Sentences with phrase «scientific hoax»

WITHOUT a shadow of a doubt, the greatest scientific hoax ever perpetrated against mankind is that human's modern life (including your sandwich) is causing catastrophic «climate change» or «global warming» or «climate disruption» or «climate breakdown», depending on the day and the activist concerned.
The Denialist Party's propagandists are orchestrating a scientific hoax, not the climate scientists.
The Greatest Scientific Hoax is History was unmasked.
New forensic methods have brought researchers a step closer to confirming the man behind an infamous scientific hoax.
The Best (And Worst) Scientific Hoaxes Page 74, by Jonathon Keats To celebrate April Fool's Day, Discover compiles a list of 20 things you didn't know about scientific hoaxes.
11 One of the most notorious scientific hoaxes remains unsolved.
The problem with scientific hoaxes is that they have a shelf - life of about 2 seconds, unless of course they are propagandized through repetition to appeal to the slow learners out there.
By the end of this jaunty, likeable, fact - rich journey through the history of the «global warming» the viewer will be left in no doubt that climate change is one of the most egregious political and scientific hoaxes in history.

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They are discrediting bible through their wit, intellectual, articulate, scientific and logical but sly arguments to convince every people here on earth that it's a 2000 year old hoax and everything written in it which includes the prophecies in Revelations and the book of Apocalypses that had prophecized their comming.
They are discrediting bible through their wit, intellectual, articulate, scientific and logical arguments to convince every people here on earth that it's a 2000 year old hoax and everything written in it which includes the prophecies in Revelations and the book of Apocalypses that had prophecized their comming.
One example of this is the «motivated rejection of science»; if you are personally convinced that global warming is a hoax, you are likely to reject any scientific information to the contrary — regardless of its accuracy.
But while UFO claims are often hoaxes or the work of conspiracy theorists, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence — alien life just as smart and technologically advanced as humans — is a legitimate scientific field.
Similarly, «miracle cures» that boast of scientific breakthroughs or secret ingredients are likely a hoax, Humbert said.
He investigates stories of the supernatural and exposes them as hoaxes, or as events that can be explained by scientific phenomena.
Among my co-workers (admittedly a small sample size) there are a couple of people who have very strong feelings about climate change being a hoax of the liberal media and scientific community (somebody leaves Watts propaganda in the men's» room on occasion.)
... the Heartland Institute's climate - change summit was forged around a cadre of professional climatologists, atmospheric physicists, and economists who see the effects of a global - warming «hoax» as the death knell for scientific inquiry and the capitalist system of free enterprise.
Here is what I saw: I saw rightwingers on blogs who expressed zero trust in climate scientists prior to climate gate (over and over, calling AGW a «hoax» perpetrated by Eco-Nazis and corrupt academics selling their scientific integrity) saying that Climategate caused them to lose trust in climate scientists.
A series of investigations published last year by Prof Stephan Lewandowsky and his colleagues — including one with the fantastic title, Nasa Faked the Moon Landing — Therefore, (Climate) Science Is a Hoax: An Anatomy of the Motivated Rejection of Science — found that while subjects subscribing to conspiracist thought tended to reject all scientific propositions they encountered, those with strong traits of conservatism or pronounced free - market world views only tended to reject scientific findings with regulatory implications.
Keep the faith — at this point of the hoax it's all you got... that and a bunch of self - styled «lion - tamers of the government education complex who have jumped ship because they see the writing on the WALL and believe me: scientific skeptics don't want them anymore than you do.
They are all reading the (scientific) writing on the wall and drawing the same conclusions: climate change is not a hoax, it's real and it's going to cost everyone a lot of money.
so, I guess my explanations referring to the scientific status of knowledge helps a bit to understand why Holmes» claim is a hoax and to prevents public from junk - science distributed by climate deniers.
California Governor Jerry Brown: «The President has already said climate change is a hoax, which is the exact opposite of virtually all scientific and worldwide opinion.
So far, here in the United States, public debate over climate change has been little more than an endless series of arcane scientific and political talking points tossed back and forth on the Internet between those who believe AGW will destroy the planet and those who believe the whole thing is a massive hoax.
Scientific - Government Complex ~ Foundations ~ Funding from Industry ~ Myth of Well - Funded Deniers ~ A Hoax?
Yet some of the most frequently repeated claims made by those engaged in the climate change disinformation campaign have been outright untruths about such things as the claim that the entire scientific basis for human induced climate change is a hoax or that there is no evidence of human causation.
The discussion shows how scientific ideas and differences should be discussed, with no accusations of hoaxes, Al Gore or UN conspiracies!
