Sentences with phrase «scientific quality of the paper»

Ten SciLifeLab papers from 2015 competed for the prize, based on both the scientific quality of the paper and the presentation held by one of the authors.

Not exact matches

Researchers who conduct animal studies often don't use simple safeguards against biases that have become standard in human clinical trials — or at least they don't report doing so in their scientific papers, making it impossible for readers to ascertain the quality of the work, an analysis of more than 2500 journal articles shows.
Remember, too, that neither tenure nor scientific success is based wholly on the quality of your laboratory work or how many papers and grants you have.
He continues «Our paper highlights the fact that science is no exception, and that discussions about research papers in social media such as Twitter and Facebook offer a new dimension of scientific quality, by reflecting how important and societally relevant new research findings might be.
And if CRISPR is «the century's biggest biotech innovation,» as a blogger for The Washington Post recently noted, what does it say about the quality of scientific journals that in at least 10 instances «seminal papers,» according to Lander's Cell article, were rejected by journals like Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and even Cell itself?
PLOS ONE rejected the paper 2 weeks later on the basis of its scientific quality.
Editor - in - Chief Jeff Williamson presented a talk on Vision for the Journal Medical Physics and Status of Current Initiatives, Therapy Physics Editor Shiva Das presented a talk on Improving Manuscript Quality via Structured Reviews, Enhanced Scientific Category Taxonomy, and Outreach, and Imaging Physics Editor Mitch Goodsitt presented a talk on Writing Good Scientific papers and Responding to Critiques.
Link to the scientific article» Conference Paper: Ketogenic diet and prolonged fasting improve health - related quality of life and lipid profiles in multiple sclerosis - A randomized controlled trial» Source: Communication on the congress contribution ECTRIMS 2015
As with many fields, it can often be the quality of the scientific term paper — rather than the relevance of the research — which determines how much attention your work generates.
We guarantee you will get a scientific paper of a high quality and on time!
Made on grid paper, the working drawings possess the qualities of an architectural drawing with schematics outlining compositions and dimensions, or a scientific journal with detailed notes on decisions made regarding color.
It is essential that the papers be published in scientific quality journals in order to ensure the credibility of the results.
Nor can it be credibly asserted that the Center was until recently unaware of the manner in which Dr Soon had declared his affiliation in his scientific papers over the past quarter of a century: for a member of senior management (a botanist) has seen fit to pass judgment on the quality of Dr Soon's research (in astrophysics), from which it may legitimately be inferred that he had read — or at any rate ought to have read — at least one of Dr Soon's 60 published papers in order to come to a view on the quality of his research.
EPA's draft report contains quantitative scientific data (including over 950 sources of information, published papers, numerous technical reports, information from stakeholders and peer - reviewed EPA scientific reports) that support existing language saying that there is no widespread, systemic impact on the quality of drinking water.
Judging by some of the very poor scientific papers I have read, there needs to be a refocus on quality not quantity.
Publishers of scientific journals no longer accept papers that challenge the claims made by the IPCC, no matter the paper's quality
Produce scientific papers that support your belief that food quality is getting worse because of our CO2 emissions.
It is quality control, a system for checking that the design, execution and data analysis meet the minimum standard expected of a scientific paper.
«The first is that neither the quality bar that broadsheet newspapers regularly apply to scientific evidence, nor the simple concept of balance, appear to exist in all of your paper's reporting on climate change (although we note, for example, that your coverage at the close of the Paris climate summit was both balanced and comprehensive).
As a member of an official government scientific organization, Sabine is threatening someone outside of his organization to not look at the quality of his and his coauthor's scientific work (paper).
This involves having their work (scientific papers) scrutinised for quality, reliability and repeatability by a set of independent (usually confidential) experts — this is known as blind peer review.
Scientists gain respect by the number and quality of papers they publish in the peer reviewed scientific literature.
See also National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture: Working Paper No. 5.
National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture: Working Paper No. 5, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, 2007,
Accepting high quality clinical and scientific papers relating to all aspects of Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
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