Sentences with phrase «scientific orthodoxy»

Each had come to question one of the most universally accepted scientific orthodoxies of our age: the Darwinian belief that life on earth evolved simply through the changes brought about by an infinite series of minute variations.
Plenty of elements of his past arguments questioning scientific orthodoxy deserve a thorough airing.
Karl Giberson of the BioLogos Foundation asks, Why should we trust scientific orthodoxy?
«The amyloid hypothesis became such a strong scientific orthodoxy that it began to be accepted on the basis of faith rather than evidence,» says Zaven Khachaturian, president of the non-profit campaign Prevent Alzheimer's Disease 2020, and former coordinator of Alzheimer's - related activities at the US National Institutes of Health.
This tendency to unthinkingly defend any particular scientific orthodoxy not only fuels the belief that scientists are «no better» than their religious fundamentalist...
Perhaps this will be the moment that this fact becomes the new scientific orthodoxy.
This is driven less from the data generated by these experts — they aren't as expert as is claimed, and the consensus is not unassailable — and more to do with the desire to drive politics by creating scientific orthodoxy.
«Forbidden reactions» told of five chemical reactions that scientific orthodoxy of the day said couldn't happen (21 January, p 30).
At the same time, however, sociology tended to be blind and inattentive to a scientific orthodoxy that posited a new social given; this time, objective, rational, neutral, and technological — all the things we have come to label as positivistic.
Truth is assuredly not single, as the common simplistic formula would have it; and it is precisely that formula which, in recent years, has created the intellectual mischief of scientific orthodoxy (surely a self - contradiction) and of historical revisionism, and the cultural mischief of «official» art, music and literature (no less a contradiction) in the Soviet society.
The empirical evidence that Jonathan Pruitt and Charles Goodnight have gathered and analyzed about Anelosimus spiders points to a mechanism that complements, but extends beyond, the scientific orthodoxy of «kin selection.»
Clayton says the Nobel Committee's decision probably had more to do with Hoyle's rejection of scientific orthodoxy than any missing equation.
It raised a host of questions about the scientific orthodoxy at the time, as reflected in the 1995 report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The contribution of a very eminent climate scientist was edited to make him seem like an inconsistent crank, while maverick outsiders were presented as the voices of scientific orthodoxy.
As the scientific orthodoxy, Peak Oil would remain the «consensus» until recent times.
Scientific orthodoxy is full of bullshit doublethink, well illustrated in the Horizon «documentary» where Sir Paul emulates the hypocrisy of Dr Zaius in the 1968 Planet of the Apes.
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