Sentences with phrase «scientific research methods»

He has the curiosity of children and possesses the qualities of a top - notch scientists and their scientific research methods.
Establishment of an independent repository where scientists can come together without fear of reprisal to work collaboratively on relevant independent research grounded in rigorous scientific research methods.
To enable researchers at an early stage of their scientific career to carry out a clearly defined research project at a place of their choice abroad or to acquaint themselves with new scientific research methods

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Contrary to other fat loss methods, the Leangains method is not based on hypothetical or personal opinions, but it is based in scientific research.
In our research, we incorporated an ensemble of computational methods from machine learning, image processing, and other data - scientific disciplines to extract useful psychological indicators from photographic data.
Our new nonprofit partner Autism Speaks is embracing bitcoin as a funding method for its work in autism awareness, advocacy, and scientific research.
It was conceived in a broad, encyclopedic attempt to review the life and growth of society; it was determined by the interest in an application of «scientific» methods («laws») to sociohistorical phenomena including religious ideas and institutions (theory of stages of development), and finally by the endeavor to include the material gathered in anthropological and ethnological research.
And Schubert Ogden adds, by way of amplifying Bultmann's statements, «However much the results of scientific research change, the fundamental method of science and the picture of the world correlative with it remains constant.
In other words, revealed doctrine is not a source of the content of scientific statements nor a positive principle of scientific method and research.
Evolution is accepted via many scientists - people who have devoted years to researching the subject and who have followed the scientific method to determine the facts.
The institutes that serve in this way would not be places for teaching most students, although those wanting to become scientific researchers could learn research methods as apprentices.
It celebrates not only American society's «spirit of science» but also its «democratic spirit,» confident that the combination of scientific research and democratic methods could overcome any problems — in this case the possibility that «mainline» Protestantism might lose its cultural hegemony in American society.
Centuries of research, tens of thousands of fossils unearthed, dated with the most reliable scientific methods (radioactive istopes such as Carbon - 14, potassium - argon, uranium - lead, etc), ample amounts of geological data, comparing rock formations from Africa and South America, from the British Isles and the Appalachians, coming to the evidence that these rocks were once united under the same continent (Pangaea, Gondwanaland, Rodinia, etc), etc, etc...
It could not be argued or found incorrect no matter how much research or scientific method was used.
Our scientific expertise focuses on 3 major areas: the development of specific, often patented, industrial processes that account for the properties of each raw material; analytical research relying on specialized equipment and methods to standardize the various functionalities of our products; and finally, our formulation knowledge to adapt our ingredients to meet specific application requirements.
Kebari barley was perfected over 13 years by scientists at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia by using conventional plant breeding methods.
«CCARE investigates methods for cultivating compassion and promoting altruism within individuals and society through rigorous research, scientific collaborations, and academic conferences.»
The one «scientific article» you managed to dig up is a perfect example of horribly biased «research» and poor use of the scientific method.
Based on scientific research, the method uses three measures of a woman's fertility: 1) the return of her menstrual period, 2) her patterns of breastfeeding, and 3) the time postpartum.
She got busy and thoroughly researched literature and scientific reports until she became an expert in sleep methods, scheduling routines, baby developmental needs, and more.
With factual information based on scientific research and personal experience, the author explains the difference between «ecological» and «cultural» breastfeeding and how each method affects fertility.
This exhibition highlighted cutting - edge scientific methods, new technologies, and current research projects that are underway to reveal this cultural tragedy.
As associate professor and first - author Johan Bollen writes in an e-mail to Science Careers, they wanted their new system to «enable scientists to set their own priorities, fund scientists... not projects, avoid proposal writing and reviewing, avoid administrative burdens, encourage all scientists to participate collectively in the definition of scientific priorities, encourage innovation, reward scientists that make significant contributions to data, software, methods, and systems, avoid funding death spirals (no funding - > no research - > no funding) but still reward high levels of productivity, create the proper incentives for scholarly communication (publishing to communicate, not to improve bibliometrics), enable funding of daring and risky research, and so on.»
Most people learn «by doing,» says Dario Sambunjak, a senior editor at the Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) and research fellow in education and scientific method at Zagreb University School of Medicine in Croatia.
