Sentences with phrase «scientific insights»

The gift will be distributed to the researchers in annual increments through 2021 to account for the long - term process of translating scientific insights into clinical trials and applications.
We know that another step of scientific insight has been gained.
Although it does not recommend or justify any particular stabilization target, it does provide important scientific insights about the relationships among emissions, greenhouse gas concentrations, temperatures, and impacts.
Many of these projects bring scientists together in new collaborations to study different facets of the disease and incorporate the latest technologies and most recent scientific insights into their explorations.
He says today's eruption forecasting relies on combining monitoring data with information from global volcanic databases, local knowledge of a volcano's past behavior and scientific insight based on experience.
In addition, creating a holistic view of that data is vital so that multiple stakeholders and domain experts are able to collaboratively explore the data and generate scientific insights.
Its integrated computational and experimental capabilities enable researchers to realize fundamental scientific insights and create new technologies.
But this study isn't the only scientific insight available on how to take the best possible vacation.
And don't expect that you'll be sitting in the back row every week: Sometimes you'll be demonstrating your own scientific insight and developing your science communication skills.
If the logic dictated by scientific insights, as outlined regularly here, were to be followed, then one might expect very substantial spending on research and development of alternative energy technologies.
Your data holds the key to life changing scientific insights.
This event has been successful with an increasing number of attendees for expanding network and sharing new scientific insights between not only physicians and scientists but also people without science background.
Far from ideal but if people demand scientific insight, well, scientists will try to supply it, in any form they can.
However, new scientific insights, tools, and partnerships are providing hope that it's not too late to transition to more - sustainable practices and policies.
Reading comprehension requires knowledge — of words and the world: Scientific insights into the fourth - grade slump and the nation's stagnant comprehension scores.
By concentrating on laboratory equipment which normally goes unnoticed in a scientific environment, the artist traces the interaction between the material culture of the laboratory and the production of scientific insights.
Its integrated computational and experimental resources enable researchers to realize important scientific insights and create new technologies.
In Adrenal Fatigue, Dr. James Wilson combines a researcher's grasp of the latest scientific insights into the causes of adrenal dysfunction with an experienced clinician's practical understanding of its real life impact on patients.
Lanza's single - minded quest to usher in this new age has paid dividends in scientific insights and groundbreaking discoveries.
Nweeia, a professor at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, has obtained many more scientific insights from the Inuit elders and hunters who have lived close to the narwhal for thousands of years.
Generating scientific insights from such disparate «big» data sources across multiple domains is a challenge for both researchers and the informaticians that support them.
Doing so would require suspending some of our ideological predispositions and focusing on building bridges between those capable of providing scientific insight into how children learn and the educators responsible for imparting that learning.
Theologians quite properly use scientific insights to shape their convictions about nature, and scientists — at least those working at the level of basic theory — are inevitably drawn to theological considerations.
Having gained a deep scientific insight into the paramount importance of well - designed curriculum, Bruner moved beyond theory and proposed his own style of teaching, known as the spiral curriculum.
«He brings an unusual combination of extraordinary scientific insight and tremendous administrative skills,» says physicist David Bishop, who was hired by Brinkman in 1978 right out of graduate school and is now the chief operating officer for LGS Innovations, a surviving piece of Bell Labs that carries out government work.
Compounding the issue is the rotational director model, which although it brings fresh scientific insight and perspective to the agency, creates gaps in management oversight.
«Teaching computers to guide science: Machine learning method sees forests and trees: «Iterative Random Forests» will deliver powerful scientific insights, researchers say.»
Our research training will yield new scientific insights on fundamental properties of protein structure and dynamics: one of the most challenging problems in structural biology; and technological advancements in diverse fields from pharmacology to nanotechnology.
This is a collaboration of international councils representing the natural, social, and human sciences who have as their goal to build bridges between global thinking and local action, and to translate scientific insight into more sustainable lifestyles.
Today, Luo works with a worldwide slate of experts with backgrounds as diverse as materials science, industrial engineering, and even perception science to «transfer knowledge into actionable ideas and to apply scientific insight into the products,» he says.
His first major scientific insight had its roots in a sculpture class he took while a junior at Yale University.
The ability to integrate, standardize, and turn the various sets of «big data» into «smart data» is key to producing scientific insights.
«In the fourth year of PPMI, it is evident that a large - scale biomarker study is not only possible in Parkinson's disease, but is already yielding scientific insights that could help transform the field of Parkinson's research,» said Todd Sherer, PhD, CEO of The Michael J. Fox Foundation.
As scientific insight can not be harnessed to the engine of experimental testing, each occurrence may as well be a gift from an unknowable source.
«Investigation by the University of Leicester, working with the Looking for Richard Project, has provided further scientific insights.
Humanists should acknowledge their membership in the contemporary world, seek to understand it in its own terms (which means making a serious effort to gain authentic scientific insight), assimilate its ideas into their world of composing, building, and analyzing, and assume responsibility for guiding the course of its further development.
We are showing how genuine scientific insight relates most coherently to Christian revelation.
Thank you for the interesting piece on Canon Lemaitre's scientific insights concerning the universe and its evolution (May / June 2010).
Thus scientific insight into this unity calls for a practical realization in friendly exchange and in common ethical and social endeavor which the British call «fellowship» and «co-operation.»
Albert Einstein was an anomaly; neither his parents nor any of his progeny showed his inspired scientific insight.

Phrases with «scientific insights»

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