Sentences with phrase «scientific evidence to the contrary»

It has been slow to change, in spite of scientific evidence to the contrary.
But Trump — who has called climate change a «hoax» despite scientific evidence to the contrary — promised during his campaign that he would withdraw from the Paris accord.
EPA did so in 2009, but deliberately ignored the abundant scientific evidence to the contrary, as I pointed out at the time.
We should adopt a more skeptical posture regarding some of the claims about the benefits of personalizing learning and shift the burden to its proponents to explain how it will improve student learning in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary.
Even Koch - funded scientist Richard Muller has abandoned Soon's solar theories in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, as Brad Friedman reminds us, in a study that Charles Koch Foundation itself helped finance (oops).
But Trump — who has called climate change a «hoax» despite scientific evidence to the contrary — promised during his campaign...
This explains Holocaust deniers, flat earthers and people who actually believe Adam and Eve really existed, despite all scientific evidence to the contrary.
But in a culture where women are not permitted to leave the home unless accompanied by a male, where education for women is seen as a waste of time and money, where a woman's only worth is to produce male children and she is held responsible if she doesn't in spite of scientific evidence to the contrary, I don't believe that this practice is likely to cause any real change.
Here are some of the most common misconceptions about our patient's behaviors that still are being propagated, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
Someone who refuses to accept any and all scientific evidence to the contrary no matter how obvious, someone who is proud of his belief, who campaigns on it, who actually holds hearings about it, condemning scientists and even threatening their careers because those scientists say the Earth is round.
Gov. Scott, who won a second term in November, has repeatedly said he is not convinced that climate change is caused by human activity, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
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