Sentences with phrase «scientific system»

Investors double down on scientific systems that can place thousands of people into what appear to be the correct buckets.
Acknowledging God's providential hand in all things, the late Pope commented that the entire Galileo affair has helped the Church come «to a more mature attitude and a more accurate grasp of the authority proper to her,» enabling her better to distinguish between «essentials of the faith» and the «scientific systems of a given age.»
Homeopathy is an effective and scientific system in which specially prepared dilutions of substances are carefully matched with the patient to stimulate the body's innate healing forces.
As a consequence, the Spanish scientific system suffers continual loss of its members by emigration.
It will also consider the links between conventional and indigenous scientific systems while addressing some of the important questions this raises both in terms of research and capacity development, including:
2 For an excellent survey of the history and basic concepts of systems thought, see Joël de Rosnay, The Macroscope: A New World Scientific System (New York: Harper and Row, 1979) or Bertalanffy, «General System Theory — A Critical Review,» in Systems Behaviour, edited by John Beishon and Geoff Peters (New York: Harper and Row, 1972).
For one, the majority of new member states have overhauled their often sclerotic, centrally directed scientific systems.
Things are improving for science, though, Palatnik says; the government is investing «new batches of money in the Argentinean scientific system
If Duesberg is correct, we have a gravely flawed scientific system where incorrect hypotheses can be verified and become big business.
One outcome of the recent public cash injection into the German scientific system has been a rise in the number of junior professorships on offer.
I am very fortunate in that I was able to use the entire Juice Beauty Collection so I got the full effect of using «an organic scientific system» whose products are designed to work together.
In terms of matching, Jewcier's one - of - a-kind scientific system evaluates hundreds of profile attributes and millions of keywords to set you up with someone who has the exact characteristics you're looking for.
Employing a methodology similar to the field note — the notes detailing events leading up to the biological specimens» collection and inform its final classification — these three artists question perception's role in knowledge production; they examine the gap between rational scientific systems and human idiosyncrasies.
Af Klint's work can be understood in the wider context of the Modernist search for new forms in artistic, spiritual, political and scientific systems at the beginning of the 20th century.
With only one exception they do not have science / tech backgrounds and, as much as I hate to cast aspersions, law education is definitely not oriented toward scientific systems thinking.
To promote the recognition of Indigenous knowledge, she cited the work in the 1990s of non-Indigenous scholar Michael Christie, who wrote that the Aboriginal scientific system, in its own sphere, «is impressively ecological, in a way in which ours is not».
the minimal time required for a researcher to produce scientific results and to get his or her group consolidated in the Spanish scientific system.?
He continued to work with numerical and scientific systems while represented by the Pace Gallery in the 1970s, and he died in New Jersey in 1981.
He explains his scientific system in the understated but strong TED talk below.
It's just the scientific system he used to do so that seems to be in disagreement.
I wouldn't trust the scientific systems either.
In order for a scientific system to reach «theory» stage, we have a solid structure of facts that when tested, reproducibly produce predictable outcomes.
Early - modern liberalism held the view that human nature was unchangeable — human beings were, by nature, self - interested creatures whose base impulses could be harnessed but not fundamentally altered — but could, if usefully channeled, promote an economic and scientific system that increased human freedom through the active and expanding capacity of human beings to exert their mastery over natural phenomena.
Some scientists are taking it upon themselves to go beyond their core research areas to study where the scientific system can go wrong
Last year, he was appointed to head a commission called «Commission of the Future,» which is charged with finding ways to reform Brazil's scientific system.
Obviously, this stay abroad is an important period to me, because I get to know the scientific system here, including its advantages and disadvantages.
With Carb Back - Loading, you finally have a scientific system that comes completely assembled.
But it's because it makes sense, and it's actually part of a scientific system, which is Ayurveda.
The remaining 28 % found it difficult to identify appropriate entities and variables for the scientific systems they selected to deal with, indicating that model building for these students was a rather complex cognitive task.
She has adopted a scientific system of labelling and nomenclature.
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