Repurposing ultrasound, a common tissue - imaging method, to map microbes creates «a tool that nobody thought was even conceivable,» says Olivier Couture, a medical biophysicist at the French National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, who wasn't involved in the work.
Marchers worry that the president's rhetoric and nominee choices threaten research, the scientific method and reproductive rights
In the meantime, the TU Wien research team has already set its sights on its next scientific goal: «We want to develop the method further so it can burn not just natural gas, but biomass too,» says Penthor.
If people without a scientific background learn how the scientific method works, they can better understand research on issues such as vaccine safety and global warming.
Our goal is to provide a much - needed imprimatur of robustness that will ultimately increase the efficiency of research and development and bring us one step closer to perfecting the scientific method, for the benefit of all.
According to the report, the ITER project would also have long - lasting economic benefits: «Iter has the potential to produce benefits across a wide spectrum of activity: new products, product improvement, know - how and methods, research training, linkages and networks, software, intellectual property, spin - off companies, and of course, scientific knowledge.»
China's ongoing cooperation and interaction with the international community allows us to exchange scientific views with others, enrich our scientific theories, improve our management methods, accelerate our S&T innovation and research and development capability, instill a global vision in many talented people, and help make our due contributions to the world's scientific development.
The research paper «Mapping internal connectivity through human migration in malaria endemic countries» published in Scientific Data details the methods they employed, and presents the freely available data.
Andrea Korte / AAAS The application of scientific methods, research, and evidence to the...
«The utilization of new techniques, methods, but also renewed critical perspectives, again, shows the research potential and scientific value of our museum collections.»
«Unless the disclosed e-mails are proved to be forgeries or adaptations, worrying implications arise for the integrity of scientific research in this field and for the credibility of the scientific method as practised in this context,» the Institute said.
Stepping back and correcting false assumptions is part and parcel of the scientific method, concludes Professor Schuit: «We have to continue verifying our methods with a critical eye, even if it means that research advances at a slower pace.
The framework of using a scientific method to challenge what might be ideological beliefs must remain an important driver of future research on marijuana policy.»
«Experimentation is an inherent part of the scientific method and you can't do research without doing experimentation,» said Douglas Maughan, Director of the Cyber Security Division at the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate.
From hosting a webinar series on the use of specific scientific methods to support human rights research, to the development of teaching materials to integrate human rights into STEM curricula, from assessing the extent to which marginalized populations are represented in STEM fields, to cultivating a human rights interest group within a member organization, there are many ways in which Coalition members can further the mission of the Coalition within their communities, organizations and in collaboration with others.
Kowalski thinks the social stigma against the research created as part of the initial fallout developed into a bigger problem, one that is unbecoming to the scientific method.
On 3 March, a so - called European Citizens» Initiative (ECI) signed by 1.17 million signatories formally urged the commission to scrap a 2010 directive regulating the use of animals in scientific research and to propose new rules phasing out animal research in favor of «more accurate, reliable, human - relevant methods
Lab, Bethany Brookshire takes students through real scientific research projects, showing them how to apply the scientific method to develop their own experiments.
Now, using an established scientific method, University of Missouri researchers are able to watch how human fat cells transform into bone tissue cells; in the process the research team has uncovered information about osteoporosis in older women.
With a background in scientific research and a Ph.D. in physiology and pharmacology, Bethany takes normal classroom demonstrations and turns them into full experiments, with hypotheses, methods, results and analysis.
Presidents of the Japan Association of National Universities, Japan Association of Public Universities, Federation of Japanese Private Colleges and Universities Associations, and the Science Council of Japan released a statement on December 11, 2014 on the need to improve research methods and scientific integrity [1].
The University also conducted a scientific review to determine whether the journal manuscript accurately reported the study research methods, measurements and findings.
The expectation is now that this recently developed protein analysis method, published in the scientific journal Nature Methods, will open up a whole new field of research.
Emerging research methods fuel scientific progress and accelerate the pace of discoveries.
For reminder, the Directive allows the use of animals in research where the potential medial, veterinary and scientific benefits are compelling and there is no other viable alternative method.
This Ideas Challenge recognizes the need for an interdisciplinary approach to microbiome research and invites the scientific community — including microbiologists, ecologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, material scientists, nanoscientists, computational scientists and others — to submit their ideas for novel experimental tools and methods aimed at understanding microbial interactions and function from new perspectives.
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