Sentences with phrase «scientist by profession»

Although he is not a climate scientist by profession, very few climate scientists have taken a broad systems view of the problem of global warming.
I am a scientist by profession with a master in microbiology and food safety, and I worked with research for more than 10 years.
Though Ruefenacht, 52, remains a forensic scientist by profession, his life outside work revolves around dogs, including his own hypoglycemia alert dog, Danielle, who took over after Armstrong died last year.
I am a physical scientist by profession, and identify myself as atheist.

Not exact matches

Given this constraint, it is necessary to make politics more scientific by having more scientists involved in the political process» that is, our profession should be more involved in what dominates its funding.
Most scientists feel that they have a responsibility to society that goes beyond their duties to their profession, but they don't always agree on which types of responsibilities are most important, a new pilot study by AAAS suggests.
In contrast, Dutch people seem perplexed by the concept of scientists and view science as an unappealing and unprestigious profession.
But OECD predicts a teacher shortage in the coming years and, in the meantime, scientists who have already entered the profession are getting by.
A breezy account of the evolution of science over the past few centuries is followed by an account of «how to be a scientist», which begins with how to go about entering the profession and winds up with making significant discoveries and winning prizes.
Early career scientists will be better prepared in their profession by developing their intuition about telescope and instrument operations, data collection, real - time problem solving, and the observational astronomy experience.
A multinational study of data from 130,000 people shows that inherited risk factors for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder also predict participation in the arts and creative professions REYKJAVIK, Iceland, 8 June 2015 — A study led by scientists at deCODE genetics...
I think scientists under - realize how much they themselves, and their profession, have been discredited by skillful deniers.
The few of these who claim to be «Climate Scientists», or whatever, ARE in danger today because of a few wild eyed fanatics in their ranks; and all «professionals», of every stripe, can also be contaminated by what is happening now in this new profession.
As to the «scientific consensus», Mann and his hockey stick have been called «scanty», «sloppy», «sh*tty», «rubbish», «a disgrace to the profession», «dubious», «invalidated» and «just bad science» by his fellow scientists, including the climatologist who came up with the term «global warming» back in the Seventies.
I'm no scientist (engineer by profession) but his «offset» doesn't pass the smell test.
Distingiushed scientists such as Broecker call his work by an expletive, and Henk Tennekes says he is a disgrace to the profession.
It's just that science and scientists, climate scientists in particular, still haven't caught tup with the fact that a lot of science is now being seen by the public as equally grubby in it's attempts to enhance it's own status as the lawyers and legal fraternity or the big pharma of the medical world or the shenanigans of the financial and accountancy world and all the other grubbiness inherent in any profession that seeks to elevate itself and it's practitioners to a high public, power wielding status by fair means or foul
«When I joined the American Physical Society sixty - seven years ago it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money flood... the choice of physics as a profession was then a guarantor of a life of poverty and abstinence... How different it is now... the money flood has become the raison d'etre of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs... It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave.
Why don't you continue to represent those fine coal industry geologists by pointing out a few that «know much, much more about the mechanisms of the atmosphere and its variations over time...» than the climatologists and atmospheric scientists that make it their profession to know how atmospheres vary over time.
Climate scientists who play fast and loose with the facts are imperiling not just their profession but the planet By Fred Guterl One of the most impressive visuals in Al Gore's now famous slide show on global warming is a graph known as the «hockey stick.»
(kindergarten) the very idea of government's thinking that by funding a scientist to solve a problem, when the very moment it is solved the funding ends with it & it's indemic with all professions: - why should the police lock up the criminals why should the doctors cure you, the way the system works at the present they & their families would die of malnutrition, so one doesn't have to look much further than government funding to find corruption.
This is a person who can not by any stretch of the imagination be described as a climate scientist, and one who I'm sure many climate scientists would not wish to think of as a champion of their profession.
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