For instance, US Senator James Imhofe of Kansas called climate change «the greatest hoax ever» (Johnson, 2011) To claim that climate change science is the greatest hoax ever is at minimum, if not a lie, reckless disregard for the truth given the number of prestigious scientific organizations that have publicly supported the consensus view, the undeniable science supporting the conclusion that if greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere some warming should be expected, the clear link between rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and increases in fossil fuel use around the world, as well undeniable increases in warming being that have been experienced at the global scale.
The global warming «hoax» necessarily presupposes that the vast majority of scientists publishing in peer - reviewed scientific journals, have somehow entered into a giant conspiracy to deceive the world.
Caruba has no scientific credentials whatsoever, but in addition to signing the Oregon Petition he has editorialized on his own website against the science of global warming, calling it the «biggest hoax of the decade,» a «genocidal» campaign by environmentalists who believe that «humanity must be destroyed to «Save the Earth.»
But by bringing in real experts who actually study this, and not a hodge podge of those who ran to it from other disciples (or outside science) because of ideological drive and who fundamentally don't know the issue and, in further flourishes of rhetoric, represent them to the world as «large lists,» and denounce the basic consensus - as Curry has erroneously bought into — implicitly or directly calling the National Academy of Sciences, a stodgy conservative organization that by it's nature (and the nature of caution in scientific assertion) understates, part of the large plot or hoax..
This bizarre case of group denial does have one plausible explanation: scientific findings (i.e., anthropogenic climate change is real, and has dangerous impacts that are happening now and will worsen over time) are antithetical to a shared ideology (i.e. «climate change is a hoax»).
Senator James Inhofe, R - Ok, who has consistently claimed that the mainstream scientific view on climate is a «hoax,» said the Obama plan will cost the US economy $ 400 billion a year while ranting about other aspects of the Obama climate plan.
1) «The idea of human induced global climate change is one of the greatest hoaxes perpetrated out of the scientific community.
They have invested millions of dollars in well - honed disinformation campaigns to convince the public and policy makers that human - caused climate change is either a hoax, or not nearly the threat that the scientific community has established it to be.
But I fear that rigidly promulgating the idea that climate science is «settled» (or is a «hoax») demeans and chills the scientific enterprise, retarding its progress in these important matters.
«It is bad enough that some people in Washington deny the overwhelming scientific evidence and claim that global warming is a hoax and a Hollywood conspiracy.
Cold snaps are routinely used by those who do not accept the mainstream scientific consensus on climate change to support their baseless contention that global warming is a hoax.
Despite this scientific consensus on climate change, allegations have been made that scientists and institutions involved in global warming research are part of a global scientific conspiracy or engaged in a manipulative hoax.
Sackur: «I was about to say I'm assuming that you don't think that climate change, given all the overwhelming scientific consensus, you don't think climate change — man - made climate change, the warming of our planet — you don't think it's a hoax, do you?
[DC: I agree that the lies about supposed scientific «conspiracy» and «hoax» have had some effect.
«The entire scientific community has concluded that climate change is real and causing major problems, and Trump believes that it's a hoax created by the Chinese.
Failure curves for (a) NASA moon - landing hoax — results for both constant population and Gompertzian function are so close as to be non-resolvable visually (b) Climate change hoax — The blue solid line depicts failure probability with time if all scientific bodies endorsing the scientific consensus are involved, the red - dotted line presents the curve if solely active climate researchers were involved (c) Vaccination conspiracy — blue solid line showing failure probability with time for a combination of public health bodies and major drug manufacturers and the red - dotted line depicting case if only public health bodies were conspiring (d) Failure with time for a suppressed cancer cure conspiracy.
The dismissal of scientific findings as a hoax also has a political element; a 2011 study found conservative white males in the US were far more likely than other Americans to deny climate change [6].
What do Russell Seitz and the FBI authors of the white paper have to say about the «hoax» of nuclear winter and the «notorious lack of scientific integrity» of our climate scientists now?
Someone said recently in a discussion here, that the Piltdown Man hoax set back scientific understanding for yonks, it was a long time before the confusion that it created was sorted and real science allowed to move on again.
Given all this it seems to me that anyone touting this as proof that «global warming is a hoax» completley misunderstands the process of scientific endeavor or has completely exhausted any real argument that rightfully brings into to doubt the reality of climate change.
They are scientists that see themselves as keepers of the truth about global warming: that it is a theory only, not a scientific fact, some even call it a hoax.
I like the paragraph beginning «the scientific elite... the greatest hoax in the history of civilization.»
A new major scientific report on climate change released this week by the U.S. government starkly contradicts the view of President Trump, who stated previously that climate change is a hoax.
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