientific measures must have been taken by the government in order to successful implementation of the climate ethics.
Some of the gaps in Chapter 3 on ethical issues raised by climate change policy - making include: (1) ethics of decision - making in the face of scientific uncertainty, (2) whether action or non-action of other nations affects a nation's responsibility for climate change, (3) how to spend limited funds on climate change adaptation, (4) when politicians may rely on their own uninformed opinion about climate change science, and (5) who is responsible to for climate refugees and what are their responsibilities.
What distinguishes ethical issues from economic and scientific arguments about climate change is that ethics is about duties, obligations, and responsibilities to others while economic and scientific arguments are usually understood to be about «value - neutral» «facts» which once established have usually been deployed in arguments against action on climate change based upon self - interest.
The topic raises a whole host of issues about the scientific method, the IPCC and professional ethics.
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